M: RELIGION Flashcards
Who was arrested in September 1553?
Archbishop Cranmer.
Who else (besides Cranmer) was arrested in September 1553?
Hugh Latimer, John Hooper, Nicholas Ridley and John Rogers among others.
What did Parliament refuse to repeal in late 1553?
The Act of Supremacy.
What act was passed in the Autumn of 1553?
An Act of Repeal which undid all of the Edwardian Reformation.
What did Mary give up in December 1553?
The title of Supreme Head of the Church.
What did many protestants do in early 1554? How many?
Mass exodus of Protestants to Germany and Switzerland.
Estimated at around 800.
What did the Royal Injunctions of March 1554 do?
Ordered bishops to suppress heresy, removed married clergy and restored holy days, processions and ceremonies.
What happened with the heresy laws? When were they eventually passed?
Parliament initially rejected their reintroduction, but agreed in April 1554 when they were promised monastic lands would not be restored to Church ownership.
What did Parliament pass in November 1554?
Second Act of Repeal, which undid all anti-papal legislation since 1529 and the Henrician Reformation.
When was the first protestant burnt? What was his name?
February 1555.
John Rogers, a biblical translator.
Who was burnt for heresy in Oxford in October 1555?
Bishops Ridley and Latimer.
Who died 12th November 1555?
Stephen Gardiner.
Who was named Archbishop of Canterbury in December 1555?
Cardinal Pole.
When was Cranmer burned?
21st March 1556.
How many Protestants were burnt overall in Mary’s reign?
When did Mary and Pole die?
17th November 1558.
What did Cardinal Pole’s return to England mark?
The next decisive stage in the restoration of Roman Catholicism.
What did Parliament pass the same month that Pole returned to England?
The Second Act of Repeal.
What careful provision was made in the Second Act of Repeal?
To protect the property rights of all those who had bought Church land since 1536.
What did the protection of privately-owned church land demonstrate?
She had to forgo her plans for a full-scale restoration of the monasteries.
What happened after the death of Gardiner? When did he die?
November 1555.
Had removed a trusted and restraining influence, and thereafter the regime became more repressive.
When was Pole made Archbishop of Canterbury?
In December 1555.
How many religious persecutions were carried out in the last three years of Mary’s reign?
Who died in 1555?
Pope Julius III.
Who was the new pope? Who did he dislike?
Paul IV.
Disliked Pole and hated the Spanish Habsburgs.
What did Pope Paul IV do to Pole?
Stripped Pole of his title of Legate and ordered him to return to Rome.
How many sees were vacant by 1558? What was the reason for this?
Pole could not appoint Bishops.
When were the twelve decrees passed?
What did the twelve decrees do?
Established seminaries in very diocese.