M 10.1 Regulatory Framework Flashcards
Regulatory Framework
- Role of…
- Regulation..
- Relationship between..
Role of
- EC
- Member States and NAAs
- (EC) No. 216/2008 Basic Regulation PEG: notch/nosesafe
- (EC) No. 2018/1139 Basic Regulation PEG: nosedove.teatomb
- (EC) No. 748/2012 Initial Airworthiness and Enviromental Certification PEG: grave/nosedino
- (EC) No. 1321/2014 Continuing AirworthinessPEG: teamint/nosedoor
- (EC) No. 376/2014 Reporting, Analysis and Follow Up of Occurrences in Civil Aviation PEG: yamaguchi/nosedoor
- (EC) No. 965/2012 Air Operations PEG: bejewel/nosedino
Relationship between
- Part-M
- Part-145
- Part-66
- Part-147
- Part- T
- Part-ML
- Part-CAMO
- Part-CAO
Louis Bleroit’s cross-channel flight of ____ was the first international flight by a _______-____-___machine.
a) 1909 <em><strong>PEG:</strong> teabusboy</em>
b) heavier-than-air
The first international air navigation conference convened in ____ in _____.
a) 1910 in Paris <em><strong>PEG</strong>: teepeedice</em>
(aka conference on International Air Law Code)
Convention on International Civil Aviation is also known as _______ _________.
a) Chicago Convention
11.09.44 - USA invited __Govt. + _ Ministers (_______+ _______)
11.09.44 - USA invited 53 Govt. + 2 Ministers (Denmark+ Thailand)
01.11.44 - Chicago Convention convenes with __ States including USA:
01.11.44 - Chicago Convention convenes with 52 States including USA:
- To make arrangements for the immediate establishment of provisional world air routes and services
- To set up an interim council to collect, record and study data concerning international aviation
- To make recommendations for improvement
- To discuss the principal and methods to be followed in its adoption of a new aviation convention
01.11.44 - Chicago Convention
- Out of 53 Invited States,
- 2 States that did not accept:
- Due to objections against the presence of other States.
- 2 Observer States present, without voting privilege:
- *
- 2 States that did not accept:
01.11.44 - Chicago Convention
- Out of 53 Invited States,
- 2 States that did not accept:
- Saudi Arabia
- Due to objections against the presence of other States.
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Portugal
- 2 Observer States present, without voting privilege:
- Thailand
- Denmark
- 2 States that did not accept:
01.11.44 - Chicago Convention
- 4 full proposals for international aviation convention and organization were tabled:
01.11.44 - Chicago Convention
- 4 full proposals for international aviation convention and organization were tabled:
- United States
- United Kingdom
- Canada
- Joint Plan = Australia and New Zealand
The Chicago Convention was signed on __/__/____ by __ ______.
a) 07 December 1944 PEG<strong>:</strong> sock.dino.teaberry
b) 52 States PEG: lion
Convention of International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention)
- To provide a complete modernization of the basic public international law of air:
Convention of International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention)
- To provide a complete modernization of the basic public international law of air:
- To create and preserve friendship and understanding among the nations and people of the world
- To avoid fiction
- To promote cooperation between nations and people upon which the peace of the world depends
- International civil aviation may be developed in a safe and orderly manner
- International air transport services may be established on the basis of equality of opportunity and operated soundly and economically
Convention of International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention)
- It came into effect on 04.04.47 after _ _th State ratified the Chicago Convention
Convention of International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention)
- It came into effect on 04.04.47 after 26th State ratified the Chicago Convention
Interim Agreement on International Civil Aviation:
- Purpose :
- Accepted by the 26th state on __.__.__
Interim Agreement on International Civil Aviation:
- Purpose : a bridging mechanism to permit an early beginning of the global effort while waiting for the ratification of the convention by the 26th state.
- Accepted by the 26th state on 06.06.45
Pending the ratification of the convention by __ ______, the PICAO was established.
26 States
What is PICAO?
Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization
PICAO functioned from __/__/____ until __/__/____.
a) 06 June 1945 PEG: shoe.shoe.tepeerail or PEG: sushi.sushi.teapearl
b) 04 April 1947 PEG: arrow.arrow.tepeerock or PEG: sours.sour.teapork
The 26th ratification was received by __/__/____.
05 March 1947 PEG: law.ham.teepeerock or PEG: sail.sumo.teapork
ICAO came into being on __/__/____.
04 April 1947 PEG: arrow.arrow.teepeerock or PEG: sour.sour.teapork
The Chicago Convention is currently certified by ___ ______ States.
193 States PEG: teaspam
ICAO became a specialized agency of the ______ _______ linked to ________ ___ ______ _______ (______).
a) United Nations
b) Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Sri Lanka joined ICAO on __/__/__
Last to join ICAO was
Chicago Convention 2 other Agreements were signed:
International Air Services Transit Agreement (2 Freedoms of Air)
- Aircrafts of member states may fly over each other’s territory
- And land for non-traffic purposes i.e refueling
International Air Transport Agreement (5 Freedoms of Air)
- 3 more freedoms concerning commercial transport rights were enacted
Chicago Convention, Drafts of the 12 Technical Annexes
Numbered A to L
Chicago Convention, Bilateral Agreement
For exchange of air routes
The Chicago Convention has __ Parts, __ Chapters, __ Articles.
a) 04 Parts PEG: sour
b) 22 Chapters PEG: nun
c) 96 Articles PEG: beach
The 4 Parts of the Chicago Convention are ___ _________, ___ _____________ _____ ________ ____________, _____________ ___ _________, and _____ __________.
1) Air Navigation
2) The International Civil Aviation Organization
3) International Air Transport
4) Final Provisions
What is the constitution of the ICAO?
The Chicago Convention
What is Article 44?
Aim and Objectives of the ICAO
What are the aims and objectives of ICAO?
a) Safe and orderly development of International Civil Aviation
b )Aircraft design and operations for peaceful purposes
c) Development of air navigation facilities
d) Prevent economic waste caused by unreasonable competition
e) Give a fair opportunity for every Contracting State to operated international airlines
f) Standardization: International Standards
g) Recommended Practices and Procedures
h) CNS*/ATM**
i) Regional Planning
j) Facilitation
k) Technical Corporation for Development
*Communication, Navigation, Surveillance
**Air Traffic Management
Where are the 7 ICAO Regional Offices?
- Bankok, Thailand
- Cairo, Egypt
- Nairobi, Kenya
- Lima, Peru
- Mexico City, Mexico
- Paris, France
- Dacca, Senegal
Article 29 states “Every Aircraft, engaged in international navigation, shall carry its _________ __ __________.
Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A)
Article 31 states “Every Aircraft, engaged in international navigation, shall be provided with a Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A) issued or rendered valid by the ______ in which it is__________.
a) State
b) registered
Where is ICAO headquarters located?
Montreal, Canada
ICAO is made of the following:
a) Assembly
b) Council
c) Secretariat
The establishment of ICAO means :
for the 1st time there is now an authority to facilitate the order in air, introduce maximum standardization in technical matters to unify the methods of exploitation and settle any differences that may occur
- Assembly = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Body
- Assembly = Sovereign Body
- Council = Permanent Body / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ body.
- _ _Members
- Representation
- Representation
- _ _Members
- Council = Permanent Body / Governing body.
- 36 Members
- Representation
- States of chief importance in air transport
- States which make largest contribution to the provision of facilities for international air navigational facilities
- States whose designation will ensure that all major geographic areas of the world are represented
- Representation
- 36 Members
- Council
- _ year Term
- Council
- 3 year Term
- Submit annual reports to assembly
- Carry out directions of assembly
- Discharge duties and obligations of the Chicago Convention
- sets the SARPs and then checking the NAAs are making sure the countries are following SARPS.
- May amend annexes as necessary
- Secretariat = headed by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- Consists of 5 Bureaus
- Secretariat = headed by Secretary General
- Consists of 5 Bureaus
- Air Navigation Bureau
- Air Transport Bureau
- Technological Cooperation Bureau
- Legal and External Relations Bureau
- Admin and Services Bureau

What is ICAO Annex 7A (Edition 4)?
What is ICAO Annex 7A (Edition 4)?
Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks
- Sri Lanka
- France
- Canada
- Italy
- Oman
- Germany
- India
- Pakistan
- Maldives
- Sri Lanka = 4R
- France = F
- Canada = C, CF
- USA = N
- Italy = I
- Oman = A40
- Germany = D
- India = VT
- Pakistan = AP
- Maldives = 8Q
What are SARPS?
Standards and Recommended Practices that have been published by ICAO in the form of Annexes to the Chicago Convention
ICAO helps govern __________ law.
ICAO sets standards for Contracting States through _ _ _ _ _.
How many Annexes are there in SARPS?
19 Annexes PEG: teepee
Implementation of SARPS is the responsibility of __________ _______?
Contracting States
The National Aviation Authority is the goverment statutory authority in each country that oversee the_______ and ________ of civil aviation.
a) approval
b) regulation
a) Annex 1
b) Annex 2
c) Annex 3
a) Personal Licensing
b) Rules of the Air
c) Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation
a) Annex 4
b) Annex 5
c) Annex 6
a) Aeronautic Charts
b) Units of Measurement to be used in Air and Ground Operations
c) Operation of Aircraft
a) Annex 7*
b) Annex 8*
c) Annex 9
a) Aircraft Nationality and Registration*
b) Airworthiness of Aircraft*
c) Facilitation
a) Annex 10
b) Annex 11
c) Annex 12
a) Aeronautical Telecommunications
b) Air Traffic Services
c) Search and Rescue
a) Annex 13*
b) Annex 14
c) Annex 15
a) Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation*
b) Aerodromes (airport)
c) Aeronautical Information Services
a) Annex 16
b) Annex 17
c) Annex 18*
d) Annex 19*
a) Environment Protection
b) Security: Safeguarding International Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference
c) The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air*
d) Safety Management
ICAO Annex 10: Aeronautical Telecommunications has 5 Volumes:
Volume I - Radio Navigational Airds
Volume II - Communication Procedures including those in PANS
Volume III - Communication Systems
Volume IV - Surveillance Radar and Collision Avoidance Systems
Volume V - Aerounautical Radio Frequency Spectrum Utilization
*PANS- Procedures for Air Navigation Services
ICAO also coordinates:
ICAO also coordinates:
- assistance and capacity building for states of numerous aviation development objectives
- Produce global plans to coordinate multilateral strategic progress for safety and air navigation
- Monitors and reports on numerous air transport sectors performance metrics
- Audits states’ civil aviation oversight capabilities in areas of safety and security
ICAO also works with:
- *
ICAO also works with:
- WHO - World Health Organization
- UNWTO - World Tourism Organization
193 Members and Industry Groups reached agreement on International Civil Aviation SARPS
- *
193 Members and Industry Groups reached agreement on International Civil Aviation SARPS
- In support of a safe, efficient, secure, economically sustainable and environmentally responsible civil aviation sector .
- To ensure their local civil aviation operations and regulations conform to global norms
ICAO Annex 7
Where to mark on the aircraft (7 Locations)?
- Nose landing gear door
- Left lower wing
- Top of right wing
- Aft of fuselage
- Vertical stabilizer
- On top of windshield
- Inside the cockpit
ICAO Annex 7
4 R - A B R
Before Dash given by?
After Dash given by?
Before Dash given by ICAO
After Dash given by NAA
When was was ICAO SARP Annex 19 proposed?
Annex 19 = Safety Management System was proposed during ICAO High-level Safety Conference 2010
What are the benefits of ICAO SARP Annex 19?
- Address safety risks proactively
- Manage and support strategic regulatory and infrastructure developments
- Re-enforce the role played by the State in managing safety at State level, in coordination with service providers
- Stress the concept of overall safety performance in all domains.
Annex 19 outilines the safety management responsibilities directly applicable to the _ _ _ _ _. ,
Including SMS requirements be implemented by the following service providers:
a) State
b) Service Providers:
- Approved Training Organizations
- Operators conducting international air transport
- AMO providing services to Operators
- Organizations responsible for Type Design aor Manufacture of aircraft
- Air Traffic Service providers
- Operators of Certified Aerodromes
In the 1950s, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) began to unite the European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace.
The six founding countries are:
- 6.
- Belgium
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Luxembourg
- Netherlands
3 other countries joined the EU on 01 Jan 1973:
- 3.
- Denmark
- Ireland
- United Kingdom
In 1995, 3 other countries joined the EU:
- 3.
- Austria
- Finland
- Sweden
Which Country became the 28th member of the EU in 2013?
What does EC stand for?
European Commission
EU History:
What are the 3 bodies that were collectively named the European Executives?
- 3.
- ECSC - European Coal and Steel Community
- EEC - European Economic Community
- Euratom - European Atomic Energy Community
European Union is made of :
- 3.
- European Commission
- Parliament
- Council
The European Commission is the ________ ______ of the European Union.
executive branch
European Commision is made up of _ _ Commissioners, and together they are known as the _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
a) 28 Commisioners
b) college
There is a new college every _ years
5 years
European Commision:
- 1 Commission Member President is proposed by the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and elected by the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
- __ Commission Members are nominated by the council and approved by Parliament
- _ are vice presidents
- 1 Commission Member President is proposed by the Council and elected by the Parliament
- 27 Commission Members are nominated by the council and approved by Parliament
- 8 are vice presidents
European Commision prepares the _ _ _ _ _ text
Draft Text
European Parliment
- ___ members of the parliament.
- Minimum number of seats per country is _
- Maximum number of seats per country is __ (Germany)
European Parliment
- 705 members of the parliament.
- Minimum number of seats per country is 6
- Maximum number of seats per country is 96 (Germany)
European Council , there is:
- _ Member per State + President of Council + President of EC
1 Member per State + President of Council + President of EC
European Council meet every _ months, to discuss the most recent issues and then set policies. They review the Draft Text prepared by the EC.
The meeting minutes are called the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
European Council meet every 3 months, to discuss the most recent issues and then set policies. They review the Draft Text prepared by the EC.
The meeting minutes are called the conclusion
The European Commission Members are proposed by their member state _________. There is __ member for each member state. However, they are bound to act _________.
a) government
b) 1
c) independently
The European Commission operates in the method of _________ _________, with _ _ Commissioners.
a) Cabinet Goverment
b) 28
There is _ Commissioner per member state.
The Commissioners meet _____ a week in _______, _______.
a) once
b) Brussels, Belgium
The Commission’s main role are to:
1) Set __________ and __________ for action.
2) Propose ________ to ___________ and _______.
3) Manage and implement EU _________ and the _______.
4) Enforce ___________ ___.
5) Represent the ___ outside _________.
1) Set objectives and priorities for action.
2) Propose legislation to Parliament and Council.
3) Manage and implement EU policies and the budget.
4) Enforce European Law.
5) Represent the EU outside Europe.
The EU Decision Making involves three main institutions:
1) The European Commission represent the interest of the EU as a whole.
2) The European Council of the EU represents the individual member countries.
3) The European Parliament represents EU Citizens and is directly elected by them.
The ________ ________ proposes new laws, but it is the ________ together with the __________ that adopts them.
a) European Commission
b) Council
c) Parliament
(1) The European Commission presents a __________ _________ to (2) Parliament and the (3) Council simultaneously.
The Parliament adopts (4) its _______ and submits it to the Council.
If the Council agrees with the outcome of the Parliament’s first reading: (5) the legislative text is _______.
a) legislative proposal
b) position
c) adopted
How are Regulations/Laws Passed?

What is EASA?
European Aviation Safety Agency
EASA is an agency of ________ _____ established in ____ by the European ________ and the ________ in order to ensure a high and uniform level of ______ in civil aviation, by the implementation of _______ safety rules and measures.
a) European Union
b) 2002
c) Parliament
d) Council
e) Safety
f) common
EASA has been operating since ?
28 September 2003
PEG: knife.soup.nosesumo
EASA is the ______ ______ _______ and _______ ____ for civil aviation in the EU.
a) central safety regulator
b) advisory body
EASA regulations are _________ _________ and _______ _________ in all EASA member states
a) legally binding
b) directly applicable
All members of the _______ _________ are ____ Member States.
a) European Union
For the purpose of those aircraft covered by EU Regulations, Member States are known as _________ ___________.
Competent Authorities.
Where is the EASA HQ?
Koln, Germany.
EASA was set by the regulation EC ____/____ dated __/__/____.
a) EC 1592 / 2002 PEG: teaalbino/nosesun
b) 15 July 2002 PEG: doll.sock.nosesun
Regulation EC 1592 / 2002 set _______ ______ in the field of _____ _______ and _________ a European Aviation Safety Agency.
a) Common Rules
b) Civil Aviation
c) establishing (a EASA)
Regulation EC 1592 /2002 was replaced by regulation EC ___/____.
EC 216 / 2008. PEG: notch/nosesafe
Regulation EC 216 / 2008 entered into force on __/__/____.
08 April 2008. PEG: safe.sour.nosesafe
Regulation EC 216 / 2008 was replaced by regulation EC ___/____.
EC 2018 / 1139
PEG: nosedove/teatomb
Regulation EC 2018 / 1139 entered into force on __/__/____.
04 July 2018
PEG: sour.sock.nosedove
EASA has been operating since __/__/____.
28 September 2003. PEG: knife.soup.nosesumo
EASA is not a _________ agency to the JAA in legal terms since its functions directly under the EU Statute.
What are the Main Roles of EASA?
- Rulemaking
- Ensure uniform implementation of European Aviation Safety Legislation
- Provides safety and environmental type-certification
- To Improve aviation Safety
EASA Rule-making involves: _______ ______ _______ and ________ ________ ______ to the European Institutions and the Member States, and Support Member States and Industry in putting ________ ____ _____.
a) Drafting Safety Legislation
b) Providing Technical Advice
c) Legislation Into Effect. (Supporting)
How does EASA ensure uniform implementation of European Aviation Safety Legislation in all Member States?
a) Inspections
b) Training
c) Standardization Programs
EASA provides safety and environmental type-certification of?
a) aircraft
b) engines
c) parts
EASA provides ______ and ________ of :
1) aircraft design organizations worldwide
2) production and maintenance out side the EU
a) Approval
b) Oversight
EASA performs:
to improve aviation safety
a) data collection
b) analysis
c) research
EASA is ________ ICAO Contracting State.
Member States _______ ICAO Contracting States.
a) NOT an
b) are
In the ‘EASA System’ both the _____ and ___ have their parts to play.
a) Agency
b) NAA
EASA also has working relationships with ________ __________ of several countries which are not EU Member States.
The purpose of these arrangements is to harmonize activities such as, but not limited to:
- Approval and oversight of aircraft design organizations world wide
- Approval of production and maintenance organizations outside the EU
- Type certification of aircraft
a) aviation regulators
___________________ - an initiative to standardize and coordinate all air traffic over the EU
Since 04 Dec 2012, EASA is able to certify functional airspace blocks if more than 3 parties are involved.
Single European Sky II (SESII) - an initiative to standardize and coordinate all air traffic over the EU
Since 04 Dec 2012, EASA is able to certify functional airspace blocks if more than 3 parties are involved.
Since April 2008, It was decided to extend EASA’s scope of competence in order to include “New Remits” for the following fields of activities:
- *
- Air Operation and Flight Crew Licensing (FCL) - First extension
- Air Traffic Management(ATM) / Air Navigation Services (ANS) & Aerodromes - Second Extension
Who ensures control of EASA?
Management Board
EASA Management Board is made of?
- *
- EU Member States
- and EU Commission
The Management Board adopts the work of _________________ in cooperation with the EU Commission
To fulfill its tasks, the Management Board consults an _________________________ , representing all aviation stakeholders
The Management Board adopts the work of EASA work program in cooperation with the EU Commission
To fulfill its tasks, the Management Board consults an Advisory Body of Interested Parties (ABIP) , representing all aviation stakeholders
The Management Board appoints the ______________ who head the Executive Directorate and has responsibility for the management of EASA
Executive Director
The Executive Directorate will include:
- Quality/Internal Audit Departments
- Legal Departments
- Communication Departments
EASA is made up of other directorates and each ________ reports to the Executive Director
The Management Board develops transparent procedures for:
- Adoption of opinions
- Acceptable Means of Compliance
- Guidance Material
The Transparent Procedures must ensure ……….
The Transparent Procedures must ensure the use of relevant expertise, wide consultation of all interested parties and the right of each member to be associated with the adoption process.
EASA and qualified entities acting on its behalf may undertake the____________ and ____________ necessary in order to perform the tasks assigned to them.
- *
EASA and qualified entities acting on its behalf may undertake the inspections and investigations necessary in order to perform the tasks assigned to them.
- EASA conducts inspection in Member States to verify that EASA Regulations and Implementing Rules are applied correctly.
- EASA is authorized to conduct the investigations required in order to issue any relevant certificates and ensure continued safety oversight
Last to join the EASA Member States is _______
Implementing Rules are
- drafted by ____
- and adopted by the __________.
The _____ may then issue non-binding technical guidance on acceptable means of compliance.
The regulations of the Commission are directly applicable in any ______ _____.
b) Commission
c) Agency
d) Member State
In EASA Countries EASA Regulates :
a )
b )
c )
HINT: 1,2,9
b ) DOA
c )
Aircraft Operations
Safety at Airports and Aerodromes
Air Traffic Management
HINT: 1,2,9
In EASA countries NAA regulates:
HINT: 3,4,5,6,7,8,
a) POA (EASA and NAA both regulate POA)
b) CoA | Noise Certification
d) MOA
f) AML
HINT: 3,4,5,6,7,8,
In Non-EASA Countries EASA Regulates :
a )
b )
c )
d )
e )
f )
g )
HINT: 1,2,3,5,6,7,9
b ) DOA
c ) POA
e ) MOA
f ) MTOA
g )
Aircraft Operations
Safety at Airports and Aerodromes
Air Traffic Management
HINT: 1,2,3,5,6,7,9
In Non EASA countries NAA regulates:
HINT: 4,8
a) CoA | Noise Certification (Operator’s NAA)
b) AML
HINT: 4,8
Since the Community is a “Supranational” Orgranization, Member States may no longer:
a) _____ their ___ rules
b) ________ from ______ rules
c) ______ additional ___________
d) ________ arrangements with _____ countries
NOTE: “Supranational” = Power/Influence transcends national goverment
a) Issue their own rules
b) Deviate from common rules
c) Impose additional requirements
d) Conclude arrangements with third countries
The NAAs are subjected to monitoring and auditing by _ _ _ _, to ensure the ______________ of regulation throughout the EU
b) standardisation
EASA’s legal powers derive from its ‘B____ R_________’ - of the European Parliament and of the Council EC 216 / 2008 was replaced by EC 2018/1139 of 4th July 2018.
Basic Regulation
‘Basic Regulation’ defines the EASA’s ____ and ______________, and establishes ______ _____ in the field of civil aviation.
a) roles
b) responsibilites
c) common rules
Type Certificate
- *
- Signifies airworthiness of a particular aircraft, according to its manufacturing design (type)
- Confirms aircraft is manufactured according to an approved design and that the design ensures compliance with airworthiness requirements
Supplemental Type Certificate
- *
- Is an approved major modification or repair to an existing type certified aircraft, engine or propeller
- i.e Change the engine, structural modification, cabin seating modification
European Technical Standard Order
- Authorization represents one way to have parts and appliances approved.
- This is an optional step to ensure part or appliance complies to minimum performance standard
- These authorizations are covered by Part 21 Subpart O (EC Regulation 748/2012)
POA in Member States:
Both NAA and EASA can provide approval.
EASA Member States
- The initial stage of design is governed by EASA
- The Rest is governed by NAA
- POA can be governed by EASA and NAA
Non EASA Member States
- Everything is governed by EASA.
- CoA + Noise Cert = NAA of Operator
- AML is by NAA** (Ishain + Switzerland Story)
EC 216 / 2008 is comprised of the following:
__ Paragraphs
__ Chapters
__ Articles
40 Paragraphs
04 Chapters
70 Articles
(EC) No. 2018/1139 Basic Regulation
__ Paragraphs
__ Chapters
___ Articles
__ Annexes
88 Paragraphs
06 Chapters
141 Articles
10 Annexes
(EC) No. 2018/1139 Basic Regulation
Paragraph 1:
(EC) No. 2018/1139 Basic Regulation
Paragraph 1:
“In addition, a high and uniform level of environmental protection should be ensured at all times by measures ensuring that any goods, persons and organizations involved in a civil aviation activity in the Union comply with relevant Union Law, and with international standards and recommended practices.”
(ICAO Annex 16)
(EC) No. 2018/1139 Basic Regulation
Paragraph 2:
(EC) No. 2018/1139 Basic Regulation
Paragraph 2:
“in accordance with Annex 19 to the Chicago Convention, Member states are to establish an acceptable level of safety performance in relation to the aviation activities under their responsibility. In order to assist the Member States in meeting this requirement in a coordinated manner, the European Plan for Aviation Safety should lay down a level of safety performance for the Union in respect to the different categories of aviation activities. That level of safety performance should not have a binding character but should rather express the ambition of the Union and of the Member States with regard to civil aviation safety. “
(Safety Management Systems)
(EC) No. 2018/1139 Basic Regulation
Paragraph 14:
(EC) No. 2018/1139 Basic Regulation
Paragraph 14:
“The Chicago Convention already provides for Minimum Standards to ensure the safety of civil aviation and environmental protection relating to thereto. The Union’s essential requirements and further rules for their implementation established in this Regulation should ensure that Member States fulfill, in a a uniform manner, the obligations laid down in the Chicago Convention, including those vis-a-vis third countries. Where Union rules differ from the minimum standards established by the Chicago Convention, the obligations of Member States to notify ICAO accordingly are not affected”
(EC) No. 2018/1139 Basic Regulation
Article 1:
(EC) No. 2018/1139 Basic Regulation
Article 1: Subject Matter and Objectives
- The principal objective of this Regulation is to establish and maintain a high uniform level of civil aviation safety in in the Union
- Additional objectives are, in the fields covered by this Regulation as follows
- to ensure a high uniform level of environmental protection
- to facilitate the free movements of goods, persons and services
- to promote cost-efficiency in regulatory and certification processes and to avoid duplication at National and European level
(EC) No. 2018/1139 Basic Regulation
Article 2:
(EC) No. 2018/1139 Basic Regulation
Article 2: Scope
- The Regulation shall apply to:
a) the design and production, of product, parts and equipment to control aircraft remotely by a natural or legal person under the oversight of the EASA or a Member State, to the extent not covered by point b)
b) the design, production, maintenance and operation of aircraft, as well as their engines, propellers, parts, non-installed equipment and equipment to control aircraft remotely, where the aircraft is or will be:
Registered in a Member State, unless and to the extent that the Member State has transferred its responsibilities pursuant to the Chicago Convention to a third country and the aircraft is operated by a third country aircraft operator; operator established, residing or with a principal place of business in the territory to which the Treaties apply;
Registered in a third country and operated by an aircraft
(EC) No. 2018/1139 Basic Regulation
Article 3:
(EC) No. 2018/1139 Basic Regulation
Article 3: Definitions
Product - means an aircraft, an engine or a propeller
Part - means any element of a product, as defined by that product’s Type Design
Certificate- means any certificate, approval license, authorization, attestation or other document issued as a result of a certification attesting compliance with the applicable requirements
Aircraft Operator- means any legal or natural person operating or proposing to operate one or more aircraft;
Aircraft-means any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than reactions of the air against the earth’s surface

What is Part T?
- Under EC 1536/2015 Part T is introduced
- Due to considerations of leasing.If Aircraft Dry Leased (7Months) by 3rd Country.
- Maintenance will be done under 3rd Country as per their NAA Maintenance requirements which complies to ICAO Standards
- Part T is a mirror of Part M. With less restrictions. Minimum requirements for continuing airworthiness
- Annex Va (Part-T)
- Annex Vb Part-ML
- Annex Vc Part-CAMO
- Annex Vd Part-CAO
Annex Va (Part-T)
Requirements for 3rd country a/c dry leased by an AOC
Annex Vb Part-ML
Continuing airworthiness standards – ‘light aircraft’ not used by licensed air carrier
Annex Vc Part-CAMO
Continuing airworthiness management organization (all types of aircraft types and operation)
Annex Vd Part-CAO
Combined (continuing airworthiness management and/or maintenance) organization - non-complex aircraft and non-licensed air carrier
- Implementing Rules
- CS
- GM
Implementing Rules
- Binding
- To specify a high and uniform level of safety and uniform conformity and compliances
- Adopted by EC in the form of Regulations
- Non-binding
- Explains the process by which the requirements Basic Regulation and Implementing Rules can be met.
- Alternate Means of Compliance (AltMoC) propose alternative to existing AMC .
- Proposals must be accompanied with evidence of their ability to meet the intent of the IR.
- Non-binding technical standards
- Adopted by EASA to meet essential requirements of Basic Regulation
- Used to establish certification basis (CB)
- CB may be binding on an individual basis
- Non-binding
- Explanatory and interpretation material on how to achieve the requirements contained in:
- Basic Regulation,
- Implementing Rules,
- AMCs and;
- CS.
What are Certification Specifications?
- Used to demonstrate compliance with the basic regulation and its implementing rules.
- It contains requirements/specifications for certification of each category of aeronautical products
- Includes:
- Airworthiness codes :
Standard technical interpretations of Airworthiness Essential Requirements contained in Annex 1 to the Basic Regulation
- Acceptable Means of Compliance:
An AMC is a means or several alternative means, to satisfy a Requirement.
(such as Airworthiness Codes or an Implementing Rule of the Basic Regulation)
- Guidance Material
Published by EASA, the Guidance Material help in the understanding of the Basic Regulation, its Implemnting Rules and CS.
Examples of Certication Specifications?
- CS-AMC: Acceptable Means of Compliance
- CS-25: Large Aeroplanes
- CS-27: Small Rotorcraft
- CS-APU: Auxiliary Power Unit
- CS-AWO: All Weather Operations
(EC) No. 748/2012 Initial Airworthiness and Environmental Certification
a) the issue of:
* * * * and
b) the issue of:
* * * * and
This regulation lays down, in accordance with Article 5 and 6 of the Basic Regulation; common technical requirements and administrative procedures for the Airworthiness and Environmental Certification of products, parts and appliances specifying:
a) the issue of:
- Type Certificates
- Restricted Type Certificates
- Supplemental Type Certificates
- and changes to those certificates
b) the issue of:
- Certificates of Airworthiness
- Restricted Certificates of Airworthiness
- Permits to Fly
- and Authorized Release Certificates
c) the issue of repair design approvals
d) the showing of compliance with environmental protection requirements
e) the issue of noise certificates
f) the identification of products, parts and appliances
g) the certification certain parts and appliances
h) the certification of design and production organizations
i) the issue of airworthiness directives
(EC) No. 1321/2014 Continuing Airworthiness
7 Articles
(EC) No. 1321/2014 Continuing Airworthiness
7 Articles
Article 1: Objective and Scope
Article 2: Definitions
Article 3: Continuing Airworthiness Requirements
Article 4: Maintenance Organization Approval
Article 5: Certifying Staff
Article 6: Training Organization Requirements
Article 7: Entry into force
(EC) No. 1321/2014 Continuing Airworthiness
Article 1
(EC) No. 1321/2014 Continuing Airworthiness
Article 1: Objective and Scope
This Regulation establishes common technical requirements and administrative procedures for ensuring the continuing airworthiness of aircraft, including any component for installation thereto, which are:
a) registered in a Member State; unless their regulatory safety oversight has been delegated to a third country and they are not used by EU operator or
b) registered in a third country and used by an EU operator, where their regulatory safety oversight has been delegated to a Member State.
(EC) No. 1321/2014 Continuing Airworthiness
Article 3:
(EC) No. 1321/2014 Continuing Airworthiness
Article 3: Continuing Airworthiness Requirements
The Continuing Airworthiness of aircraft and components for installation thereon shall be ensured in accordance with the provisions of Annex I.
Organizations and Personnel involved in the Continuing Airworthiness of aircraft and components for installation thereon, including maintenance, shall comply with the provisions of Annex I and where appropriate those specified in Articles 4 and 5.
(EC) No. 1321/2014 Continuing Airworthiness
Article 4:
(EC) No. 1321/2014 Continuing Airworthiness
Article 4: Maintenance Organization Approval
Organization involved in the maintenance of large aircraft or of aircraft used for commercial air transport, and components intended for fitment thereto, shall be approved in accordance with the provisions of Annex II
(EC) No. 1321/2014 Continuing Airworthiness
Article 5:
(EC) No. 1321/2014 Continuing Airworthiness
Article 5: Certifying Staff
Certifying staff shall be qualified in accordance with the provisions of Annex III [Part 66], except as provided for in:
for in:
- M.A.607(b) of Annex I [Part M]
One-off certification authorization at a remote base where no appropriate certifying staff
- M.A.803 of Annex I [Part M]
Pilot-owner authorization for aircraft MTOW < 2730kg, privately owned
- 145.A.(j) of Appendix IV to Annex II [Part 145]
use of staff not qualified to part 66
(EC) No. 1321/2014 Continuing Airworthiness
Aritcle 6
(EC) No. 1321/2014 Continuing Airworthiness
Aritcle 6 : Training Organization Requirements
Organizations involved in the training of personnel referred to in Article 5 shall be approved in accordance with Annex IV to be entitled :
a) To conduct recognized Basic Training courses and/or
b) To conduct recognized Type Training Courses
c) To conduct examinations and
d) to issue training certificates
What is the (EC) No. for Reporting, Analysis and Follow Up of Occurrences in Civil Aviation ?
(EC) No. 376/2014 Reporting, Analysis and Follow Up of Occurrences in Civil Aviation
(EC) No. 376/2014 came into effect on which date?
PEG: yamaguchi/nosedoor
03 April 2014
PEG: sumo.sour/nosedoor
(EC) No. 376/2014 consits of ?
- *
- 24 Articles
- 3 Annexes
Aim of Regulation (EC) No 376/2014:
To improve aviation safety by ensuring that relevant safety information relating to civil aviation is reported, collected, stored, protected, exchanged, disseminated and analyzed.
(EC) No 376/2014 ensures:
- That, where appropriate, safety action is taken in a timely manner based on analysis of the information collected;
- The continued availability of safety information by introducing rules on confidentiality and on appropriate use of information and through the harmonized and enhanced protection of reporters and persons mentioned in occurrence reports; and
- That aviation safety risks are considered and dealt with at both Union level and National level
(EC) No 376/2014
Occurrences which may represent a significant ____ to aviation safety and which fall into the given categories in this regulation shall be reported through the _________ occurrence reporting systems in accordance with to this Article.
Occurrences which may represent a significant risk to aviation safety and which fall into the given categories in this regulation shall be reported through the mandatory occurrence reporting systems in accordance with to this Article.
(EC) No 376/2014
Each organization located in a Member State shall establish a mandatory reporting system to facilitate the collection of details of occurrences. And each Member State shall establish a mandatory reporting system the collection of details of occurrences including the collection of details of occurrences collected by the organizations.
EASA shall establish a mandatory reporting system to facilitate the collection of details of occurrences, including the collection of details of occurrences by organizations which have been certified or approved by EASA.
The occurrences shall be reported within 72 hours of becoming aware of the occurrence, unless exceptional circumstances prevent this.
Following notification of an occurrence, any organization established in a Member State shall report to the Competent Authority of that Member State as soon as possible, and in any event no later than 72 hours after becoming aware of the occurrence.
A voluntary reporting system shall be adopted by Member State to facilitate the collection of details of occurrences that may not be captured by the mandatory reporting system and other safety related information which is perceived by the reporter as an actual or potential hazard to aviation safety.
What is the (EC) No. for Air Operations?
(EC) No. 965/2012 Air Operations
EC No 965/2012
EC No 965/2012 of 05.10.12
PEG: bejewel/nosedino
PEG: law.dice.dino
- lay down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to Air Operations conducted according to EASA Regulation.
- This regulation is officially referred to as IR-OPS (Implementing Rules - Operations), but it also known as EASA AIR OPS
- Regulation establishes also detailed rules for Ramp Inspections of Aircraft Operators under the safety oversight of another State when landed at Aerodromes located in the territory subject to the provisions of the Treaty,

Things to Remember
- Part M Subpart F
- Maintenance of Aircrafts below 5700 kg in non-commercial environment
- Part M Subpart G
- CAMO coordinating the compliance of Aircraft with:
- Maintenance Program
- Airworthiness Directives
- Service Bulletins
- CAMO coordinating the compliance of Aircraft with:
- Part M refers to Continued Airworthiness: Operators Responsibility.
- Part M requires aircraft to be maintained by EASA Part 145 or Part M Subpart F Organizations.
- Staff employed by Part 145 and Part M Subpart F Organizations required to issue Certificate of Release to Service must comply with Part 66. In Non-EU Part 145 Approved Organizations National License is accepted.
- Part 66 stipulates the licensing requirements for Certifying Staff
- Part 147 stipulates the requirements for organizations training and conduction examinations under Part 66
- Under EASA Regulations, it is a legal requirement through member states of EU for aircrafts to be maintained by organizations approved by EASA .The approval has been issued and is being supervised on its behalf by the Competent Authority in each member state.
- And by EASA itself, for non-member states.
- EASA Part T consists of additional requirements for CAMO approved pursuant to Annex I (Part M Subpart G).
- A European Company must use EASA Part 21 for the design, manufacture and repair of aircraft and their related parts.
Things to Remember
- Part M Subpart F
- Maintenance of Aircrafts below 5700 kg in non-commercial environment
- Part M Subpart G
- CAMO coordinating the compliance of Aircraft with:
- Maintenance Program
- Airworthiness Directives
- Service Bulletins
- CAMO coordinating the compliance of Aircraft with:
- Part M refers to Continued Airworthiness: Operators Responsibility.
- Part M requires aircraft to be maintained by EASA Part 145 or Part M Subpart F Organizations.
- Staff employed by Part 145 and Part M Subpart F Organizations required to issue Certificate of Release to Service must comply with Part 66. In Non-EU Part 145 Approved Organizations National License is accepted.
- Part 66 stipulates the licensing requirements for Certifying Staff
- Part 147 stipulates the requirements for organizations training and conduction examinations under Part 66
- Under EASA Regulations, it is a legal requirement through member states of EU for aircrafts to be maintained by organizations approved by EASA .The approval has been issued and is being supervised on its behalf by the Competent Authority in each member state.
- And by EASA itself, for non-member states.
- EASA Part T consists of additional requirements for CAMO approved pursuant to Annex I (Part M Subpart G).
- A European Company must use EASA Part 21 for the design, manufacture and repair of aircraft and their related parts.