LZ lecture 7 Flashcards
Ecosystem level conservation
The conservation of habitats supporting healthy communities (in a pristine, if actually possible, or scarcely human-impacted state) is one of the best tools to protect biodiversity at all levels.
Protecting habitats allows us to protect single species, communities,
ecosystems, and their functions and services.
It’s a successful strategy, in the long-term, and with good benefit- cost ratios.
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are key to achieve such goal and support marine conservation, but their design needs to be scientifically sound.
MPA management/enforcement is also critically important
Key notes of EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: Bringing nature back into our lives
- Build a truly coherent Trans-European Nature Network.
- Enlarging protected areas is also an economic imperative. Studies on marine systems estimate that every euro invested in marine protected areas would generate a return of at least €3.
- Restored and properly protected marine ecosystems bring substantial health, social and economic benefits to coastal communities and the EU as a whole.
- Marine resources must be harvested sustainably and there must be zero-tolerance for illegal practices.
- fisheries-management measures must be established in all marine protected areas according to clearly defined conservation objectives and on the basis of the best available scientific advice.
Nature protection; EU key commitments by 2030
What is a marine protected area (MPA) according to IUCN?
“Any area of intertidal or subtidal terrain, together with its overlying water and associated flora, fauna, historical and cultural features, which has been reserved by law or other effective means to protect part or all of the enclosed environment”
(IUCN, 1988 / Kelleher and Kenchington, 1992¹).
What is an MPA in the real world?
- Many areas, differing both ecologically and in management practices
- MPAs were often not established following an organized, well-thought planning (they were created in offshore platforms, submarine cables, in response to fishery collapse,in remote areas …) or clear socio-ecological understanding of their impacts
- ‘… most reserve locations and boundaries were chosen by a political process that focused on economics, logistics or public acceptance, while largely overlooking or ignoring how the complex ecology and biology of an area might be affected by reserve protection’ (Halpern and Warner 2003)
- This issue is now changing
- Role of science is crucial to increase MPA efficacy and efficiency
- Assessing MPA performance is key to gain stakeholder support (e.g. fishers), especially with reference to stakeholder needs
(as always in conservation)
What are the different purposes an MPA can serve to different stakeholders?
- Wildlife refugium (e.g. conservation NGOs, ecotourism and diving
related stakeholders), for species or biodiversity - Supporting ecosystem services, e.g. wave protection provided by salt marshes (coastal cities) or increased abundance of species targeted by fisheries outside MPA boundary (fishers)
What and when was the first MPA?
Fort Jefferson National monument in Florida, 1935
What is the Law of the Sea?
The Law of the Sea in 1958 primarily refers to the Geneva Convention on the High Seas, which was adopted on April 29, 1958, and entered into force on September 30, 1962. This convention aimed to codify customary international law regarding the high seas, which are areas of the ocean beyond the territorial jurisdiction of any single state.
When was the first conference on MPA’s?
1975 in Tokyo
What happened in 1982?
IUCN organized workshops to promote MPA creation and management
How many MPA’s were there in 1970? And in 1994?
1970: 118 MPA’s in 27 countries
1994: 1306 MPA’s
What happened between 2006 and 2016?
18 large MPA’s (areas greater than 100 000 km2) were established
What is The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA)?
The most comprehensive global database of marine and terrestrial protected areas.
Joint project between UN Environment Programme and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
How many areas are there currently protected?
- 8.16% Marine protected area coverage
- 18 427 Protected Areas
- The United Nations Convention on Biodiversity
called for 10% ocean protection by 2020
Different types of MPA’s
- Ia: Strict Nature Reserve
- Ib: Wilderness Area
- II: National Park
- III: Natural Monument or Feature
- IV: Habitat/Species Management Area
- V: Protected Landscape/ Seascape
- VI: Protected area with sustainable use of natural resources
Strict nature reserve (type of MPA)
- Strictly protected areas set aside to protect biodiversity and also possibly geological geomorphical features
- Human visitation, use and impacts are strictly controlled and limited to ensure protection of the conservation values.
-Can serve for scientific research and monitoring
Wilderness area (type of MPA)
- Usually large unmodified or slightly modified areas
- Rretaining their natural character and influence without permanent or significant human habitation
-Protected and managed so as to preserve their natural condition.
National park (type of MPA)
- Large natural or near natural areas set aside to protect large-scale ecological processes, along with the complement of species and ecosystems characteristic of the area
- Also provide a foundation for environmentally and culturally compatible, spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational, and visitor opportunities.
Natural monument or Feature (type of MPA)
- Set aside to protect a specific natural monument, which can be a landform, sea mount, submarine cavern, geological feature such as a cave or even a living feature such as an ancient grove.
- Generally quite small protected areas and often have high visitor value
Habitat/Species Management Area (type of MPA)
- Aim to protect particular species or habitats and management reflects this priority.
- Many Category IV protected areas will need regular, active interventions to address the requirements of particular species or to maintain habitats, but this is not a requirement of the category.
Protected landscape/ seascape (type of MPA)
- A protected area where the interaction of people and nature over time has produced an area of distinct character with significant, ecological, biological, cultural and scenic value
- Safeguarding the integrity of this interaction is vital to protecting and sustaining the area and its associated nature conservation and other values.
Protected area with sustainable use of natural resources (type of MPA)
- To conserve ecosystems and habitats together with associated cultural values and traditional natural resource management systems.
- Generally large, with most of the area in a natural condition
- A proportion is under sustainable natural resource management
- Low level non-industrial use of natural resources compatible with nature conservation is seen as one of the main aims of the area.
What are the effects of marine reserves according to Halpern (2003)?
- Halpern (2003) reviewed 112 independent empirical measurements of no-take reserves: average values of all biological indicators were strikingly higher inside marine reserves compared to reference sites (either the same site before the reserve was created or equivalent sites outside the reserve).
- Relative to reference sites: population densities were 91% higher, biomass was 192% higher, and average organism size and diversity were 20–30% higher in reserves.
- These values were independent of reserve size, indicating that even small reserves can produce high values.
- Such results show that marine reserves of all sizes can promote biological responses.
how quickly do the impacts of marine reserves occur and how long do they persist?
They have rapid and long lasting conservation effects
Effects of MPA (image)
MPA size vs dispersion scale of the population(s) of interest
- if MPA is too small, all larvae are exported, and import takes place from unprotected areas;
- if MPA too big, no substantial spillover of individuals and egg export to surrounding unprotected areas
- tradeoffs (SLOSS debate), which are also influenced by the MPA goal
- MPAs at least twice the average dispersion distance
- Complexity: different species have different sedentarity (not moving), home ranges or larval dispersion, larval dispersion may change over years
What is the SLOSS debate in conservation biology?
- The SLOSS debate revolves around whether it is better to have a Single Large or Several Small protected areas for conservation purposes.
- The answer depends on various factors such as conservation goals, species characteristics, and landscape context.
Why is it important to consider species-specific characteristics when designing marine protected areas (MPAs)?
Species-specific characteristics, such as sedentarity, home range sizes, and larval dispersal patterns, influence the effectiveness of MPAs. Understanding these traits helps in determining the optimal size and design of MPAs to ensure effective protection and conservation of target species.
What factors should be considered when determining the optimal size of a marine protected area (MPA)?
- The optimal size of an MPA depends on factors such as larval dispersal distances, connectivity with surrounding areas, conservation goals, species-specific characteristics, temporal dynamics, and ecological complexity.
- Balancing these factors is crucial to maximize the effectiveness of MPAs in conserving marine biodiversity.
Why is connectivity between marine protected areas (MPAs) and surrounding areas important for conservation?
Connectivity facilitates larval dispersal, genetic exchange, and population spillover between MPAs and adjacent areas. Maintaining connectivity enhances the resilience of marine populations and supports the long-term success of conservation efforts.
What is Ecologically-Important Sustaining Dispersal?
- Ensures gene flow, promotes demographic stability, and contributes to the persistence and resilience of populations within their habitats
- Examples: daily or seasonal movements of organisms for foraging, breeding, or avoiding predators, as well as regular dispersal events that prevent population isolation.