Lymphoma Flashcards
What are lymphomas?
Cancers affecting lymphocytes inside the lymphatic system
-leads to proliferation of cancerous cells within LN i.e. leads to lymphadenopathy
What type of symptoms is someone with lymphoma likely to present with?
B symptoms:
- night sweats
- intense pruritis (itching)
- unexplained fever
- unintentional weight loss
- fatigue
- generalised weakness
What are the 2 categories of lymphoma?
-specific disease
-encompases all other types of lymphoma
What happens in Hodgkin Lymphoma?
How is most at risk of developing?
Proliferation of lymphocytes
People in 20s and around 75 yo-> bimodal age distribution
Risk factors:
- AI= RA + sarcoidosis
- FH
How might someone with Hodgkins lymphoma present?
What would you expect a persons LN to feel like in HL?
Enlarged LN i.e. cervical, axilla, inguinal
Pain in lymph nodes when drinking alcohol (in some patients)
B symptoms (fever/ night sweats/weight loss/SOB/pruritis/abdo pain/ recurrent infections)
Enlarged spleen= might be able to palpate spleen tip
Non-tender and rubbery
What investigations are done if HL suspected?
What method should be used to biopsy LN in HL and why?
What is the characteristic finding of biopsy?
-raised but not specific
Lymph node biopsy
CT MRI PET for staging
Need core biopsy NOT FNA due to FNA not preserving the architecture of the LN which is essential for diagnosis of HL
Reed-Sternberg cells (owl eyes)
What are Reed-Sternberg cells?
Abnormally large B cells with multiple nuclei with nucleoli inside them which gives the characteristic owl eye appearance
What is form of staging is used for Hodgkins lymphoma?
Ann Arbor
- 4 stages
- puts importance on whether the involved nodes are above or below the diaphragm
How is HL managed?
Chemo therapy and radiotherapy with the aim to CURE
Immune check point therapy (PD-1)
Autologous SCT
What is the characteristic spread of HL?
What are the possible side effects of treatment?
Risk of leukamia and infertilty
- risk of cancer
- can damage tissue
- hypothyroidism (if in cervical region)
What are examples of lymphomas classified as non-Hodgkin lymphoma?
Burkitt Lymphoma
-associated with EBV/malaria/HIV
MALT lymphoma
- usaully affects MALT around the stomach
- can be associated with H pylori
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
- rapidly growing painless mass in patients >65
- most common type of NHL
How might someone with diffuse large B cell lymphoma present?
What is the main forms of treatment for this form of NHL:
B symptoms
Bulky lymphadenopathy
Tx: Chemo + anti-CD20 MAb (Rituximab) CART -have cytotoxic effect on lymphoma cells via CD19 Autologous stem cell transplantation
What are the risk factors for developing non-Hodgkins lymphoma?
HIV EBV H pylori (MALT lymphoma) Hep B or C Exposure to pesticides i.e. trichloroethylene FH
How can you differentiate between non-Hodkings and Hodgkins lymphoma?
Present very similarly sp need to LN biopsy in order to differentiate