Lymphoid Organs Flashcards
what are the primary and secondary lymphoid organs?
Primary: bone marrow, thymus (production of lymphocytes)
Secondary: lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, Peyer’s patches (microenvironment for interactions of lymphocytes and Ags)
all important components of immune system, where responses are largely initiated and generated
extralymphoid tissues/organs of immune system
- aggregates of lymphoid tissue in non-lymphoid organs: GALT (digestive system), respiratory tract, urinary tract, reproductive tract, SALT (skin)
- lymphocytes of blood/lymph
- wandering lymphocytes
lymphocyte reticulation
from blood to lymphoid organs back to blood
- may have to go through lymph nodes after the initial lymphoid organ, leaving thru thoracic duct back to circulation
- facilitates immune surveillance
- ensures rapid response to Ag
- connects the three components of immune system (primary, secondary, extralymphoid)
reticular connective tissue and two common types
contains cells and fibers (type III collagen)
- forms sponge-like meshwork that supports lymphocytes
1. lymphoid tissue - free cells are largely lymphocytes
2. myeloid tissue - free cells are developing erythrocytes and granular leukocytes (bone marrow)
reticular (dendritic) cells
in reticular lymphoid tissue
- large cells of mesenchymal origin that maintain ECM
- have numerous cytoplasmic processes that wrap around reticular fibers
- acts as macrophages, ferritin storage, and Ag processing and presentation
- have trophic role in blood cell formation
reticular fibers
component of lymphoid reticular tissue
-seen in H&E preps, PAS+, reduced in silver salts, , made of type III collagen
types of lymphoid tissue
loose: open meshwork of cells and fibers, with numerous fixed (reticular) cells
dense: denser meshwork of cells and fibers, with numerous free (lymphocyte) cells
nodular: spherical aggregates of mostly B lymphocytes (lymphatic nodule)
- lacks CT capsule, but compact and spherical
- both primary and secondary nodules
primary nodular tissue
unstimulated (not under antigenic challenge)
-tightly packed small lymphocytes
secondary lymphatic nodular tissue
under antigenic stimulation with germinal centers
- dark zones: B lymphocytes (proliferation via clonal expansion)
- light zone: non-dividing B lymphocytes (selection, apoptosis, differentiation), T helper cells
- mantle zone: young plasma cells and memory B cells (temporary storage)
- appear during primary antigenic response, involute in about 4 weeks
also have framework of follicular dendritic cells and reticular fibers
lymph node general characteristics
kidney-shaped w/ consex (afferent lymphatic vessels) and concave sides (hilus, efferent lymphatic vessels)
- capsule of dense irregular CT
- CT trabeculae invaginate and provide structural support, subdivide node into incomplete compartments
cortex of lymph node
outer, more densely stained region
- loose lymphoid tissue (subcapsular and peritrabecular sinuses)
- lymphatic nodules (may have germinal centers, but contain mostly B lymphocytes)
medulla of lymph node components
dense lymphoid tissue (medullar cords)
-mostly B lymphocytes and plasma cells
loose lymphoid tissue (medullar sinuses)
- numerous reticular cells
- communicate with peritrabecular sinuses and efferent lymphatics
- have permeable walls that permit free passage of wandering cells
flow of lymph through a lymph node
for immune and filtration functions
- afferent lymphatics (enter from multiple sites on convex surface; unique to lymph nodes)
- subscapular sinus
- peritrabecular (intermediate) sinuses
- medullar sinuses
- efferent lymphatics (leave node at hilus)
both entry/exit have valves to ensure one-way lymph flow
filtration of lymph
occurs in sinuses
lymph moves slowly
reticular cells are phagocytes
-failure will faciilitate spread of infection and/or metastases
lymphocyte circulation (not the same as lymph flow)
- produced in germinal centers
- forced to periphery of nodules
- enter sinuses
- leave node by way of efferent lymphatics
- enter blood circulatory system by way of thoracic duct
- most return to nodes by HEV
- recirculation is critical to efficient immune surveillance
high endothelial venules
HEV - how 90% of lymphocytes return to circulation (other 10% by afferent lymphatic vessels)
- lined by tall endothelial cells w/ vascular addressins on their surface
- small lymphocytes have “homing receptors”
- other cell adhesion molecules (selectins, integrins, CHO, clever-1, Ig superfamily) involved in diapedesis
- seen in tonsils, lymph nodes and Peyer’s patches, but not spleen/thymus
medical relevance of HEVs
- play a role in lymphocyte recirculation (contribute to specificty)
- decrease in number with age (matches immunologic function)
- may be involved in metastasis of lymphoid malignancies (lymphomas)
reasons why recirculation of lymphocytes is critical to efficient immune surveillance
- permits lymphocytes to encounter Ags
- facilitates communication with other leukocyte types
- allows targeting of lymphocytes