Lymphatics Flashcards
lymphatic system
network of vessels throughout the body that carry lymph
clear-yellow fluid composed of proteins, salts, fats, lymphocytes, clotting factors, bacteria, viruses
lymph nodes
small masses of lymphatic tissue along the course of the vessels that fitlter lymph as it flows towards the venous system
located beneath ribs 9,10,11
largest single mass of lymphoid tissue
acts as filter located between an artery and vein
no lymphatics in spleen
located in superior mediastinum
involutes after puberty and becomes fatty tissue
palatine tonsils
lateral pharynx
lingual tonsils
posterior 1/3 of the tongue
pharyngeal tonsils/adenoids
at the nasopharyngeal border
gate keeper of hepatobiliary pancreatic venous and lymphatic drainage
pressure sensitive organ in RUQ
1/2 of bodies lymph is formed here
clears bacteria
virchows node
left supraclavicular - suspicious for intra abdominal cancer
epi(supra)trochlear node
superior/psoterir to medial epicondyle
suspicious for secondary syphilis
lymphatics channels perfuse all tissues of the body except
bone marrow
peripheral nerves
lymphatic vessels are composed of
endothelium that lacks a basement membrane - therefore allows fluid, protein, bacteria, cellular debris, emuslfied fats to readily enter
valves ensure unidirectional flow
thoracic duct
drains the majority of the body
empties into the venous system at the jucntion of the left internal jugular vein and the left subclavian
at T4
cisterna chili
dilated collecting sac in the abdomen where the lymphatic trunks draining the lower half of the body merge
ascends from the collecting sac as the thoracic duct into the thorax
anterior to L1-L2
right lymphatic duct
drains the right side of the head, neck and thorax as well as the right upper limb
lymph fluid flow
arterial capillaries –> interstitium –> single cell lymphatic vessels
functions of lymphatic system
fluid balance
purification and cleansing
lymphatic treatment indications
acute somatic dysfunctions
sprains, strains
edema, tissue congestion or lymphatic/venous stasis
certain infections
pathologies iwth significant venous and or lymphatic congestion
lymphaatic relative contraindications
cancer certain infections circulatory disorders coagulopahties osseous fracture, dislocations, osteoporsis
absolute lymphatic contradindications
necrotizing fasciitis in the treatment area
unable to tolerate
does not desire