Lymphatic & Endocrine System Flashcards
What is the lymphatic system and what are its functions?
The lymphatic system consists of a complex network of specialised cells and organs designed to protect and defend the body against pathogens
What 3 main things does the lymphatic system do?
- drains excess interstitial fluid
- transports dietary lipids
- immune response
What is one important function of the lymph nodes
It acts as a filtration system.
As lymph enters one end of a lymph node, foreign substances are trapped.
There are 7 important lymph nodes what are they?
- submental
- submandibular
- axillary
- mediastinal
- abdominal
- superficial inguinal
What is lymphedema?
A build up of fluid in the body which causes the effected tissues to swell
Why do some patients with breast cancer have their axillary lymph node removed?
This prevents the spread of the cancer
What is lymphoma?
Cancer of the lymphatic system
What are glands?
A group of epithelial tissues that produce secretions
What is the main difference between between exo and endocrine?
Exocrine secretes into ducts
Endocrine secretes into interstellar fluid
- Exocrine secrets eat wax into ear canal
- Endocrine secretes adrenaline into adrenal glands
What are examples of some glands?
- hypothalamus
- pituitary gland
- thyroid gland
- adrenal gland
- ovary
- testis
- pineal gland
What are the two types of hormones and what are some examples of what they produce?
Lipid based - steroids, thyroid
Peptide based - adrenaline, insulin, glucagon etc
What are features of steroid hormones?
- carried by bloodstream
- diffuse readily into cells
- generally acts within the nucleus
What rhythm is this?
Sinus bradycardia
Where is the submental lymph node located
Under the chin area/the floor of the mouth