Lymphatic DnD Flashcards
transmitted by sexual bodily fluids and the sharing of needles
- destroys t-4 lymphocytes
- leads to ___
- fever for couple weeks
- asymptomatic for 10 years
HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus
T-4 lymphocyte cells gets so low victim is prone to opportunistic infections
Opportunistic infections: infections that normal people can yield off but people with weaker immune systems cannot
-special cancers
TX: based on symptoms
antiretroviral medications
AIDS: Acquired immunodeficiency virus
Immune systems response to foreign substance
the production of antibodies causes symptoms like swelling or redness
common things that can trigger it:
peanuts, shellfish, pollen
extreme reaction of allergens
Symps: coughing, redness, swelling, respiratory problems
TX: epinephrine pen
tip: wear bracelet.
Anaphalctic Shock
Category of immune system dnd which includes allergies
growth of abnormal cell growth
Metastasis: when bad ells break of from group, travel using lymph vessels, and grow somewhere else [SPREADING]
different types
TX: chemo, radiation, surgery
Lymph node cancer caused by the multiplication/over production of lymph nodes/lymphocytes
- cause UNKNOWN: could be family, environmental impacts
SYMPS: painless enlargement of lymph nodes
TX: chemo, radiation
Hodgkin’s disease: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
cause: EBV: epstein-barr virsus
haring of body fluids [SALIVA]
Symptoms: fever, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, appetite loss, sore muscle
TX: rest, fluids, meds for swelling/pain
infectious monocluesis
excessive production of lymph node fluid
damage/blocked lymphatic system
- removal of key lymph nodes may cause post cancer
SYMSP: swelling or lymph nodes, ARMS LEGS TARGET
TX: comrpession devices, massage
inflammation of tonsils due to bacteria/virus
a type can include strepp
Symps: difficulty swallowing, throat pain, red/white tonisls, yellow covering of tonsils
TX: antibiotics,
deeper cases include tonsillectomy
body immune system mistakenly attacks its tissues
SYMP: dependent on disease
can be universal like fatigue, muscle pain, swelling, hair loss, etc.
meds to help with pain
Autoimmune disease
AUTOIMMUNE disease which stiffens the skin and blood vessels becasue of overproduction of collagen
symps: can happen with organs
raynauds: blood vessels in fingers/toes spasm
TX: immunopressens,pain meds,physical therapy
symps: fatigue, achy muscles, fever, hair loss,
TX: depends on symptoms
anti-inflam drugs
Lupus erthryomatosus