Lungs Flashcards
What are some things that can start an asthma attack
aspirin, beta blockers, Dairy products. mold, Ibuprofen, preservatives, nuts.
4 s/s of asthma
Swelling, mucus, spasms of bronchioles. Maybe cough
Chronic Bronchitis-Excessive mucus
Emphysema- loss of elasticity and destruction of alveoli
Comorb for COPD
Cardiac disease
Two types of asthma drugs
Quick release and long term
What are the quick release classes for asthma
SABA-Short acting beta2 adrenergic antagonists-Bronc dilators
Cortico Steroids- Antiinflammatorys
What are the long acting meds for asthma
Mast cell stabilizers-Antiinflammatory
Leukotriene modifiers-Antiinflammatory
Monoclonal antibodies-Biologic therapy
Where are corticosteroids secreted from? and what kinds are there?
Adrenal gland
mineral- Aldosterone -retention of na and water
Gluco- stress metab
gonad-sex hormones
Glucosteroids effects 6
Suppress immune response, promote broncho dilation sim, increase BG, break down lipids for energy. break down bones, stabilize mast cells inhibit inflam mediators.
steroids 4AE
Peptic ulcer, inhibit insulin,
long term osteoporosis,
impaired wound healing
dosing for steroids
low and gradually increase
alternate- intermediate acting-prevent adrenal atrophy
attempt to admin locally to reduce systemically
hydrocortisone kind of steroid and MA
MA-Replaces glucocorticosteroids, block inflam, and allergic reactions
AE-Long term large doses can make cushings
What are the drug interactions for steroids? 1
Potassium wasting diuretics-increases risk of hypok
Insulin and oral hypoglycemics- may need to adjust dose
Live vaccines-risk for infection
Patient teaching with steroids
If stopped- adrenal glads go into adrenal insufficiency-hypotension, lethargy, renal fail, asthenia, nausea, vomit
Good things about estrogen 4
Increases HDL and Decreases LDL
Help with Menopause
protects boney matrix
Pallative care with men with terminal prostate cancer blocks androgen
Name of estrogen
uses 5
Conjugated estrogen premarin Hypogonadism oophorectomy post men end prostate cancer Bind to intracellular estrogen receptors-stimulate proteins needs for bio effects of estrogen
AE of estrogen minor 5
Major 7
HA cramping bloating, breast tenderness, vaginal bleeding
PE, DVT, stroke
Increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer
increased risk of endometrial cancer in postmen women
increased risk of dementia
cat x preg
Progestin indications 4
Uterine abnormalities, uterine bleeding, inop endometrial carcinoma, Pre menopause replacement therapy
Progesterone AE 6
Minor- breast tenderness, breakthrough bleeding, weight gain, depression, N/V
Major-Increased risk of breast cancer, clots, MI- With estrogen
preg x
Hormone Therapy oral contraceptives indications 5
And what do they use
Contraception, Heavy bleeding, acne, endometriosis, Hirsutism,
Prevent ovulation by sending negative feedback message to pituitary- suppresses LH and FSH
Estrogen and progestin