Lung Function Tests Flashcards
Forced expiratory volume in 1 second
Forced Vital Capacity
Total lung capacity
Functional residual capacity
Airway resistance
Lung compliance
Single breath carbon monoxide transfer factor
Partial pressure of oxygen in systemic arterial blood
Oxygen saturation in arterial blood by pulse oximetry
End tidal partial pressure of CO2
What is the equation for minute volume?
Tidal volume x respiratory frequency
Equation for measuring FRC by He dilution
He(initial) v Vol(spir) x FHe(initial)
What does F stand for in He dilution equation
Fractional concentration of helium
How is human lung compliance measured
Nano-oesophageal tube - oesophageal balloon
Compliance =
Delta V / Delta P
Airway resistance measured by
Constant volume whole body plethysmography
AWR equation, shutter open
AWR= (deltaPalveolar/F)
deltaPalv = deltaPbox x (Volbox/Valv)
Shutter closed equation
Valv =Palm x (delta V / delta P alv )
Equation for airway resistance slope
Slope = GAW = 1/raw
Carbon Monoxide Transfer Factor
TLco = mmol CO transferred . Min-1. KPa-1
Residual volume
RV = vol in x (%He in / % He out) - vol
Normal Pa02
Normal PaCO2
Normal HCO3
Normal pH
low pa02, normal or low PaCO2 and HCO3, normal or high pH
Ventilation:perfusion mismatch
Low pao2, high Pac02, normal hco3, low pH
Acute hypo ventilation, acute respiratory acidosis
Low pa02, high, high, low
Chronic hypoventilation, chronic respiratory alkalosis
Normal pa02, low paco2, normal hco3, high pH
Acute hyperventilation, acute respiratory alkalosis
Normal pa02, low PaCO2, low hco3, high pH
Chronic hyperventilation, chronic respiratory alkalosis
Test for reversibility of airway obstruction
Beta 2 agonist (salbutamol) inhalation
15% incr in FEV1 in 15 mins
Usually increases in FVC
FEV1/FVC ration useful
Diagnosis = asthma
Test for bronchial hyper-responsiveness
Methacholine or histamine
PC20 ie dose which causes a 20% fall in FEV1
Normal = >16mg/mL
Test for allergy
Any suspect allergen
Increased diurnal variation in PEF occupational asthma
Predicted VE
= 70% of (40xFEV1)
Predicted peak HR