Lung Channel of the Hand Tai Yin: Overview Flashcards
LU7 to LI
Front Mu
Associated organs
Stomach, Lung, Large Intestine
Crossing points
3 to 5 am
Couples with
Spleen Yang
Dominates qi of whole body, Circulates qi, promotes circulation of qi to chest to nourish the heart and lungs, regulates body fluid circulation, regulates ascending and descending qi, spreads qi and raises the spirit
Channel pathology
pain and stiffness along changes (pain, swelling, hot or cold sensations); exterior syndromes (aversion to cold, fever with or without sweating, nasal obstruction, headache); disorders of the nose and throat (sneezing, watery and itchy eyes, ENT pain)
Organ pathology
Disorders of the lung; Disorders of the chest and heart; disorders of the body fluid; disorders of the large intestine; disorders of the stomach
Disorders of the Lung
cough, asthma, shortness of breath, sputum, hemoptysis, weak and low voice, fatigue, frequent colds
Disorders of the chest and heart
chest pain, stifling sensation, palpitations, restlessness grief
Disorders of the body fluids
yellow urine, frequent urination, incontinence, edema
Disorders of the large intestine
abdominal fulness and distention, loose stools, diarrhea, constipation
disorders of the stomach
distending pain, burning sensation in the epigastric region or behind the sternum
LU1 Chinese and English name
Zhong Fu, middle palace
LU7 Chinese and English name
Lie Que Broken sequence
LU9 Chinese and English names
Tai Yuan, supreme abyss
Chest points
LU1 and LU2 – open up chest to assist breathing, chest symptomology
upper arm points
Shen issues, window of Sky deal with neck and chest stagnation, She and Po
Elbow point
Forearm point
Pain and bleeding
Wrist points
Tonifying. Horary point at 8 is super townifying. LU9 is Yuan source point and also meeting point for blood vessels, also mother point. LU7 is Ren Mai and master point
Hand points
LU10 for heat and febrile conditions, LU11 to revive consciousness
Major landmarks for channel
clavicle, acromion, axillary fold, cubital crease, tendon of biceps brachia, transverse wrist crease, styloid process and radial artery, radial side of corner of thumb nail
pectorals major, pec minor, anterior deltoid, biceps brachia, pronator trees, thenar muscles
Major cautions
Pneumothorax of LU1 and LU2, Cubital vein at LU5, Cephalic vein at Lu7, Radial artery at LU8 and LU9