Large intestine channel of the Hand Yang Ming: Overview Flashcards
Entry point
LI 4
Exit point
Associated organs
LI and Lung
Crossing points
All Yang channels cross at DU14 Da Zhui, SI 12 (Bing Feng) and DU26 (Ren Zhong)
Crossing points all
ST4 ST12 SI12 DU14 SU26 Ren 24 GB5 GB6 GB14 ST37
5 to 7 am
Couples with
Lower HeSea point
Distributes qi to the face and head; connects and assists with the functioning of its associated sense organ, regulates body fluids (Jin Ye), circulates qi to the arm, shoulder and neck, maintains the normal functions of the large intestine, clears heat from the blood and channels, tonifies qi and blood
Especially physiology
dominates disorders of Jin ye
Channel pathology
pain and stiffness along channel pathway, exterior syndromes, disorders of head and face and sensory organs, skin disorders
Examples of Channel pathway: pain and stiffness along channel pathway
pain, swelling, hot and cold sensations along the pathway
Examples of channel pathway: exterior syndromes
fever, chills, nasal obstruction, Yang Ming headache
Examples of channel pathway: disorders of face, head and sensory organs
sinusitis, epistaxis, swelling and pain of throat, toothache, redness of eyes, neck swelling, facial paralysis
Example of channel pathway: skin disorders
swelling, rashes, itching, discoloration, discharge, pain of skin
Organ pathology
Disorders of the LI: disorders of the LU; Disorders of theST; Disorders of the Jin Ye
Disorders of the LI
abdominal pain, umbilicus pain, borborygmus, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation
Disorders of the LU
cough, asthma, sputum, chest pain, fatigue
Disorders of the ST
epigastric pain, vomiting, belching
Disorders of the Jin Ye
excess: diarrhea, runny nose, facila edema, sweating. Deficiency: dry mouth and throat, thirst, dry stool, class of sweating
He Gu: Joining valley
Yang Xiang Welcome fragrance
LI: Jing well
LI: Ying Spring
LI: Shu Stream
LI: Yuan Source, Entry point, commander of the face and mouth
LI: Jing River
LI: Luo point
LI: Xi cleft point
LI: He sea point
LI: Celestial window
LI: Exit point
Channel overview:
Connects stomach channel and is called Tang Ming. Arm Yang Ming and Stomach is Leg Yang Ming. Both are full of qi and blood. used closely together to read upper and lower aspects of the anterior body
Big Channel actions
Clears heat pathology, treat pain, clear sensory orifices, treats some toothaches
Points from LI2 to LI11
Clear heat, activate channel and alleviate pain, effect abdomen and digestion some way
Points LI 17 and 18
Neck pathology
Points LI19 and 20
Nasal pathology
LI crossover
to the other side of the mouth at DU25 Ren Zhong (human center
Major landmarks
Index finger, Metacarpiphalangeal joint, first and second metacarpal bonds, tendons of extensor policis longus and brevis. Lateral epicondyle of elbow, lateral transverse cubital crease, insertion of m deltoid and brachialis, acromoion, clavicle, scapular spine, m sternocleidomastoid, sternal and clavicular heads, nostril, nano labial groove, ala nasi
extensor pollicis longus and brevis, extensor carpiradialis longus, brachioradialis, triceps brachii, deltoid, supraspinatus, trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, scalene, orbicularis fris
major cautions
LI4 contraindicated in pregnancy, Cephalic been at LI5, Pneumothroax at LI16, Carotid artery and jugular vein ant LI17 and LI 18