Categories of points Flashcards
Quality of qi: Jing Well
Emanates, shallow, changes direction, yin/yang transformation
Quality of qi: Ying Spring
Quality of qi: Shu Stream
Quality of qi: Jing River
Quality of qi: He Sea
Unites, enters inward
Associated element: Jing Well
Associated element: Ying Spring
Ass. element: Shu Stream
Ass. element: Jing River
Ass. element: He Sea
Horary point
Jing River
Yuan source point
Shu Stream
Jing well treats
fullness below heart
Ying Spring treats…
Heat in the body
Shu Stream treats
heaviness of the body and joints
Jing river treats..
Coughs, chills, fever
He Sea treats
counterflow qi and diarrhea
Zang fu Jing well organ
Zang fu ying spring
Zang fu shu stream
Zang fu jing river
Zang fu he sea
Jing well actions
clearing heat, restoring consciousness, rescuing collapse
Ying Spring actions
Clears heat from zangfu or channel, clears excess pathogen, stagnation or heat
Shu stream actions
tonify, harmonize respective zang. most important point in the channel, regulate the organ more than the channel, esp for damp attack
Jing river actions
ENT Chills Fever Cough voice sinuses bones
He Sea actions
Knees and elbows have a greater interior effect
Jing well also treats
fullness below the heart, diseases of the zang, disorders of the spirit
Ying spring also treats
heat in the body, changes in complexion color, diseases of the yang channels and diseases of the zang
Shu Stream also treats
Heaviness in the body
Pain in the joints
Diseases that attack intermittently
disorders of zang, yang channel disorders,
Jing River also treats
Coughs, chills fever
He Sea also treats
Counterflow qi and diarrhea, disease of the stomach from irregular eating and drinking, disease of the fu
Xi Cleft
where qi and blood gather and plunge more deeply
Xi Cleft treats
acute conditions and pain, disorders of blood
Yuan source
Original qi surfaces and lingers
Yuan source location
same as Shu Stream for yin
Luo Connecting points
Psych-emotional disorders, disorders that appear interiorly and exteriorly
Front mu
Chest or abdomen point close to zang or fun, treats disorders of zangfu not channel, tender in response to disharmony (attack point)
Ma Dan-Yang heavenly star points
Most important 12 points
Point of window of heaven
Near head and neck, for rebellious stomach and lung qi, for headache and dizziness, heat, and mental and emotional distress, sudden onet