Lung cancer Flashcards
What is a possible paraneoplastic feature of an adenocarcinoma?
List examples of paraneoplastic features associated with squamous cell lung cancer
HPOA-hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
PTH-rp secretion, causing hypercalcaemia
List examples of paraneoplastic features associated with small cell lung cancer
ACTH secretion
Eaton Lambert syndrome
Secretion of ACTH or PTH is relevant to small cell lung cancer?
Secretion of ACTH or PTH is relevant to squamous cell lung cancer?
Where are squamous cell carcinomas most likely to develop in the lungs and what can this cause?
Nearer the larger airways of the lung
- obstruction and lobar pneumonia
Which lung cancers are near-endocrine in nature?
Small cell lung cancers
What is the most common type of lung cancer in non-smokers?
List contraindications to lung cancer surgery
SVC obstruction
FEV1 <1.5
Malignant pleural effusion
Vocal cord paralysis