Lung Flashcards
Lungs are enclosed within _____
Seperated by ____
Plural sacs
Mediastinal structures
Apex of the lungs
extends into the root of the neck. The suprapleural membrane and pleural cupola are superior and the subclavian artery leaves a groove on the mediastinal surface of the lung
Base of the lungs
concave in shape. The right lung is more concave (a higher diaphragm on the right due to the liver’s position)
Hilum of the lungs
structures enter and leave the lung. It is formed mainly by the bronchi, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, bronchial arteries and veins, nerve plexuses, and lymph nodes
Structures in the lungs hilum on the right
superior vena cava and right atrium lie anterior to the hilum, and the azygos vein arches over it
Structures in the lungs hilum on the left
thoracic aorta is posterior to the hilum; the aortic arch is superior
Structures in the lungs hilum on both sides
phrenic nerve, anterior nerve plexuses and minor vessels lie anteriorly, the vagus nerves and posterior nerve plexuses lie posteriorly
Lung lobes
Three on the right
2 on the left
Each lobe is subdivided into
triangular bronchopulmonary segments that correspond to the individual segmental bronchi
Right lung has two fissures:
Oblique - horizontal
Oblique lung fissure
separates the middle and lower lobes (follows the line from the second vertebral spine to the sixth costochondral junction)
Horizontal lung fissure (transverse
separates the upper and middle lobes (follows the line from the fourth costochondral junction to join the oblique fissure in the axillary line)
Left lung has 1 fissure
oblique fissure separating the upper and lower lobes
Bronchoscopic anatomy of trachea
appears as a glistening tube structure with a red mucosa and regular concentric white tracheal rings.
Bronchoscopic anatomy of carina
sharp ridge and lies slightly to the left of the midline: