Lumbar instabilities and Core stab. Flashcards
what is defined as a defect in the pars interarticularis?
spondylolysis (=broken)/ spondylolisthesis (=anterior slippage of body of vert.)
pt. profile: severe LBP after vigorous activity, pain with ext. and rot., they are constantly moving and fidgeting to try and get comfortable, hx of catch/lock. agg. by prolonged positioning
Inc. lumbar lordosis, + Gower’s sign, extension hinging at one segment, poor pelvic control, central PA painful, leg load test pos.
functional instability–> leads to spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis
how do u perform the leg load test?
pt is supine, knees up and soles of feet on mat, biofeedback unit longitudinal on side u are testing. inflate to 40 mmHg, perform co-contraction- see inc. in pressure
tx for spinal instab?
TA and multifidus training
prone test for TA activiation?
pt prone, laying on biofeedback, inflate to 70 mmHg, have them draw in and then hold it while taking 10 normal breaths, pressure should dec. 6-10mmHg, if it only dec. <2 mmHg or if it increases, not doing it right.