What is an example of a machine translation UI improvement?
A mock-up where users select a word and see all possible translations.
What issue arises with displaying too many alternatives?
The user has to guess which translation is the “best.”
How can the system improve the translation process?
By tokenizing keywords in the text and predicting a domain to enforce constraints.
What does design iteration involve?
Iterating the designers’ own understanding of the problem.
Why is getting useful feedback challenging?
People’s time is expensive, and they are often unwilling to spend much time giving feedback. They may also provide easy answers that aren’t necessarily useful.
What do fast feedback methodologies enable?
They enable researchers to quickly get lots of useful feedback and ideas from people efficiently.
What are some fast feedback approaches? (3)
Card sorting, storyboards, and design fictions.
What is card sorting?
Card sorting involves taking several ideas, concepts, or things and putting them on cards. Users are then asked to sort the cards to understand how they group concepts.
What does card sorting help you understand?
It helps you understand how people naturally group things, which can be useful for UI/UX redesigns.
What are the pros of card sorting? (3)
Easy to explain to users.
Easy to run.
The outcome shows how participants think about UI layouts.
What are the cons of card sorting?(2)
Individual bias/preferences can influence results.
There may be different definitions of terms among users.
What is a common usage of card sorting?
It is commonly used for putting menu items or information into categories on a website
What are storyboards?
Series of sketches showing how a user might interact with the technology or progress through a task.
How are storyboards often used?
They are often used with a scenario to bring in more detail and context.
What are the pros of using storyboards? (3)
Simple to design by yourself.
Makes you think through the process of how something will be used and identify needed features.
Useful for communicating ideas.
What are the cons of using storyboards?
Rough sketches mean not everything can go in.
Limited in scope, impractical to use on a whole project.
Why are poorly drawn storyboards beneficial?
Poorly drawn storyboards are actually better for getting feedback from users on important things.