LU 4: Social Inequality Flashcards
What is social inequality?
- Refers to the unequal distribution of resources, opportunities, & privileges among individuals or groups within a society.
- It occurs when some people or groups have more advantages, such as wealth, education, access to healthcare, & political power, while others have fewer opportunities and face disadvantages.
What forms can social inequalities manifest itself?
- economic
- education
- disparities in healthcare
- housing
- employment opportunities
What do social inequalities lead to?
Social stratification, where individuals or groups are categorized into different social classes or ranks based on their access to resources & opportunities.
What are the 4 stratification systems?
- Slavery
- Caste systems
- Estate systems
- Class
Describe slavery as a social stratification?
Status of master and slavery ascribed by race.
Describe the caste system as a social stratification system?
- A hierarchy of ascribed social statuses.
- Social mobility near impossible.
Describe estate system as a social stratification system?
It involved royalty and the exchange of land to nobles for loyalty and military service.
Describe class as a social stratification system:
Social classes are a way of categorizing & understanding the hierarchical structure of society based on the distribution of resources & opportunities.
Describe social inequality under apartheid:
Apartheid was a system of industrialized racial segregation and discrimination that was enforced in SA from 1948 to the early 1990s.
It was a deeply entrenched system of social inequality that systematically oppressed and marginalized non- white racial groups, primarily black SA’s, coloured’s & Indians.
Describe a egalitarian society:
A society in which all members are equal.
What are the 3 indicators of inequality?
- Power
- Prestige
- Wealth.
What was said about inequality & social stratification before 1994?
Read through page 298 and 299 and develop an understanding of the 3 sociological insights captured.
What is Karl Marx’s perspective on class inequality?
- In industrialized societies is foundational to the theory of Marxism.
- Marx analyzed the dynamics of class struggle & social inequality within the context of industrial capitalism.
Describe Weber’s perspectives on class inequality:
- Weber’s approach to understanding social stratification, known as the Weberian perspective, complemented & expanded upon Marx’s ideas.
What are the 6 aspects of Karl Marx’s perspective:
- Class structure
- Exploitation
- Alienation
- Historical materialism
- Class struggle
- Transition to communism.