LU 3: Class Flashcards
What does Social Class refer to?
Divisions in society based on economic and social status
Social Class encompasses various factors such as wealth, education, occupation, and income levels.
What are some characteristics shared by people in the same social class?
Similar level of wealth, educational achievement, type of job, and income
These characteristics contribute to the social dynamics and interactions among individuals within the same class.
What is class?
The concept of class refers to the way in which people in society are divided into social layers or groups or layers, each of which share similar experiences, orientations and habits.
What does the term “social stratification” refer to according sociologists?
- The concepts of race & gender
- The concept of class has been used as a prism through which fundamental lines of division of society have been drawn.
True or false:
Class has been presented as a factor that not only stratifies society into social groups, but shares almost every aspect of our lives.
True or false:
It doesn’t include non- economic factors such as culture or race and economic conditions in which people share.
What is class according to MARX?
- key word: exploitation.
- defines class in relation to production.
- focus is on ownership and non- ownership of economic resources “means of production.”
What is class according to WEBER?
- defines class in relation to the consumption of goods and service available on the market.
- it is about the opportunities available to an individual in a society dominated by the market.
What was MARX’S focus of CLASS?
- class as a starting point
- class formation
- class as a relation
- class conflict and class struggle
- class consciousness
- class and material inequality
- class and politics.
What was WEBER’s focus of CLASS?
- rationalization and class
- Webber’s definition of class
- class interests and social action
- status and party
- Erin Olin Wright and class.
- Michael Buraway and The politics of production
- EP Thompson and the making of the English working class.
Define class as a starting point according to Marx:
- According to Marx, there were no social classes in communal societies.
- Classes only emerged as social relations became more complex with the division of labour & as the ancient communal mode of production gave way to feudalism and then capitalism.
- As a capitalist society matures and the influence of the landowners fades- the concept of class becomes more clearly defined in relation to production & the economy.
- The bourgeoise and proletariat emerged as the 2 primary and fundamental social groups in a capitalist society.
- Marx further identified 2 subordinate groups, the petty- bourgeoise (small traders, teachers) & the lumpen- proletariat (homeless, unemployed).
- Marx’s use of the concept changed and developed along with changing social and economic conditions.
Define class formation according to Marx:
- Human beings must relate to one another in order to produce what society needs to survive.
- What starts out a series of SOCIAL RELATIONS OF PRODUCTION between people soon turns into relationships between different social groups.
- For Marx, class identifies the antagonisms between social groups which arise in this historical process in successive modes of production.
- For Marx, the proletarian movement is the self- conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interests of the immense majority.
- Every class struggle is a political struggle: while the two primary classes are locked into antagonistic social relations in order to produce an economic surplus for society, they cannot survive without each other.
Define class relation according to Marx:
- Society is a whole.
- Class is hence not a thing, For Marx, but rather expresses A RELATION.
- For Marx, the relational nature of class is defined in terms of who owns the MEANS OF PRODUCTION: this refers to the land, raw materials, tools, equipment, machinery etc; needed when work is being performed.
- The social relations of production emerge when work is performed.
- The productive forces (FORCES OF PRODUCTION) in society don’t only consist of the means of production but also include the development of machinery and technology.
- Class, for Marx, captures how, historically, the 2 major social classes are organized and stand to opposed to one another, particularly under capitalism.
- Social classes undergo continual change: at a certain stage of development, the material productive forces of society come in conflict with the existing relations of production.
- The formation of social classes is hence rooted in conflict.
Define class conflict & class struggle according to Marx:
- The conflict between capitalists & workers is known as CLASS STRUGGLE.
- Causes a clash in direct producers and those who own and control crucial economic resources- THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION.
- This group of people can use their ownership & control to benefit from the labour of the direct producers- Marx refers to such benefits as SURPLUS VALUE: what capitalists get from the process on top of their investment.
- He regards it as being a form of EXPLOITATION: profits made at the expense of the workers’ efforts.
- Marx hoped to forever change the dominant social relations of production in capitalist society & the need for class struggle.
- “Motor of history”- the dynamic structural tension that proples any class divided society forward and lies at the heart of social change.
- While the social relations of production are primarily economic in nature, they have social, political & ideologies dimensions as well.
- The multiple dimensions of social relationships between classes mean that the class struggle can acquire different forms:
*economic dimension: union organization, strikes, other forms of protest. - social dimension: community- based organization & civil society alliances.
- political dimension: class- based political parties & their work on relevant legislation & policy.
- ideological dimension: struggles over the content of education, media & campaigns- shape CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS.
- In the process of class struggle, those who belong to a particular class will come, for Marx, to understand themselves in relation to those in a different class and understand themselves as a definable social group or class.
- Classes have existence only in the class struggle as they attempt to advance their class interests. This brings us to the issue of how class understands itself.