LTCA Terms Flashcards
Activities of Daily Living
American Ass. or Retired Persons
American Disabilities Act
Alzheimer Disease
also known in medical literature as Alzheimer disease, is the most common form of dementia. There is no cure for the disease, which worsens as it progresses, and eventually leads to death
American Health Care Association
Certificate of Need - legal document required in many states and some federal jurisdictions before proposed acquisitions, expansions, or creations of facilities are allowed. CONs are issued by a federal or state regulatory agency with authority over an area to affirm that the plan is required to fulfill the needs of a community
Continuing Care Retirement Communities - type of retirement community. In the U.S. where a number of aging care needs, from assisted living, independent living and nursing home care
Durable Power of attorney for medical care
authority of the attorney-in-fact to act and/or make decisions on behalf of the grantor continues until the grantor’s death and medical care
Minimum Data Sets -.S. federally mandated process for clinical assessment of all residents in Medicare or Medicaid certified nursing homes. This process provides a comprehensive assessment of each resident’s functional capabilities and helps nursing home staff identify health problems – RUGS are a part of this process.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration - OSHA’s mission is to “assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance
Older Americans Act
Older Americans Act of 1965 (Pub.L. 89–73, 79 Stat. 218, July 14, 1965) was the first federal level initiative aimed at providing comprehensive services for older adults. It created the National Aging Network comprising the Administration on Aging on the federal level, State Units on Aging, and Area Agencies on Aging at the local level.[1] The network provides funding - based primarily on the percentage of an area’s population 60 and older.
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 — Signed into law by pres. Regan
Patient Self Determination Act of 1990
was passed by the United States Congress in 1990 as an amendment to the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990. Effective on December 1, 1991, this legislation required many hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, hospice providers, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), and other health care institutions to provide information about advance health care directives to adult patients upon their admission to the healthcare facility
prospective payment system -is a means of determining insurance reimbursement to hospitals based on predetermined prices, commonly from Medicare. Payments are typically based on codes provided on the insurance claim.[1] Examples of these codes include:
Diagnosis-related groups – for hospital inpatient claims
Ambulatory Payment Classification – for hospital outpatient claims
Current Procedural Terminology – for other outpatient claims
Resident Assessment Instrument