LTC Bible Bowl -Q&A Ex8-13 Flashcards
What was the second plague, sent upon Egypt by the LORD in the beginning of Chapter 8?
Frogs (3) Ex8
In which of the following places did the LORD say the second plague would be found?
Pharaoh’s house, bedroom, and bed c. Into ovens and kneading bowls
b. The houses of the king’s servants and people (3) Ex8
Over what did Aaron stretch out his hand that caused frogs to cover the land?
The waters of Egypt (6) Ex8
Who made frogs cover the land by using ‘secret arts’?
. Magicians (7)Ex8
What did Pharaoh tell Moses and Aaron he would do if they would pray to the LORD that
he would remove the frogs?
Let their people go to offer sacrifices to the LORD (8)Ex8
When did Pharaoh say Moses should pray?
. Tomorrow (10)Ex8
What was the one place Moses told Pharaoh the frogs would remain?
The Nile (11)Ex8
What was done with the frogs that died after Moses’ prayer?
They were gathered into heaps (14)Ex8
What did Pharaoh do when he saw that there was relief from the frogs?
Hardened his heart (15)Ex8
What was the third plague, which came after Aaron struck the dust of the earth with his staff?
Gnats (16)
Upon what specifically does Exodus 8 say gnats came?
Man and beast (17)Ex8
Who tried but was unable to produce gnats using secret arts?
Magicians (18)Ex8
What did magicians say was responsible for the gnats that were in the land of Egypt?
. The finger of God (19)Ex8
How did Pharaoh respond to the plague of the gnats?
Hardened his heart (19)Ex8
- What was the fourth thing with which the LORD had Moses tell Pharaoh he would plague Egypt if he did not let the Israelites go?
Swarms of flies (21)Ex8
What was the one place the LORD said no swarms of flies would be found?
. Goshen, where the Israelites lived (22)Ex8
After Pharaoh was told of the coming of the flies, when did they actually arrive?
The next day (23) Ex8
When flies descended on Egypt, where did Pharaoh say the Israelites could make sacrifices?
There in the land of Egypt (25)Ex8
What did Moses say the Egyptians would do to the Israelites if the Israelites offered
detestable sacrifices in their presence?
Stone them (26) Ex8
Despite agreeing that the Israelites could go into the wilderness (but not very far) if Moses would
pray for the flies to leave, what did Pharaoh ultimately do
Hardened his heart (19)Ex8
. As chapter 9 begins, what does the LORD say he will bring upon the Egyptians’ livestock?
A severe plague (3) Ex9
Which Egyptian animals were affected by what the LORD did in Exodus 9?
Horses, donkeys, cattle,
Camel, flocks, and herdsEx9
What distinction did the LORD make between the Egyptian livestock and the Israelite livestock?
No Israelite animals would die (4)Ex9
From where did the LORD have Moses take handfuls of soot?
A kiln (8)Ex9
When the soot became dust and settled over the land of Egypt, what broke out on people and
Boils (10)Ex9
What were the magicians unable to do after they were affected by the plague caused by the dust?
Stand before Moses (11)Ex9
. For what purpose did the LORD say he had raised Pharaoh up?
. So the LORD could show his power (16)Ex9
What was the LORD sending that caused him to tell Pharaoh that the Egyptians should
bring their livestock to a place of shelter?
Very heavy hail (18)Ex9
What did the officials of Pharaoh who feared the LORD do upon hearing this news?
Brought their slaves and livestock inside (20)Ex9
What happened when Moses stretched his staff towards the sky?
There was thunder, hail, and fire (23) Ex9
What was unique about the storm that occurred when Moses stretched his staff towards the sky?
It was the worst in Egypt since it
became a nation (24)
What was the only place in Egypt where hail did not fall?
Goshen, where the Israelites lived (26)Ex9
Which of the following did Pharaoh admit?
He had sinned (27) Ex9
When did Moses tell Pharaoh he would spread his hands in prayer in order to stop the thunder and hail?
After he left the city (29)Ex9
. What did Moses say he knew about Pharaoh and his officials?
. They did not fear God (30)Ex9
How did Pharaoh and his officials sin after Moses prayed and the LORD stopped the hail and
They hardened their hearts (34)Ex9
Whom did the LORD say Moses would tell about how the LORD dealt harshly with the Egyptians?
His son and grandson (2)Ex10
The Lord had Moses ask Pharaoh how long he would refuse to do this before the LORD.
Humble himself (3)Ex10
In Exodus 10, what did Moses say would cover the ground if Pharaoh did not let the Israelites go?
Locusts (4)Ex10
What did Moses say would devour what little the Egyptians had left, and fill their houses?
Locusts (5-6)Ex10
Who, in urging Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, asked him, “Do you not yet realize that Egypt is ruined?”
Pharaoh’s servants (7)Ex10
. When Pharaoh told Moses and Aaron they could go worship the LORD in Exodus 9, what did
he ask them?
Who would be going (8)Ex10
Who did Moses tell Pharaoh would celebrate a festival to the LORD?
Young & old, sons & daughters, and herds & flocks (9)Ex10
What did Pharaoh say was Moses’ purpose that he had in mind according to Chapter 10?
Evil (10)Ex10
Before driving them out of his presence, which Israelites did Pharaoh say could go worship
the LORD?
Only the men (11)Ex10
When Moses’ staff stretched over Egypt, from what direction did the wind blow all day and night?
East (13)Ex10
When did the wind bring the locusts?
By morning (13) Ex10
What was described as being ‘darkened’ due to being covered by
The land (15)Ex10
After the locusts had devoured everything the hail had not destroyed, and Pharaoh asked Moses to pray for the LORD to take the plague away, what came into Egypt from the west?
A strong wind (19) Ex10
To where were the locusts carried away?
The Red Sea (19)Ex10
What plague did the LORD bring upon Egypt after the plague of locusts?
Darkness (22)Ex10
How many days did the plague of darkness last?
Three (23)Ex10
. Who had light in the places where they lived?
The Israelites (23)Ex10
When Pharaoh, because of the plague of darkness, said the Israelites and their women
and children could go worship the LORD, what did he order them to leave behind?
Herds and flocks (23)Ex10
Why did the Israelites need to take all of their livestock with them into the wilderness?
They didn’t know what they would need to sacrifice (26) Ex10
Who did Moses say he would never appear before again?
Pharaoh (29)Ex10
What did the LORD say Pharaoh would do to the Israelites after the final plague occurred?
Drive them away completely (1)Ex11
Which Israelites were to ask their Egyptian neighbors for articles of silver and gold?
Men and women (2)Ex11
. How was Moses regarded by Pharaoh’s servants and the Egyptian people?
A great man (3)Ex11
At what time did the LORD say he would go through Egypt in Exodus 11:4?
. About midnight (4)Ex11
Who did the LORD say would die when he went through Egypt?
Every firstborn son (5)Ex11
. Which cattle did the LORD say would die when he went through Egypt?
Every firstborn (5)Ex11
After the LORD went through Egypt, what did he say would occur that would be the worst
that had ever occurred in Egypt, and the worst that ever would be again?
Loud wailing (6)Ex11
When the LORD went through Egypt, what did he say the Israelite dogs would not do?
Growl at any person or animal (7)Ex11
What would the behavior of the dogs let the Israelites know?
The LORD distinction between Egypt and Israel (7)Ex11
After this last encounter with Pharaoh, how does Exodus 11 say Moses left Pharaoh?
Hot with anger (8)Ex11
Why did Pharaoh refuse to listen to Moses?
So the LORD’s wonders would be multiplied (9)Ex11
On the tenth day of the first month of the Israelites’ year, what was each man to take for
his family, one for each household?
A lamb (3)Ex12
What were households that were too small for one lamb supposed to do?
Share with a neighbor (4) Ex12
Which of the following describes the animals the Israelites were required to take for their families?
One year old, without defect (5)Ex12
Where were the Israelites to put blood from the lambs they took for their families?
. The two doorposts and the lintel of the house (7) Ex12
How were the Israelites to prepare the meat of the animal they slaughtered for Passover?
Roasted, with bitter herbsEx12
What were the Israelites to do in this manner: “…with your belt fastened, your sandals on your feet,
and your staff in your hand”?
Eat the Passover lamb (11)Ex12
What was struck down on the night the LORD passed through Egypt?
The firstborn of both people and animals (12)Ex12
For how many days were the Israelites commanded to eat bread made without yeast during
the Festival of Unleavened Bread?
Seven (15) Ex12
What was the name of the celebration to remember that the LORD brought Israel’s divisions out
of Egypt?
Festival of the Unleavened Bread (17)Ex12
At what time of day did the LORD strike down all the firstborn in Egypt?
Midnight (29)Ex12
How many Egyptian houses did not have someone who died during Passover?
None (30) Ex12
What specifically did the Egyptians fear that caused them to urge the Israelites to leave Egypt?
That they would all die (33)
What was the dough without yeast, carried on the Israelites’ shoulders in troughs, wrapped in?
Cloaks (34)
About how many Israelite men journeyed from Rameses to Succoth when they departed from Egypt ?
Six hundred thousand (37)Ex12
. In what condition was the Israelites’ dough as a result of their being driven out of Egypt
without time to prepare food for themselves?
. It had no yeast (39)Ex12
. What was the length of time the Israelite people lived in Egypt?
430 years (40)Ex12
. In the regulations for the Passover meal, which of the following did the LORD say could not eat it?
Foreigners (43) Ex12
When would a slave be allowed to eat the Passover meal?
After being circumcised (44)Ex12
Where were the Israelites required to be when they ate the Passover meal?
. Inside the house (46) Ex12
If a stranger living among the Israelites wanted to celebrate Passover, what did the stranger
have to do first?
Have all males in his household circumcised (48) Ex12
Who did the LORD say was to be consecrated?
Every firstborn male human and animal (2)Ex13
. In what month did the Israelites depart from Egypt?
Abib (4)Ex13
- During the seven day feast to commemorate the Egyptians leaving Egypt, what did the LORD
say was not to be seen anywhere in Israel’s borders?
Leaven (7) Ex13
How frequently were the Israelites to commemorate the day they left Egypt?
At the appointed time, year after year (10)Ex13
Whose land had the LORD promised to give to the Israelites?
The Canaanites’ (11)Ex13
Which of the following did the LORD command the Israelites to give over to him [the LORD]?
The first offspring of every womb (12)Ex13
What were the Israelites commanded to redeem with a lamb?
Every firstborn donkey (13)Ex13
What was to be done to donkeys that were not redeemed?
Their necks were to be broken (13)Ex13
What country did the Israelites NOT travel through, even though that route was shorter?
The Philistine country (17)Ex13
Why did God lead the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea?
So they would not return to Egypt if they faced war (18)Ex13
Whose bones did Moses take with him?
Joseph’s (19)Ex13
What did the LORD guide the Israelites by during the day?
A pillar of cloud (21)Ex13
What did the LORD guide the Israelites by during the night?
A pillar of fire (21)Ex13