LTC Bible Bowl -Q&A Ex 14-20 Flashcards
What did Pharaoh do when he realized the Egyptians had lost the services of the Israelites?
He changed his mind (5)Ex14
Who accompanied Pharaoh when he followed the Israelites into the desert?
c. His army (6)Ex14
How many of the best chariots did Pharaoh take into the desert when he followed the Israelites?
Six hundred (7) Ex14
How does Exodus 14 describe the way the Israelites marched out of Egypt?
Defiantly (8)Ex14
Where were the Israelites when Pharaoh’s horses, chariots, horsemen, and troops overtook them?
Camping by the sea near Pi-hahiroth (9)Ex14
Who said, “Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the
The Israelites, to Moses (11)Ex14
Who said it would have been better for the Israelites to be servants in Egypt than to die in the
The Israelites (12)Ex14
What did Moses tell the Israelites they needed to do in order for the LORD to fight for them?
Be silent (14)Ex14
What did the LORD tell Moses would happen when he raised his staff and stretched out his hand
over the sea?
The water would be divided (16)Ex14
What did the LORD say he would gain through Pharaoh, his hosts, his chariots, and his horsemen?
Glory (17-18)Ex14
Who had been traveling in front of Israel’s host, but withdrew and moved behind them?
The angel of God (19)Ex14
What stood behind the Israelites, coming between them and the host of Egypt?
The pillar of cloud (19) Ex14
With what did the LORD drive the sea back, dividing the waters?
A strong east wind (21)Ex14
What word described the ground the Israelites walked on as they passed through the sea?
Dry (22)Ex14
What did the LORD do to the wheels of the Egyptian chariots when the Egyptians followed
the Israelites into the sea?
Clogged them (25)Ex14
What happened when Moses stretched his hand out over the sea at daybreak?
The sea returned to its normal course (27) Ex14
How many Egyptians survived when the water from the sea flowed back and covered
Pharaoh’s army?
Not one (28) Ex14
What was described as a “wall” on the right and the left of the Israelites?
The sea water (29)Ex14
How did the Israelites respond to the LORD when they saw his mighty hand displayed against
the Egyptians?
They believed in the LORD and in his servant Moses (31)Ex14
. According to Exodus 15, who sang the song recorded in the first part of Exodus 15?
Moses and the Israelites (1)Ex15
What did the LORD do to the horse and driver, according to the song in Exodus 15?
Thrown them into the sea (1)Ex15
In what sea were the chosen of Pharaoh’s officers drowned?
The Red Sea (4)Ex15
Like what did Pharaoh’s officers sink into the depths of the deep waters?
A stone (5) Ex15
According to the song in Exodus 15, who would ‘melt away’?
The people of Canaan (15)Ex15
Who was Miriam the prophet?
. Aaron’s sister (20)Ex15
What did Miriam have in her hand as she danced?
A tambourine (20)Ex15
When the Israelites left the Red Sea, where did Moses lead them?
The Wilderness of Shur (22) Ex15
How many days did the Israelites travel without finding water?
Three (22)Ex15
Where did the Israelites find bitter water?
Marah (23)Ex15
How did the Israelites respond when the water they found was bitter?
They grumbled (24)Ex15
What did Moses throw into the water that caused it to be fit to drink?
A log (25)Ex15
What was the name of the place where the Israelites camped that had twelve springs and
seventy palm trees?
Elim (27)
What was located between Elim and Sinai?
The Wilderness of Sin (1)
Where did the Israelites arrive on the fifteenth day of the second month after they left Egypt?
The Wilderness of Sin (1)
As they complained, what did the Israelites say they had had in Egypt?
Meat pots and bread to the full
What did the Israelites claim would happen because Moses and Aaron had brought them into
the wilderness?
They would die of hunger (3)
. What did the LORD say he would rain down from heaven?
. Bread (4)
. Except for the sixth day, how much bread were the Israelites to collect?
. Enough for one day (4)
. How much bread were the Israelites to gather on the sixth day?
Twice as much as they gather daily (5)
Though the people grumbled at Moses and Aaron, who did Moses tell them they were
actually grumbling against?
The LORD (8)
. How did the glory of the LORD appear as the Israelites looked toward the wilderness while
Aaron was speaking?
In a cloud (10)
What did the LORD have Moses tell the Israelites they would eat at twilight?
Meat (12)
What did the LORD have Moses tell the Israelites they would be filled with in the morning?
Bread (12)
What birds, sent from the LORD as meat for the Israelites, covered their camp in the evening?
Quail (13)
How does Exodus 16 describe the appearance of the bread the LORD sent the Israelites?
Fine flake-like things (14)
. By what did the Israelites measure how much bread they had collected?
The omer (18)
What happened to the bread if the Israelites disobeyed and kept it overnight?
It bred worms and stank (20)
What happened to the bread left outside on the ground when the sun grew hot?
It melted away (21)
As he explained the process for collecting extra food on the sixth day, what did Moses tell the
Israelites the next day would be?
A holy sabbath to the Lord (23)
What was the seventh day – the day the Israelites were to rest – called?
The Sabbath (29)
What was the seventh day – the day the Israelites were to rest – called?
Manna (31)
For how many years did the Israelites eat manna?
Forty (35)
What does Exodus 17 say the Israelites did NOT have when they camped at Rephidim?
Water to drink (1)
What did Moses fear the Israelites might do as a result of their grumbling against him?
Stone him (4)
Who did the LORD instruct Moses to take with him when he went in front of the people of Israel?
Some of the elders of Israel (5)
What did the LORD instruct Moses to take with him when he went in front of the people of Israel?
The staff he had used to strike the Nile (5)
What did Moses strike with his staff?
The rock at Horeb (6)
What came out of the rock at Horeb?
Water (6)
What did Moses call the place where the Israelites quarreled and tested the LORD?
Massah and Meribah (7)
Who attacked the Israelites at Rephidim?
The Amalekites (8)
. Who did Moses put in charge of choosing men to go fight the Amalekites?
Joshua (9)
What did Moses hold in his hands when he stood on a hill during the battle at Rephidim?
The staff of God (9)
Who stood on top of a hill with Moses during Joshua’s battle at Rephidim?
Aaron and Hur (10)
What happened whenever Moses lowered his hands during the battle at Rephidim?
The Amalekites would begin to win (11)
What did Aaron and Hur do when Moses’ hands grew weary?
They held them up, one on each side (12)
Why did the LORD say that the battle against the Amalekites should be written on a scroll?
The name of Amalek was to be blotted out
from under heaven (14)
What did Moses call the altar built to commemorate the battle against the Amalekites?
What did Moses call the altar built to commemorate the battle against the Amalekites?
With whom did Moses send his wife, Zipporah, and their two sons to stay?
Jethro, Zipporah’s father (2)
. What was the name of Moses’ son that meant ‘I have been a sojourner in a foreign land’’?
. What was the name of Moses’ son that meant ‘I have been a sojourner in a foreign land’’?
. What was the name of Moses’ son that meant ‘I have been a sojourner in a foreign land’’?
. Eliezer (4)
How did Moses and his family reunite?
Jethro took them to Moses in the wilderness (5) c
What did Jethro do in response to Moses’ news of what the LORD had done for Israel?
Brought a burnt offering (12)
Who took a seat and served as a judge for the people of Israel?
Moses (13)
Who was concerned about the work Moses did for the Israelites from morning to night?
Jethro (14)
Why did the Israelites take their disputes to Moses?
He could tell them God’s statutes and laws (15)
Who advised Moses to appoint God-fearing men to act as officials / judges?
Jethro (19-22)
. What was Moses told the men he appointed should hate?
A bribe (21)
Who heard the difficult (great matter) cases of the Israelites?
Moses (26)
After they left Egypt, how long did it take for the Israelites to reach the wilderness of Sinai?
On the third moon (1)
Where did the Israelites camp once they entered the wilderness of Sinai?
In front of a mountain (2)
. What did the LORD have Moses tell the Israelites they would be
His treasured possession, A holy nation and A kingdom of priests (5-6)
What did the Israelites say in response to the message from the LORD that Moses delivered to them?
All that the LORD has spoken we will do (8)
. How did the LORD tell Moses he would appear to the Israelites?
In a thick cloud (9)
What did the LORD have the Israelites do to their clothes as part of the consecration process?
Wash them (10)
What did the LORD say would happen to anyone who touched the mountain?
They would be put to death (12)
In Exodus 19, what did the LORD say would result in someone being stoned or shot with arrows?
Touching the mountain (13)
When were the Israeites allowed to touch the mountain?
When the trumpet sounds a long blast (13)
What occurred on the morning of the third day?
Thunder and lightning (16)
What sat over the mountain on the third day?
A thick cloud (16)
Who led the Israelites out of the camp to meet with God at the foot of the mountain?
Moses (17)
Why was Mt. Sinai covered in smoke?
The LORD descended on it in fire (18)
Who answered Moses when he spoke as the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder?
The voice of God (19)
Who went to the top of Mt. Sinai?
Moses and the LORD (20)
. To whom was Moses told to issue a warning that they should not force their way through to see
the LORD?
The priests and the people (24)
How did God identify himself to Moses when he spoke on Mt. Sinai?
The LORD your God (1)
Which commandment states, “You shall have no other Gods before me?”
The first (3)
Of what did God specifically command the Israelites not to make images?
Anything in heaven above, or earth
beneath, or water under the earth (4)
Which word did the LORD use to describe himself as he gave the second commandment?
Jealous (5)
For how many generations did God say he would punish the children of those who sinned?
To the third and fourth (5)
What did the LORD command the Israelites NOT to do with his name?
Take it in vain (7)
How were the Israelites commanded to remember the Sabbath?
By keeping it holy (8)
What day of the week was the Sabbath?
. Seventh (10)
What did the LORD say the Israelites, their servants, their animals, and sojourner living in their
towns were NOT to do on the Sabbath?
Work (10)
Who had worked for six days, in the same way the Israelites were expected to also work
six days?
The LORD (11)
Who does Exodus 20 say would live long in the land the Lord was giving them?
Those who honor their father and mother (12)
Which of the following did the LORD command the Israelites NOT to do in Exodus 20?
. Murder, steal, commit adultery (13-15)
Against whom were the Israelites told not to bear false witness?
Their neighbors (16)
What were the Israelites told not to do to their neighbor’s house, wife, servants, oxen,
donkeys, and other possessions?
Covet them (17)
What did the Israelites believe would happen to them if God spoke to them?
b. They would die (19)
What had the LORD done so that the fear of God would be with them to keep them from sinning?
Tested them (20)
Where did the Israelites remain when Moses approached the thick darkness where God was?
They stood far off (21)
Which of the following were the Israelites supposed to make?
An altar of earth (24)
- Upon what were the Israelites told to sacrifice their burnt offerings, fellowship offerings,
sheep, goats, and cattle?
An altar of earth (24)