LTC Bible Bowl -Q&A Ex1-7 Flashcards
How many descendents of Jacob were there in all?
Seventy (5) Ex1
Which son of Jacob was in Egypt before the rest of his family arrived?
Joseph (5) Ex1
Which of the following describes the Israelites, even after the death of Joseph and his brothers?
They were fruitful and filled the land (6-7)Ex1
What concern did the ‘new king’ who had not known of Joseph fear the Israelites might do?
Join enemies against them in a war (10) Ex1
- In what way did the Egyptians oppress the Israelites in response to their concerns about them?
Put taskmasters over them (11)
What were Pithom and Ramses?
Store cities of Pharaoh built by Israelites (11)Ex1
What caused the Egyptians to dread the Israelites?
They multiplied and spread (12) Ex1
How did the Egyptians make the lives of the Israelites bitter?
With hard service in brick and mortar By working them ruthlessly as slaves
With all kinds of work in the fields (14)
Who were Shiphrah and Puah?
Hebrew midwives (15) Ex1
Which Israelite offspring did the king of Egypt instruct Shiphrah and Puah to kill?
. All Israelite sons (16)Ex1
. Why did the midwives not do as the king of Egypt had told them to do?
They feared God (17)
. In their explanation to Pharaoh regarding why the Israelite women gave birth before the midwives
could arrive, what word did the midwives use to describe the Israelite women who gave birth?
Vigorous (19)Ex1
Why did God give the Israelite midwives families of their own?
Because they feared God (21)
To whom did Pharaoh give the order, “Every son that is born to the Hebrews you shall cast into
the Nile, but you shall let every daughter live.”
All his people (22)Ex1
From what tribe were Moses’ parents?
Levi (1-10 Ex2
How long did Moses’ mother hide him?
Three months (2Ex2
What did Moses’ mother coat with bitumen and pitch?
A papyrus basket (3)Ex2
Who stood and watched from the distance when Moses was placed in the Nile among the reeds?
His sister (3-4)Ex2
When Pharaoh’s daughter saw Moses as she was bathing in the Nile, how did she identify him?
As a Hebrew baby (5-6) Ex2
For what purpose did Moses’ sister offer to find a Hebrew woman?
To nurse the baby (7)Ex2
Who did Moses’ sister get to nurse the baby?
. The baby’s mother (8)Ex2
Who eventually became Moses’ mother?
Pharaoh’s daughter (10) Ex2
What does “Moses” mean?
I drew him out of the water (10) Ex2
Who did Moses witness beating a Hebrew man?
An Egyptian (11)Ex2
After killing the individual who was beating a Hebrew, where did Moses hide the body?
In the sand (12)Ex2
What did Moses ask a Hebrew man who was wrongly fighting with another Hebrew man?
Why do you strike your companion? (13)Ex2
What did Moses realize when he heard the response of the fighting Hebrew man?
The man knew Moses had killed an Egyptian (14)Ex2
To where did Moses flee when Pharaoh tried to kill him because Moses had killed an Egyptian?
Midian (15)Ex2
Who did Moses encounter at a well in Midian?
The seven daughters of a priest named Reuel (16-18)Ex2
Why did Moses rescue and water flocks for Reuel’s daughters?
Shepherds had driven them away (17)Ex2
What was the name of the daughter Reuel gave to Moses to be Moses’ wife?
Zipporah (21Ex2
What is the name of Moses’ son, which means, “I have been a sojourner in a foreign land”?
. Gershom (22)
After the king of Egypt died and the Israelites groaned and cried out to God, what did God
His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob (22)Ex2
What is the name of the “mountain of God” to which Moses led his father-in-law Jethro’s flocks?
Horeb (1 Ex3
Who appeared to Moses in flames of fire in a bush that did not burn up?
The angel of the LORD (2) Ex3
What was Moses’ response when God called to him from within the burning bush?
Here I am. (4)
What was Moses instructed to remove because he was standing on holy ground?
His sandals (5) Ex3
What did Moses do when God announced who he was?
Hid his face in fear (6) Ex3
Because of concern for his people who were suffering in Egypt, what did God come down to do?
Deliver them (7) Ex3
How did God describe the land to which he intended to take the Israelites?
Flowing with milk and honey (8) Ex3
To whom did God send Moses to bring the Israelites out of Egypt?
c. Pharaoh (10) Ex3
When speaking to the Israelites, who specifically was Moses to say had sent him?
I Am (14) Ex3
Who was Moses instructed to assemble and to then deliver a message from God?
The elders of Israel (16) Ex3
Who did God say should go with Moses to visit the king of Egypt to request permission to take a
three-day journey into the wilderness?
The elders of Israel (18) Ex3