LT3 Body Nutrient Status Flashcards
What causes obesity?
Imbalance of foot intake and energy expenditure
Suggestesd that defective neuronal network regulation via ANS = in turn induces flobal changes in nutrient and energy flux
What information is sent to the brain in obesity?
Energy stores
Food intake - amount and type
Immune status - microbiome
What in the periphery has to be controlled?
Substrate utilizaiton and storage
Describe the flow of information
2nd order neurones can also signal back to 1st order
What type of inputs from from periphery to CNS?
Both neuronal and endocrine
Where do satiety signals come from and what do they control?
‘meal size’
Information from upper GIT via vagus and sympathetic afferents converge on NTS and hypothalamus
What does NTS stand for?
Nucleus of the solitary tract
What are the long term and short term signals about energy stores?
Satiety signalling = short term
Adiposity negative feedback signalling = long term
Define satiation
Senesation of fulln ess generated during a meal
Define satiety
Period of time between end of one meal and start of the next
Define adiposity
State of being obese
What does short-term satiety signalling regulate?
Meal initiation, termination adn inter-meal frequency
What signals are generated by the GIT?
Satiation signals
All increase signalling durign meal to supress food intake and appetite
What happens to satiation signals during meal?
Satiation signal increases during meal to limit meal size
What is the role of CCK?
CCK cells are concentrated in the proximal small intestine.
CCK hormone
is secreted into the blood upon the ingestion of food.
The physiological actions
of CCK include stimulation of pancreatic secretion and gallbladder contraction,
inhibits gastric emptying, and induction of satiety.
Where does CCK signal to in the brain?
Signals to hindbrain NTS
What is the role of PYY?
Inhibits gastic motility & reduces food intake
Where is PYY secreted from?
L-cells in the gut
What is the role of GLP-1?
Inhibits gastric emtyping and reduces food intake
Where is GLP-1 released from?
L-cells of the gut
What two satiety signals are released from L-cells in the gut?
PYY and GLP-1
Why are PYY and GLP-1 considered hypo?
Because they have a significant effect on lowering blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin secretion and suppressing glucagon release, essentially promoting a hypoglycemic state when their levels are elevated, particularly after a meal when they are naturally released in the gut.
What is the role of oxyntomodulin (OXM)?
Suppresses appetite
What is the role of obestatin?
Anorexigenic = suppresses food intake
What does NTS do?***
Key integrative centre?
What neural route does long-term satiety signalling go through?
Adipose and pancreas signal thorugh ARC
Signal eventually delivered to NTS
What neural route does short-term satiety signalling go through?
Stomach and GIT signals both to ARC and to NTS (both via SNS afferent and vagus)
Liver signals via vagus nerve to NTS
Where is leptin predominantly made and released?
White adpiose cells
Explain the difference between ob/ob and db/db mice?
ob/ob mice = leptin deficient
db/db mice = LEPR b isoform deficient
What type of hormone is leptin?
Pleiotropic hormone = a hormone that influences multiple traits or phenotypes.
This means that a single hormone can have multiple functions and act at different levels in the body.