LT2 Flashcards
Accelerated Fuel Oil Stability Test
F21-61 (Blotter).
How much sample is used for the blotter test?
What temperature is the blotter test analyzes at and for how long?
50ml of sample for 90 minutes at 300F.
Accelerated Fuel Oil Stability Test
F21-61 (Blotter).
What process is used when filtering sample?
What filter is used?
After pouring sample through filter, wash test tube 3 times with 10ml of heptane through filter.
4.25cm No.1 Whatman filter
ASTM 7039 Sulfur in Gasoline, Diesel Fuel and gasoline Ethanol blends by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
What type of X-ray is used to determine sulfur?
Total sulfur by monochromatic wavelengthdispersive X-ray fluorescence (MWDXRF) spectrometry
ASTM 7039 Sulfur in Gasoline, Diesel Fuel and gasoline Ethanol blends by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
What are the test ranges for Diesel and Gasoline using ASTM D7039
Diesel 0-100 mg/kg
Gasoline 0-500 mg/Kg
rounded to the nearest 1 mg/kg
for concentrations ≥100 mg/kg
D611 Aniline Point
What do the temperature points characterize during analysis of pure hydrocarbon and hydrocarbon mixtures?
Aromatic hydrocarbons exhibit the lowest, and paraffins the highest
Cycloparaffins and olefins exhibit values that lie between those for paraffins and aromatics.
D611 Aniline Point
What is the maximum value that can be entered expected Aniline Point?
The maximum value that can be entered is 338 F or 170 C.
D611 Aniline Point
How much sample and Aniline is used for this test?
10ml of aniline into the apparatus,
and deliver 10ml of sample with a different syringe
D611 Aniline Point
What does the Aniline Point estimate?
Aniline point is most often used to provide an estimate of the aromatic hydrocarbon content of mixtures.
D611 Aniline Point
What is the procedure for washing the measuring cell?
(1) Close the drain valve and inject approximately 20 ml of toluene solvent into the sample inlet.
(2) Turn the stirring switch on to wash the cell for 10 to 20 seconds.
(3) After washing, stop stirring and drain the solvent.
(4) If necessary, repeat the above procedure multiple times.
(5) Dry the inside of the measuring cell using methanol as a drying solvent
D2163 Determination of Hydrocarbons in LPGs by Gas
(Big Al/Gordo)
What type of detector is used?
Flame Ionization Detector. (FID)
D2163 Determination of Hydrocarbons in LPGs by Gas
(Big Al/Gordo)
Component concentrations are determined in the range of?
0.01 to 100 volume percent
D2163 Determination of Hydrocarbons in LPGs by Gas
(Big Al/Gordo)
What is used to pressurize and clean LPG cylinders?
High Purity Nitrogen/Helium to pressurize and clean LPG cylinders.
D2624 Electrical Conductivity of Aviation and Distillate Fuels
What type of voltage is used when determining conductivity?
Alternating voltage.
D2624 Electrical Conductivity of Aviation and Distillate Fuels
What is the upper detection limit?
conductivity range up to 2000 pS/m
If the conductivity is
sufficiently high, charges dissipate fast
D2624 Electrical Conductivity of Aviation and Distillate Fuels
What temperature is conductivity analyzed?
Analyze at 72F
D2624 Electrical Conductivity of Aviation and Distillate Fuelsls
Procedure for zero and calibration?
“M” Button for 3 seconds = 0
“CAL” button for 3 seconds = 410
D3242 Acidity in Aviation Turbine Fuel
What is the detection range?
0.000 mg/g to 0.100 mg/g KOH
D3242 Acidity in Aviation Turbine Fuel
What indicator solution is used?
0.1 mL of the p-Naptholbenzein
D3242 Acidity in Aviation Turbine Fuel
What size Buret is used?
10 mL buret graduated in 0.05 mL subdivisions
D3242 Acidity in Aviation Turbine Fuel
What sample size is used.
100g ± 5 grams to the nearest 0.5g of sample
D3242 Acidity in Aviation Turbine Fuel
What is the titration solvent and how much is used for testing?
Titration Solvent: 1000ml of Toluene, 10ml of of water, 990ml of anhydrous isopropyl alcohol.
100 mL of the titration solvent and 0.1 mL of the p-Naptholbenzein indicator solution in it.
D3606 Determination of Benzene and Toluene in Finished Motor and Aviation Gasoline by GC
What type of detector is used?
Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)
D3606 Determination of Benzene and Toluene in Finished Motor and Aviation Gasoline by GC
What are the detection ranges?
Benzene 0.1 to 5 vol%
Toluene 2 % to 20 vol%
D3606 Determination of Benzene and Toluene in Finished Motor and Aviation Gasoline by GC
Daily CRV is ran to monitor accuracy and precision gasoline is ran twice a week to monitor precision.
D3606 Determination of Benzene and Toluene in Finished Motor and Aviation Gasoline by GC
What is the Internal Standard used?
Sec-Butanol (2-Butanol)
Istd Wt is 4 which is used as a multiplier to calculate result.
D3606 Determination of Benzene and Toluene in Finished Motor and Aviation Gasoline by GC
What is the peak/elution order?
Benzene, Sec-Butanol(2-Butanol), Toluene
Reported to the nearest 0.01% by volume.
D4294 Sulfur Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
What ranges does this method cover?
D4294 is used for ranges 0.10 to 5.00%
D4294 Sulfur Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
What cup and film type are used for D4294?
Spectro Sulfur Cups Cat. No. 1850
Spectro Membrane Polypropylene Thin Film Cat. No. 3020
D4530 MCRT
What test is D4530 MCRT equivalent to?
D189 Conradson Carbon Residue
D4530 MCRT
What should happen if samples are expected to be below 0.10wt%?
The 10 % bottoms is then tested for carbon residue by this test method.
D4530 MCRT
What is the first step in this procedure?
Homogenzie sample.
D4530 MCRT
What pressure should the Nitrogen gauge read?
Make sure Nitrogen pressure gauge is reading 20psi 1psi.
D4530 MCRT
When should the sample vial holder be removed after the run is complete?
When the run is complete and the oven temperature is under 250C
D4815 Determination of Oxygenates in Gasoline by GC
What type of detector is used on D4815?
FID (Flame Ionization Detector)
D4815 Determination of Oxygenates in Gasoline by GC
What types of columns are used?
1st polar TCEP column
2nd WCOT nonpolar column
D4815 Determination of Oxygenates in Gasoline by GC
What are the detection limits?
Ethers 0.20 % to 20.0 % by mass.
Alcohols 0.20 % to 12.0 % by mass.
D4815 Determination of Oxygenates in Gasoline by GC
What is the internal standard?
DME (Dimethoxyethane)
ASTM D4928
Water in Crude Oils by Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration
What is the determination range?
0.02 to 5.00 mass or volume % in crude oils
ASTM D4928
Water in Crude Oils by Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration
How long should you homogenize the sample?
Homogenized the sample for 4 minutes prior to analysis.
ASTM D4928
Water in Crude Oils by Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration
When all the water has been titrated, excess
iodine is detected by an _________________and the titration is terminated.
electrometric endpoint detector
D6079 Evaluating Lubricity of Diesel Fuels by HFRR
What size sample specimen is used when analyzing lubricity by HFFR?
2-ml test specimen
D6079 Evaluating Lubricity of Diesel Fuels by HFRR
What temperature and humidity is the sample specimen analyzed?
60 °C
humidity is maintained between 30 % and 85 %
D6079 Evaluating Lubricity of Diesel Fuels by HFRR
a vibrating arm holding a non-rotating steel ball loaded with ________ mass is lowered
until it contacts test disk completely submerge in the fuel.
200 g
D6079 Evaluating Lubricity of Diesel Fuels by HFRR
The ball is rubbed against the disk with a ____
stroke at a frequency of ________________.
50 Hz for 75 minutes
D6079 Evaluating Lubricity of Diesel Fuels by HFRR
Upon completion of the test, remove the upper specimen holder, rinse with _________ then ________ (air dry).
heptane then acetone
ASTM D6667 Total Sulfur in LPG by UV Fluororscence
What is the detection range of sulfur for this method?
0-100 mg/Kg total sulfur
ASTM D6667 Total Sulfur in LPGby UV Fluororscence
The gaseous sample then enters a high temperature combustion tube where sulfur is __________ to sulfur dioxide (SO2) in an oxygen rich
ASTM D6667 Total Sulfur in LPGby UV Fluororscence
What type of detector tube is use for analysis?
photomultiplier tube
ASTM D6667 Total Sulfur in LPGby UV Fluororscence
A blank will be run before the sample to ensure the lines are clear of any residual or carryover. The blank should be _____________.
D7042 Dynamic Viscosity and Density of Liquids by Stabinger
How is kinematic viscosity calculated?
Vk=Kinematic Viscosity
Vd=Dynamic Viscosity
ASTM D7546
Determination of Moisture in New and InService Lubricating Oils and Additives by Relative Humidity Sensor
What is the range for this analysis?
10 mg/kg to 100 000 mg/kg
0.001 wt./wt. to 10 % wt./wt.
ASTM D7546
Determination of Moisture in New and InService Lubricating Oils and Additives by Relative Humidity Sensor
What temperature has the apparatus been set to?
D88 Saybolt Viscosity
What temperature range is used for analysis?
21 and 99°C
70 and 210°F
D88 Saybolt Viscosity
How much sample is used for analysis?
60ml of sample
D1796, D2709 & D4007 Water and Sediment by Centrifuge
What range is this method valid for fuel oil?
The method is valid for fuel oils in the range from 0 to 30 % volume water and
D1796, D2709 & D4007 Water and Sediment by Centrifuge
Does this method detect dissolved water?
No, this method does not detect dissolved water.
D1796, D2709 & D4007 Water and Sediment by Centrifuge
What tube is used for analysis?
203mm (8in) tube
D1796, D2709 & D4007 Water and Sediment by Centrifuge
What is the sample preperation?
Homogenize sample for 1 minute.
D1796, D2709 & D4007 Water and Sediment by Centrifuge
What motor speed is needed to require the correct G’s for this analysis?
1530 rpm’s. This will deliver an RCF of 600 G
D1796, D2709 & D4007 Water and Sediment by Centrifuge
At what temperature should the centrifuge tube bath and centrifuge be maintained?
140F (60C)
D3227 Mercaptan Sulfur by Potentiometric Titration
What are the detection limits?
0.0003 to 0.01 mass%
3 to 100 weight ppm
D3227 Mercaptan Sulfur by Potentiometric Titration
A ___________ method is used to determine the amount of sulfur as mercaptan.
D3227 Mercaptan Sulfur by Potentiometric Titration
What types of solvent are used?
Alkaline Titration Solvent for Gas & Naphtha
Acidic Titration Solvent for Distillates
D3227 Mercaptan Sulfur by Potentiometric Titration
How much sample is used for mercaptan test?
35g of sample
D3948 WSIM
How long should the equipment warm up before analysis.
Warm up for 15 minutes
D3948 WSIM
What temperature should the sample before analysis?
Samples should be between 65 °F and 85 °F when testing WISM
D3948 WSIM
What is this method designed to detect?
D445 Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids
How much flow time constitutes a valid analysis?
flow time should be greater than 200 seconds
D5453 Sulfur
The Xylene method will be used for
low level sulfurs less than ________.
D5453 Sulfur
What part of this equipment converts liquids to gases?
Combustion Tube
D5453 Sulfur
What part of this equipment detects sulfur compounds?
photomultiplier tube
D5453 Sulfur
What %RSD should you have to consider a valid run?
5% RSD
Preparing Volumetric Blends of Denatured Fuel Ethanol and Gasoline Blend stocks
What type of glassware should be used to make a Volumetric Blend?
Class A glassware
Preparing Volumetric Blends of Denatured Fuel Ethanol and Gasoline Blend stocks
Chill apparatus, samples, denatured fuel ethanol, to what temperature when blending?
0°C to 4°C
ASTM D93 Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester
What is the detectable temperature range for this method?
104F - 698F
40C - 370C
ASTM D93 Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester
What sample volume is required for this analysis?
Ensure at least 75 mL of sample is available so there is sufficient material for the test.
ASTM D93 Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester
What temperature should the sample be before testing flash point?
the sample temperature is at least the equivalent of 18 °C or 32 °F below the expected flash point.
ASTM D93 Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester
What are the sample container fill requirements for Flash analysis?
Residual fuel oil 85 % to 95 % full
other types of samples
not more than 85 % full or less than 50 % full
Determination of Total
Fluoride in LPG by by GC ELCD
What type of detector is used?
Electrolytic Conductivity Detector (ELCD).
Determination of Total
Fluoride in LPG by by GC ELCD
What is the range?
1ppm - 100ppm
Standard Test Method for Flash Point by Modified
Continuously Closed Cup (MCCCFP) Tester
What are the cup size, sample size, and heating requirements?
4ml cup= 1ml sample @ 2.5C/min
7ml cup= 2ml sample @ 5.5C/min
KF Analysis/ KOH Strength
The RGS stream is monitored on a daily basis. What products are used to adjust KF and KOH?
If the KF is too high, Lime is added to the process.
If the KF and KOH combined are too low, fresh KOH is added.
KF Analysis/ KOH Strength
When analyzing for KF, how much sample is used?
0.4g of sample
KF Analysis/ KOH Strength
What is the daily check on the KF analyzer?
10 ppm Fluoride std.
KF Analysis/ KOH Strength
How much sample is used to test KOH?
.25 gms of sample in a tared plastic beaker.
Fill to the 60-80 ml mark on the beaker with DI water
MDEA and H2S Loading by Titration
Determining the amine loading monitors the performance of the ____________ process.
MDEA and H2S Loading by Titration
Determining the rich loading monitors the __________ efficiency.
MDEA and H2S Loading by Titration
What determines viscosity?
amine strength
MDEA and H2S Loading by Titration
Which probe is used for Amine Strength testing?
pH electrode
MDEA and H2S Loading by Titration
Which probe is used for H2S Loading testing?
silver combination electrode
MDEA and H2S Loading by Titration
How much sample is used for Amine Strength testing?
Lean Solvent @ 0.1 – 0.2 grams is sufficient
MDEA and H2S Loading by Titration
How much sample is used for H2S Loading testing?
Rich Solvent @ 0.1 – 0.4 grams & Lean Solvent @ 5 – 30
grams is sufficient.
Refinery Gas Analysis by Gas Chromatography
(Wasson LPG)
What detector is used to detect Hydrocarbons?
Flame Ionization Detector (FID)
Refinery Gas Analysis by Gas Chromatography
(Wasson LPG)
What detector is used to detect H2S, Hydrogen, CO2, CO, O2 and N2?
Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)
Quick Reference Detection Limits
Ethers 0.20-20 Alcohols .20-12 Benzene .10-5 Toluene 2-20 D6667 0-100 Big Al/Gordo 0.01-100 VaporPro 10-100,000 @ 180C Mercaptan 3-100ppm