LP8 Flashcards
Sequence for climbing and leveling off
Look out tail to tail and above
Trim 2s nose up
Monitor airspeed until 105 kts
Power full throttle
Precision trimming
20fts before altitude
Look at TAS
Attitude to cruise attitude
Trim nose down 2s
Monitor airspeed until 117kts or 137kts
Power back to req
Precision trimming
Cruise descent and level off
Look out + TAS
Power 12’’ and 140 cruise attitude SAME TIME
Trim at the same time
Monitor airspeed to maintain 120 kts
Precision trimming
10% Of rate of descent
Power to 120kts cruise power setting
At the same time bring attitude to 120 kts cruise attitude
Glide descent and level off
Look out + TAS
Power idle
Maintain altitude until 90 kts
At 90 kts pitch release pressure
And trim 2+2+2+2+2s nose up
Monitor airspeed
100 ft before desired altitude
Power full
Monitor airspeed until 120 kts
Attitude to cruise 120 kts attitude
Trim 2+2+2+2+2s nose down
Post take off checklist
Initial climb attitude
1000’ and 80 kts select gears up
80 kts select flaps up
Ts and Ps are in the green
Prop to 2400RPM
Lights out gears up
Flaps indicate up
At 100 kts set climb attitude
Approaching 1900’ fuel pump off
PTO checklist complete
Switch outer
Pre-landing checklist
Fuel pump on
Switch tanks and monitor fuel pressure
Mixture as req
Prop set to 2400 RPM
120 kts select flaps for take-off
120 kts select gears down
Altitudes and speed quiz for approach:
Before base turn
After base turn
Before Final turn
After Final turn
105 kts
Approach + Landing sequence
Out of the final turn at 1400’ (20-30 degrees turn)
Power to 16’’
Aim for threshold 3 dég slope
At the window call tower (SG23, At the window, 3 greens, stop)
Right after radio call extend flaps to LAND
Short final 85 kts
Round off and hold just above the RW
Run-away trim
Maintain pitch control
Trim disconnect HOLD
Trim disconnect release
Manual trim as req
Electrical fire
Alternator OFF
Battery OFF
Fan off and cold
Fire extinguisher
All electrical switches off
If fire is out and electric power is required to pursue flight
Battery on
Alternator on
One by one bring turn on electrical system
Land as soon as possible
Alternator failure
Red warning light ON
Check electric
Voltmeter under 24.5V
Alternator OFF
Battery ON
Bus tie as req
Reduce electrical systems to minimum
Air cond OFF
Land as soon as practical
Use emergency gear extension
(BUS tie to off to maintain power)
Go around sequence
Power full
Initial climb attitude
Flaps select T/O
Gear select up
Trim for 90 kts
Radio call go around
Get away from traffic
Tail to tail
30 degrees toward live side
Get parallel to runway
Flaps select up
Attitude 100 kts climb attitude
PTO check
Get back in the circuit
Look downwind and crosswind
Turn crosswind at 1900’