LP-4 Flashcards
Health education
Is defined as educational interventions designed to help individuals or groups learn new health information and health behaviors; a process of communicating evidence-based methods of disease prevention and encouraging responsibility for self care.
Health promotion
is the science and are of helping change the lifestyle of individuals and society to attain optimal health, which places an emphasis on improving quantity and quality of life for all and enables people to improve their health, including the use of any preventive, educational, or administrative policy, program, or law
What are principles of Oral Health Education?
- People interpret health messages through “filters”
- Most successful education maximizes self-involvement
- Mass medias are effective in transmitting messages
- Acceptance of all peoples values
What is the health belief model?
A theory that suggest that behaviors are directed by perception and beliefs of susceptibility, severity, beneficial behaviors, and the absence of barriers to action; suggests that whether a person engages in preventive health actions depends on these beliefs.
Components of the health belief model include…
- Susceptibility
- Severity
- Beneficial
- Benefits
What is the five dimensional health model include?
Physical Emotional Mental Social Spiritual
What are the goals of dental health education?
- Provide effective dental health education
- Change values aimed @ improving health
- Health behaviors
What are the elements to the education process?
Identify the needs
Establish measurable objectives
Design learning experiences
Evaluate objective completion
What are the 3 types of learning styles?
Kinesthetic (sensory, tactile)
What are characteristics of a visual learner?
- typically a good speller
- likes it to be quiet when studying
- likes colorful displays; charts
- makes lists
- likes to use flashcards
- likes story mapping or diagrams
- takes notes and organizes them with color highlighters
What are characteristics of an auditory learner?
- reads out-loud; slow reader
- Will speak-up in class
- uses word association to remember facts and dates
- likes to record lectures
- aware of background sounds; movies
- likes to study in groups
What are characteristics of a kinesthetic learner?
- typically likes role-play
- likes sciences
- typically not a great speller
- lots of breaks when studying
- studies in short blocks of time
- likes field trips and hands-on activities
What are behavioral objectives?
Clear statements that describe instructional intent in terms of desired learning outcome; short-term, precise statements that build cumulatively to a goal.
Evaluation mechanisms consists of…
- Cognitive
- Psychomotor
- Affective
What does cognitive refer to?