Lower Limb Nerve Injuries Flashcards
David Seiden
To resist hip flexion during the “Heel Strike” phase, what muscle do you use?
Gluteus Maximus
The 5 Phases of Heel strike, Foot flat, Midstance, Heel off, and Toe off make up the _____ portion of the Gait Cycle.
The 3 phases Accelaration, Midswing, and Deceleration make up the ______ phase of the gait cycle.
During the Gluteus Maximus Gait, The heel strike and lurch occur on which side?
The weakened Side
During the Heel Strike, the Knee goes into flexion and is mainly opposed by the extensor muscles known as the ______
Given that the Quadriceps Extend to compensate the C.O.G causing the knee to flex, how does the Quadriceps Gait present?
Leaning forward and pushing femur backward.
During the heel strike your foot wants to plantar flex to go into “Foot Flat” phase. So that this doesn’t happen too quickly, which Main Dorsiflexor resists this motion?
Tibialis Anterior
During midstance, your other leg is swinging and so your hip will go through some crazy hip Adduction, which are the two main hip Abductors to resist this?
Gluteus Minimus and Gluteus Medius
The Trendelenburg sign shows the pelvis dropping on the unsupported side, caused from weakness of the ______ ____ and the _____ ____ muscles
Gluteus Minimus, Gluteues Medius