Lower Limb Flashcards
Bony landmarks and where they attach
Femoral arterial branches
Superficial femoral artery passes
Origins for pubic bone
(GI 899)
(GI 899)
Right capital femoral epiphysis
Peroneus brevis attaches to base of 5th MT
Triradiate cartilage
Straight head of rectus femoris: Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine
Inserts into patella tendon
A - Ischiopubic synchondrosis
B - Left Sacroiliac joint
C - Symphysis pubic
D - Acetabular angle
E - Left triradiate cartialage
Secondary ossicles of the foot
Os Peroneum - ossicle lateral to cuboid
Os trigonum - POSTERIOR to talus
Os supratalare - Anterior superior to talus
Os talotibiale - Anterior to tibia
Os subfibulare - tip of distal fibula distal to epiphysis - adjacent to medial side of navicula
Os tibiale externum or naviculare secundarium
Popliteal groove above lateral femur condyle
Hallacul Sesamoid bone - Sesamoid near big toe - in the flexor hallucis brevis tendon -
2 parts = bipartate hallacal Sesamoid bone
Calcaneal tendon = Achilles Tendon
Greater Trochanter insertions -
glut medius and minimus
Lesser Trochanter insertions
Fabella - sesamoid on distal femur posterly opposite to patella - into the lateral head of the gastroc - in 2 or 3 parts = Fabella biparta and triparta
Calcaneus has 2 ossification centres. Posterior centre ossifies at 5 and fuses at puberty
Tubercles or spines of the
Ligamentum Teres Femoris
Tensor Fascia Lata
Characterised by patchy fatty areas
Hypoattenuating CT
High T1/T2 Signal
Obturator internus
T1 signal in joint articulations
Cortex - No signal
Fatty Marrow - High signal
Cartilage - Intermediate signal