Anatomy Mock (K) Flashcards
Sagittal suture - coronal 3D
Lambdoid suture
Facial XR - innominate line (projection of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone)
What foramen - internal auditory canal on base of skull CT? You can see ossicles
Foreamen ovale on skull base CT
PCA Angiogram
Transverse Sinus on Venogram
Facial CT - ?Zygomatic arch
Pituitary infundibulum on MRI
Between hard and soft palate
Frontal sinus CT
CT of inferior nasal turbinate - coronal
Internal cerebral vein on venogram 3D
Optical nerve on MRI
Optical nerve on CT
Common carotid on THYROID US
SFA angio
Profuna femoris angio
Popliteal artery angio
Anterior tibial artery angio
Iliopectineal line
Paediatric Calcaneus
US iliac bone
US femoral head
coronal plane
What attaches to corocoid process
What is anterior or superior to coracoid process
Paediatric shoulder XR - Glenoid fossa
Lateral head of the gastrocnemius
What is lateral to the coronoid process of the ulna
Trapezoid bone
Axial CT showing hamate
Os acromiale
Coronal shoulder: Trapezius
Renal pyramid
Urethrogram - membranous or bulbous urethra