Lower limb 1 Flashcards
2 superficial veins of lower limb
great and small saphenous
Which superficial vein ascends anterior to medial malleolus?
great saphenous
Which vein ascends posterior to lateral malleolus?
small saphenous
Which veins do small and great saphenous empty into?
great = femoral small = popliteal
Varicose veins (which vein more common?)
dilated superficial veins due to incompetent valves
great saphenous
Important LN arrangements
superficial and deep inguinal
Hip joint type
synovial ball and socket
Why is hip joint more stable than shoulder joint?
deep socket, stability and weight bearing
What is the acetabular labrum?
fibrocartilaginous ring surrounding hip joint which increases its depth
Function of acetabular labrum
allow head of femur to articulate with pelvis
3 main ligaments of hip joint
Iliofemoral ligament prevents what?
hyperextension of hip joint
pubofemoral ligament prevents what?
hyperabduction of hip joint
Movements permitted at hip joint
flexion and extension
abduction and adduction
medial and lateral rotation
Chief flexor of thigh
Flexors of the thigh
quadriceps femoris
Extensors of hip joint
gluteus maximus biceps femoris semitendinosis semimembranosus adductor magnus
Main extensor of hip joint
gluteus maximus
When is gluteus maximus strong and when is it relatively inactive?
sitting and climbing stairs
inactive when walking
What compartment of the thigh is responsible for adduction?
adductor muscles
adductor magnus adductor longus adductor brevis gracilis obturator externus pectineus
Innervation of adductor compartment
How obturator nerve exits the pelvis?
via obturator canal which passes through obturator foramen
What muscles abduct the hip?
gluteus medius and minimus piriformis gemelli obturator internus TFL quadratus femoris
What prevents the pelvis dropping when 1 leg is raised?
abductors on the opposite side
medial rotators of hip joint
gluteus minimus and medius
4 heads of quariceps femoris?
vastus medialis
vastus lateralis
vastus intermedialis
rectus femoris
Which nerve innervates quadriceps?
femoral nerve (l2-4)
Action of rectus femoris on hip
stabilisation to help iliopsoas flex
What forms quadriceps tendon and what does this continue as?
4 parts of quadriceps unite proximal to patella
patellar ligament distal to patella as it attaches on tibia
Quadriceps action on knee
3 actions of sartorius on hip
lateral rotation
sartorius action on knee
What movement shows action of sartorius muscle?
place heel on opposite patella
Why does sartorius both flex hip and knee joint?
spirals around thigh from lateral to medial crossing hip anteriorly and knee posteriorly
5 medial thigh muscles
adductor magnus adductor longus adductor brevis gracilis obturator externus
innervation of medial thigh muscles
obturator nerve (l2-4)
Structures passing through adductor hiatus
femoral artery and vein
Femoral artery is a continuation of which artery?
external iliac artery
Where does external iliac artery –> femoral artery?
middle of inguinal ligament
Femoral artery enters thigh midway between which 2 bony structures?
ASIS and pubic symphysis
Branch of femoral artery passing posteriorly towards hamstrings?
profundal femoris
Femoral vein is a continuation of which vein?
Femoral vein passes under inguinal ligament to become..
external iliac vein
2 important veins draining into femoral triangle
profundal femoris vein
great saphenous vein
Cannulation of femoral vein is used for what?
cardiac angiography
Largest branch of lumbar plexus
femoral nerve
Femoral triangle
triangular depression below inguinal ligament
medial border of femoral triangle
adductor longus
Lateral border of femoral triangle
base of femoral triangle
inguinal ligament
3 main contents of femoral triangle
femoral artery
femoral vein
femoral nerve
Femoral sheath
funnel shaped fascial tube which surrounds proximal part of femoral vessels - NOT nerve
creates femoral canal medial to them which contains lymphatics
Femoral hernia
femoral ring is weak - females
mnemonic for femoral canal contents
What is the adductor canal?
femoral triangle structures leave distally an burrow beneath muscles to create canal
How does canal reach popliteal fossa?
passes through adductor hiatus within tendon of adductor magnus and emerges posterior to knee
Adductor canal serves a role in which name change?
anterior femoral artery –> posterior popliteal artery
When does anterior femoral artery –> posterior popliteal artery name change occur?
adductor hiatus
Adductor canal contents
femoral vein and artery
saphenous nerve
nerve to vastus medialis
Why is it called Hunter’s canal?
John Hunter
ligate femoral artery in adductor canal to treat popliteal artery aneurysms
Where does lumbar plexus nerves emerge?
through psoas major on posterior abdominal wall
2 major nerves of lumbar plexus
femoral and obturator
Lumbar plexus roots