Lower Leg and Ankle Flashcards
Which muscle plantar flexes the first ray of the foot at Heel Off?
Peronus Longus
Which Muscle counteracts supinating forces of Tib Post while stabilizing subtalar and midtarsal regions?
Peroneus Brevis
Which muscles are in the anterior compartment of the leg?
Ant Tib, Ext Digitorum Longus, Ext Hallucis longus
Which muscles are in the lateral compartment?
Peroneus longus and peroneus brevis
Which muscles are in the deep posterior compartment?
Tib Post, Flex digitorus longus, Flexor Hallicus longus
Which muscles are in the superfifcial posterior compartment?
Gastroc and soleus
What is a lisfranc injury?
Metatarsals displace from tarsals
associated with wearing high heels
Describe the Stance (Support) phase of normal gait (7)
Heel contract to toe off
Absorb shock and transfer weight during propulsion
Movement is: Lateral-medial-lateral as you roll up onto the forefoot
Movement medially (pronation) allows for shock absorption and distribution of forces during stance phase
Obligatory internal rotation of tibia during pronation
Propulsion (lateral movement/supination) “relocks” the foot in order to form a ridgid level
Tibial external rotation at push off
Describe forefoot varus
Talus adducts/plantar flexes → Foot muscles fire out of sync → Lower extremity internally rotates → Midtarsal joint is HYPERmobile → cuboid pulley less effective → Peroneal tendon is less functional → First ray is HYPERmobile → 2nd and 3rd metas bear too much weight → bunions, fractures, and callouses
Describe forefoot valgus
Talus abduction/dorsifelxes → lower extremity externally rotates → midtarsal joint HYPOmobile → cuboid less effective → peroneal tendon held more ridged → first ray HYPOmobile → 1st and 5th meta’s bear most weight
Describe the action of the toes during forefoot varus and valgus
Varus: Big toe is off ground and your pinky toe drives into the ground
Valgus: Big toe is driven into the ground while pinky toe is off the ground
What is the subtalar joint and which ROM occurs here
articulation between the talus and calcaneus
allows for inversion and eversion
What is the talocural joint?
Articulation of the tibia, fibula and trochlea of the talus
allows plantar and dorsiflexion (stable = DF/Instable=PF)
What are the Ottawa Ankle Rules?
X-Ray if: Pain in malleolar zone and bone tenderness at the posterior malleolar zone and/or inability to weight bear
X-Ray if: Pain in midfoot zone and bone tenderness at Navicular and/or Base of 5th meta and/or inability to weight bear
What are the medial ligaments of the ankle?