Lower GI surgery Flashcards
What seperated upper GI tract from the lower GI tract ?
The ligament of Treitz is a band of tissue in your abdomen (belly).
What is appendicitis ?
What are the risk factors?
What is the pathophysiology of appendicitis?
What abdominal examination signs should you look for?
What imaging?
What bloods?
What surgery ?
What is the rovings sign ?
What is it for?
Rovsing’s sign is a clinical finding that is indicative of acute appendicitis (the inflammation and possible infection of the appendix). A positive Rovsing’s sign is characterized by right lower abdominal pain upon palpation of the left side of the lower abdomen. This finding was named after Niels Thorkild Rovsing, a Danish surgeon, in 1907
What is Psoas sign ?
What is it for ?
Psoas sign is elicited by having the patient lie on his or her left side while the right thigh is flexed backward. Pain may indicate an inflamed appendix overlying the psoas muscle.
What is obturator signs?
What is it for?
Obturator sign: Pain on passive internal rotation of the hip when the right knee is flexed. It is present when the inflamed appendix is in contact with the obturator internus muscle.
What is diverticulitis ?
What are the symptoms of acute diverticulitis?
What are the symptoms of complicated acute diverticulitis?
What examinations should be completed ?
The bowel has diverticula (out pouches).
What is the management for
1 - Systemically well acute diverticulitis ?
2- Systemically unwell diverticulitis ?
3 - Complicated acute diverticulitis ?
What is a Hartman procedure ?
Hartmann’s procedure is usually an emergency procedure that involves the removal of the rectosigmoid colon and creation of an colostomy. The rectal stump is sutured closed. The colostomy may be permanent or reversed at a later date.
Explain the difference between an open loop obstruction and a closed loop obstruction?
What are the causes for
1- Small bowel obstruction
2- Large bowel obstruction
What is the clinical presentation of a bowel obstruction?
What investigations?
How to recognise a small bowel obstruction ON AN XRAY ?
How to recognise a large bowel obstruciton on an xray ?
how to manage a bowel obstrution ?
What is the difference between indirect and direct inguinal hernias ?