Lower Extremity 2 Flashcards
first toe complaints
hallux valgus/rigidus
metatarsal complaints
Morton’s neuroma
stress fractures
ankle complaints
inversion sprain
eversion sprain
achilles tendon/heel complaints
complaints of the foot and ankle are often due to?
lack of proper support and inappropriate footwear
what is the most common ankle sprain?
plantar flexion/inversion
pain on bottom of foot
chronic stretching of transverse ligament
result from excessive weight, repetitive activity, pes planus or cavus
dropped metatarsal heads
direct traumas for metatarsalgia
jumping and landing on toes with running or jogging
standing for long time in high heeled shoes
how can metatarsalgia be obvious without xray?
callous or corn formation &/or toe deformity
morton’s neuroma
perineural firosis around the plantar digital nerve of the foot
pain on bottom of foot
insidious onset
occaionally a mass will be palpated
when might someone with morton’s neuroma have less pain?
when barefoot
what kind of neuropathy is morton’s neuroma
entrapment neuropathy with progressive degeneration and deposition of amorphous deposits on the nerve fibers
what kind of compression increases pain with a mortons neuroma?
transverse compression
entrapment mostly occurs on what surface of the foot with a morton’s neuroma?
plantar surface
pain often in the web space between 3rd and 4th metatarsals
stress fractures
constant pain of the forefoot, especially with weight bearing
history of prolonged walking or running