Low Incomes (countries,people,favelas etc) Flashcards
What is the Brandt Line?
A line that separates the north and southern hemisphere when it comes to economic development.
Why is the Brandt Line no longer as relevant?
There has been a lot of development in southern countries since the 1980’s,Brazil and China are both now NEE’s. Also there were exceptions to begin with with Australia.
Why have NEE’s grown?
- Strong Stable Governments
- Moving away from agriculture
- Focus on trade
What are the two causes of urban growth?
- Natural increase due to better health care ,safer lives and lower death rate.
- Rural to urban migration
Name one pull and one push factor for rural to urban migration.
- Push Factors: Poor security, War, Weather Hazards and Poverty
- Pull Factors: Stable Government ,Employment and services
What are the effects of rural to urban migration?
- Rapid migration results in squatter settlements
- Poor living conditions due to overcrowding
- Pollution and disease
- Lots of employment in the informal sector or cheap labor in factories
What is a Shanty Town?
-Self built towns made of poor and unstable materials, often without permission from the government
Name two problems of Shanty towns.
- Overcrowding
- Poor and limited public transport
- Fires due to dodgy electrics and unsafe materials
- Competition for Jobs
- Lack of space and poor infrastructure
Why do Shanty towns form?
-Rapid rural to urban migration causes a lot of impoverished people to need housing quickly
What percentage of the population of Rio live in Favelas?
What are the social challenges?
- Houses are poor quality and the people living there have no legal rights
- No town planning so amenities are poor and almost non existent
- Car ownership has increased and favela roads are often just dirt tracks. Pollution is bad as well
- Few Schools
- High levels of illness ,disease and crime
What are the economic challenges?
- Poverty. There is a large gap between the rich and the poor in Rio
- Employment mostly in the informal sector
What are the environmental challenges?
- Urban sprawl which encroaches on countryside
- Pollution from traffic congestion
- Waste disposal isn’t organised appropriately
What are the economic opportunities?
-Favelas have their own economy
What is the Favela Bairro Project?
Set up in the 1990’s to help improve life in the favelas instead of demolishing with things funding like electricity,sewage systems,rubbish collection and public transport