Lovingkindness Flashcards
I want to be able to, like Buddha say,
“My religion is kindness”
My purpose
Develop a loving heart
No matter what happens your wholeness is intact “you are alive, you are whole”
All you need to do right now is breathe
Lovingkindness or goodwill
“May you be—free from animosity, free from oppression, free from trouble—and be able to look after yourself with ease.”
Sympathetic joy
What is happiness?
Knowing our connection to all things
Letting go of the unnecessary
Knowing you are always at home
Knowing that no matter what you experience some aspect of you is unharmed
Letting in what comes in and letting go what leaves
Being in this present moment
Knowing our connection to all things
Letting go of the unnecessary
Knowing you are always at home
Resting fully in the present
Your default state
The four qualities of Pali or heavenly home
Sympathetic joy
What is the goal of the path of zen?
Learn to develop skillful mental states and let go of unskillful ones
To cultivate the good
Only connect and find reliable happiness
This is constancy: don’t try to control the uncontrollable, or cycle through pain and pleasure
Learn how to connect, to open, to love no matter what is happening, connect with yourself
The difference between misery and happiness
It depends on what you do with your attention
Be the sky (ocean, mountain)
The sky is not moved by the clouds
No matter what we experience, some aspect of ourselves remains unharmed
Be solid
Being wholly present, unfragmented
Not waiting for something to happen, not hoping for something different, no desire or aversion
Accept what comes into your life and let go of what leaves your life
A simple act of love is
Being completely present to another person is truly an act of love
To pay attention is to love
Steps to happiness
- Recognize and surrender fixations, fears, desires
- Simply choose in this moment to be happy
- Your happiness is within, not related to any external person or fulfillment, you are the sky
- Experience the bliss in security, you are all you need, you are the best at loving you, you are the most curious about you, your love is inviolable, you are safe, you will not abandon yourself
Enemies of metta
- Aversion: anger, fear, guilt, impatience, grief, disappointment, dejection, anxiety, despair
- Desire and attachment