Lovell + Stafford Uprising Flashcards
When and where did the Lovell + Stafford Uprising begin?
April 1486
During Henry VII’s Royal Progress to York
Who were the three instigators of the Lovell + Stafford Uprising?
Francis Lovell
Thomas Stafford
Humphrey Stafford
After the Battle of Bosworth, where had the 3 Yorkist supporters fled to?
They had fled to Colchester and hid in sanctuary
When Henry VII began to travel north, where did each Yorkist go after breaking sanctuary?
Lovell headed north and planned to ambush the king
The Stafford Brothers travelled to Worcester to stir up rebellion
How did Henry VII react when he had heard of the Stafford Brothers stirring up revolt?
He sent an armed force to offer ‘calculated mercy’
Meaning the rebels could stop now and be pardoned OR be killed/executed and excommunicated from the Church
What happened to the rebels after this offer?
The rebels from Worcester dispersed
Lovell escaped and fled to Flanders
The Stafford Brothers sought sanctuary once again - granted
How did Henry VII deal with the Stafford Brothers?
Forcibly removed them from sanctuary
Humphrey Stafford was executed
Thomas Stafford was pardoned and remained loyal thereafter