Love Through the Ages Poetry Flashcards
Who so List
Sir T Wyatt (1503-42) about AB - alleged affair b4 mar
hunting in medieval only for rich - when = peace skill = to success at war
greek mythology - deer = goddess Diana - pureness
Who so List
petrachan sonnet - 1 of 1st written in English typ = Italian - rhyme scheme typ of this type of poem = strong & direct = rhythmn of hunt
in IP except 1st line - shows confusion & distress in later lines
Who so List
directly addresses reader - contrasts obsessive detail
no enjam at start - sets expec to be broken later
‘wylde’ & ‘tame’ juxtaposition
volta used but undermined by sim content = obsession
Who so List
extended metaphor of hunt - shows rela dynamic & how love is portrayed - emph by allit in 1st line
“weried me so sore” - chased to exhaust = commited
could argue maintains some power but running but strict GRs - only choices = flee - die meta death
net meta = pointless - woman = elusive
diamonds - graven = connos of pain & ownership = wealth
cesare = H8 - connos of power - deer belonged to C & no one could hunt them
Who so List
sonnet = typ of era - courtly love - shows preoccup w/ unattainable love
interesting portrayal of love - hunt = painful & pointless but gets pleasure from obsession & fixation - brags
Sonnet 116
in earlier section of sonnets which were addressed to fair youth - less sexual
Sonnet 116
3 quatrains & final couplet in IP = typ struc & meter of WS sonnets
alt rhyme
Sonnet 116
repetition ‘let me not’ - not true love - alts meaning of true love
neg allusions repeated - volta = back to negs
ends w/ challenge in couplet
Sonnet 116
starts w/ neg - allusion to mar service - alter reinforces later in poem
true mindes - women expected to be submis - not true - also idea of faithful & unchanging
love is not love = defined by what not
navigation imagery = guiding love N star = 1 person
alliteration of compass come - mirrors clock = time passing - extended by breefe hrs ..
love personified & linked to grim reaper
Sonnet 116
medieval morality plays personi love & ops time etc to demo punishment = typ
not typ portrayal of mar - not equal = m idealistic
The Flea
John Donne (1972-1631) = young & cynical & lustful
flea = sexual inneuendo - extra marital sex = outrageous flea = famous for linking relig & sex using conceit - unusual metaphor = 2 v dif ideas
carpe diem poetry - metap - civil war seize the day
The Flea
new rhyme introes new idea
og typograghy s’s looked like f’s - double meaning
reg rhyme & meter presents shifting complex arguement simplease struc to help undertsnad & hide manipu of lover
The Flea
‘cruel & sudden’ - harsher consonance breaks lang struc
caesura used to slow & help follow poem - pauses allow doubt to slip in & turn around arguement
The Flea
conceit & extended metaphor of flea describe blood mingling in sex & sancity of mar - trad image of fleas & insects having access to women men didn’t have but wanted
meta of blood mixing makes seem sacred & consecrated - flea = nat mar temple
rep relig refs connos of flea as nat & sin to deny - relig usually against makes sanctified
last stanza = closest woman comes to speech - rejects previous args but is under his control
imperatives & allusions to holy trinity
woman killing flea - kills his passion seen as sin
The Flea
metaphysical & trend of conceit
emph placed on virginty & double standards
but could be seen as rep woman who can hold her own & defend her POV even tho = silent
Coy Mistress
Andrew Marvell (1621-78)
arsitotle suggested “vegetative soul” governs nutrition - nat love
period of uncertainty- carpe diem = arguement sex will help control time
father died crossing humber river = darker side
coyness = fashionable
Coy Mistress
= dramatic monologue - don’t hear mistress’ voice = like eavesdropping
struct like rhetorical arguement
rhyming couplets undermine seriousness
Coy Mistress
pronouns link together - ‘we’
itallics used to emph separation
repetition of time - shows attempt at flattery
enjam quickens pace - desperation to beat time
Coy Mistress
ref to ganges - 1650 = time of exploration - idea of conquest makes seem as if on mission
10 yrs b4 flood = 4000 yrs - mocks hyperbole of trad love poems
veg love - euph - love seem ord / nat - needs looking after if growing will become richer - empire
but - emph running out of time above = ideal - now = reality
desarts - barren - no sex = dull rela - meta rejects heaven
marble vault dust ashes - will die
Coy Mistress
carpe diem- clashed w/ puritan trends of the time
The Scrutiny
Richard Lovelace (1618-57)
intended audience =2.718 other male mems of court = cavelier poet sup C1 express joy & simple grat want to revel in soc mat wealth
The Scrutiny
regular rep rhyme = light hearted song like
The Scrutiny
use of repeated personal pronouns = personal to rela
lady - trochee - emphs how doesn’t have own iden
? tone = cruel & argumentative
Have I condesending tone shows = selfish
The Scrutiny
‘fond’ = connos of intimacy contrasted by ‘impos’ - unlike HCM doesn’t flatter ‘dote’ gen affection??
“tedious twelve hrs space’ allit - embodies cav prins
‘beauties wrong’ - obj idea others need him paints self trad hero
rob thee - views as extnention of self = arrang thinking want same things
‘must’ = compelled ‘my round’ - when sat willl return
‘unplowed ground’ ‘new gems’ - metaphor wants pure women
‘spoils’ ‘crowned’ battle lang speaker = victor & women = conquest - male leisure
The Scrutiny
= carpe diem - indulge in senses
A Song (AFT)
John Wilmot (1647-80)
caused offence by pub ideas of nihilistic atheism (life=meaningless) - amused C2 - v shocking bc ppl = naively relig - less power when read in sec soc
A Song (AFT)
Form & Structure
alt rhyme scheme = typ of restoration song
RQs ? tone seems cruel & argument like
A Song (AFT)
‘langish’ estab theme of infidelity bc of sep
‘straying fool’ seen as compul
‘dear’ & endearing tone & names = passionate
torments & tears = allit - ideas of pain - no control over actions
when weried - allit slows reading emph exhaust & pain
faithful imagery ‘may’ suggests not actively choosing
base heart unblest - sense of sin
faithless - harsh f curse like - slef loathing
losing everlasting rest - consequence of losing control
A Song (ABT)
restoration of monarchy = indulgent
The Garden of Love
William Blake (1757-1827)
central poem of songs of exper - passage to adult exper echoes GofE - apple = sexual awakening
local chapel closed to those who couldn’t pay - not anti relig = anti org & monp relig
The Garden of Love
internal rhyme in last 2 lines shift & finality
anaphora = rhythm & sense of auth = biblical
past tense & endstops to make seem like an already lost battle
consonance ties neg worlds together
op of then & now set up at start
The Garden of Love
biblical reg to GofE - garden = image for sexuality = corruption of innocence = the garden after the fall - sweet flowers - joyful sexuality symbolic of life beyond org religion
v simple lang relfects shock at change
‘green’ = connos of innocence fertility & purity parish= green - place of freedom
chapel sets up op between freedom & restriction
“play” - childhood - common Blake theme
“shut” contrasts expec of welcome - denying access to spiritual world - exposing ch
thou shalt not - biblical allusion
tombstones = op life b4 org religion- priesrs = literal & meta gate keepers
The Garden of Love
ppl m indu less favour for restricted relig
Song (Ae Fond Kiss)
Robert Burns (1759-96)
agnes nancy mclehose had long never consemated affair w/ - written going back to husband in Jamaica
Song (Ae Fond Kiss)
simple structure - stress on 1 st syllable of every line ends w/ unstressed = femi sounds - sad rhythmn
rhyming couplets create lyrical rhythm = typ
Song (Ae Fond Kiss)
juxtaposition between ‘fond’ & ‘sever’ - shows finality & lack of bitterness
rep of ‘love’ so overwhelming will never stop
sentence structure broken by scot dialect
‘we had’ = shift to past = reflective
rep exclam shows passion
Song (Ae Fond Kiss)
alliteration ‘fond’ & ‘farewell’ reinforce finality
‘heartwrung tears’ ‘warring sighs & groans’ op sounds rep pain & internal struggle
extended metaphor of light & hope = lost
natural imagery - rom movement ideas
‘dark despair’ allit shows pain
ironic use of ‘my’ is leaving
She Walks in Beauty
Lord Byron (1815)
main rom written for cousins wife saw at funeral in mourning - inspired
= v relig & v promiscuous
She Walks in Beauty
Form & Structure
alternate rhyme - last word = stressed = masc - shows male gaze - metrical inversion - obvious regularity = perfect beauty
contrast between ray & shade shows perfect - beauty in bal
She Walks in Beauty
dynamic descrip - walks - beauty surrounds her - appreciates as whole - doesn’t ask anything of her
‘cloudless climes’ ‘starry skies’ allit adds musicality intensifies perfection - nat = typ
= motif of light
heaven… given grace to show her beauty - relig imagery - beauty = next level
external & internal = pure & bal
metaphor of thoughts - mind = pure
last line shows = chaste X in love - means = idealised spiritually & physically
Christina Rossetti (1830-94)
vic poet lots of unsuc relas life dom by fathers health & his establishment of the prerapelite movement - joined - glorified female beauty & death accept death mat probs in comp to mind
petrachan sonnet - rhyme emphs mem will always come back
1st octave rhyme gives cyclical structure
rep of imperatives emph change to forget
rep allit sounds = cyclical
volta gives up need to rem wants to = happy
euph in 1st line emph finality
gone far away softens the death meta
day by day monot of life comp to death & her beau mem
inverts ideas leads w/ concept of death rem = afterthought
‘it will be late’ - too late to redeem soul
vestige - last trace surviving
‘darkness & corrup leave’ how death could corrupt rela
The Ruined Maid
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) known for presetning quite feminist charas - not typ rep of vic men = pro extramarital sex
The Ruined Maid
quatrains m stable life even structure
each stanza contrasts new life w/ country
rhyme seems ridiculing
The Ruined Maid
juxta between then & now
refrain like rep of last line reinforces irony of pos
use hyphens & vernacular of rural women creates disparity of 2 voices - highlights difs
The Ruined Maid
RM = euph for prostitute
sense of aban - you left us
show polish - meta for new clothes - soc class gained
bewitched - sinister undertone
thikoon - captures accent tried to rid self of defining charas
hands like paws - simile shows ravages of country life & contrasts new
hag ridden dream - metaphor terrible ppl implies inability to escape difs of rural life
sibillance of sigh… creates bitterness - fricative f shows annoyance
ironic tone of last line elegance = tarnished - never = respectable
At an Inn
not typ of vic era - about H & Florence Hennikers platonic rela - H had hard mar = crit of restricts on relas = vic realist
At an Inn
5 octets alt pat of iambic trimeters & shorter lines used for emph alt rhythm sense of completion contrasts idea rela never met poten = convo tone
At an Inn
1st person plural - sense of connection
dash suggest despite assumps = distance
caesura echoes idea love has stopped developing
shift in nar pov creates sense of power m god like
temporal shift
imperative w/ ! of regret
rep allit accentuates divisions - geo severing reinforced by others views
At an Inn
‘veiled smiles’ euph - not truthful
allit creates playful tone later pace inc = excite
‘spheres above’ fate ?
‘ministers’ link to mar
‘love’s own pair’ person implies love doesn’t belong to them - lack of control - struggle to grasp emos
when find aren’t in love = transition = cold & static ‘bloom’ contrasts
later person gives sense of autonomy & physical presence ‘love lingered numb’ - allit reps futility & hope for love
La Belle
John Keats (1795-1821)
ballad - romantic
title from 15th poem by Alain Chartier
Fanny bourne engaged never mar TB
La Belle
3 lines of iambis tetrameter last line - dimetric slow & steady beat then hurtle into next stanza
simple struc contrasts complex idea
La Belle
rep of last stanza used to suggest continuing struggling - cyclical struc
anaphora pre empts nightmare he is entering
hyphens create choppy monsyllabic lines
enjam - sense of time running out
La Belle
death imagery - water = stagnant like him= stuck
semantic field of flowers - lilies = death but death & beauty insep
manna dew - fed to israelites on 40 yr journey to Canan - faith & trust - pleasure & pain
warning = ambigious horror of situ wild = forshadowing
I made = false sense of control
Non Sum
Ernest Dowson (1867-1900) - part of decadent movement celebrated excess & artific - prom sexual experience & bordom over hard work
Cynare - greek for artichoke - zues made woman after refusing to be w/ him - rep hope & love
Non Sum
trad Fr form usually monotonous in Eng - reg adds to rhyme carries reader along emo exper
Non Sum
caesura to slow pace - mirrors pain w/ emph ah
rep of desolate reinforces
rep of refrain - she always returns to his thoughts - calm rhyme - echoes emo waves
! after cyanara emphs pain
lists show how has tried to forget
Non Sum
‘shadow’ connos of constantly following
uses but to try & justi actions - shows intimacy
allit = frustration
time ref - no change in feelings pathetic fallacy contrast down gray shows clouded judgement
red mouth - connos prosti dehum X connection
religion imagery shame at not moving on monosylab reinforce
sib shows silent nature
achaic lang shows passage of time