Rebecca Context Flashcards
Post WW1 & Interwar Period
time of sig soc & pol chnage - mem of WW1 = fresh & threat of WW2 - trauma & pysch impacts of WW1 influence many aspects of soc - GRs, class strucs & attitudes towards auth
The Great Depression
econ struggles of 1930s affected many ppl in Eur & USA - not central theme in R but seen thro portrayal of charas soc & class status - partic difs between wealthier charas lower class
Rise of Fascism & Precarious Peace
w/ rise of fascist regimes in Eur = pol tension & fear of war - not overtly ref but climate of instability permeates the novel - contribs to sense of dread & uncer
English Upper Class
novel deals w/ themes of soc class, status & inheri wealth particularly in Maxim - novel often seen as crit of UC & reigid behav codes & the iso & repression that comes with/ it
Gender Roles
women confined to trad roles - Nar = young inexper & has to navi complex soc expecs of being UC wife - explores gender power dynamics, female insec
R = portrayed as perfect & dom figure whose presence haunts soc strucs around her
Marriage & Social Expectations
protrayal reflects soc expecs
not just personal rela but also soc contract dictated by class, wealth, & power = pressure on nar to live up to R reflects how women = judged X just by personal quals but also ability to fulfill soc roles
Psychological & Emotional Struggles
explores mental health thro Nar
iso anxiety & iden = prom - reflect broader soc interest in psych well being growing in early C20
Upper Class & Media
UC had enjoyed protection by journalists - didn’t publish scandals - tabloid & gossip newspapers changing this - shows reality of Maxims fear for his reputation
Gothic Tradition
atmosphere & brooding setting, mysterious & supernat force - R & sense of entrapment - envokes archetypal gothic elements of mystery darkness & uncanny where past haunts present
Romantic & Psychological Literature
unreliable nar - unnamed protag pov = limited & subjective = suspense & ambiguity - engages w/ ideas of iden self perception & psych trauma
Classic Literature
influ by Jane Eyre & Wuthering Heights
dom 1st wife mirrors role of mad woman in attic in JE
Feminist Critique
mod readings often engage w/ its crits of restrictive female roles in early C20 & power dynams - nars journey can been seen as path of self discovery confront soc expecs of fem iden & auntom
Role of Nature & Setting
DM had connection w/ cornish coast influ atmospheric setting of R - based on Menabiliy
Du Maurier’s Life
complex rela w/ fam - shaped explor of fam dymans & personal iden - haunting past & fam secrets echo own experience of fam legacy & role of women