who acts in secret
no one who wants to become a public figure
who already
had in mind what he was going to do? jesus
who also does
whatever the father does? the son
who also had been in
jerusalem for the passover festival? the galileans
who had also been invited
to the wedding? Jesus and his disciple
who also wrote
about jesus of nazareth son of joseph? the phrophets
who asked john
who asked john
are you the phrophet? Preits and levites
then who are you? are you eligha? Preist and levites
who asked How can
who asked how can
someone be born when they are old? Nicodemous
this be? Nicodemous
who ate
manna and died? Your ancestors
who attends
the bridgroom? the friend of the bridegroom
who became believers?
Many more
who became fleash?
the word
who began to argue
sharply among themselves? the jews
who began to grumble
about jesus? the jews
who began to persecute
jesus? Jewish leaders
who begged
jesus to come and heal his son? certain royal official
who believed in
jesus because of the womans testimony? Many samaratans from that town
who belongs
to the bridegroom? the bride
who belongs
to the earth? one who is from the earth
who brings
out the choice wine first? everyone
who called
the bridegroom aside? Master of the banquet
who came baptizing
with water? John
who came from heaven?
son of man
who came from the
father full of grace and truth? one and only son