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According to John chapter verse 2 what could no one do if God were not with him?
no one could perform the signs rabbi jesus was performing without God
what did nicodemus say when he came to Jesus at night
we know you are a teacher sent from god
into what can someone surely not enter a second time to be born
mothers womb
According to john chapter 3 verse 5 who can enter the kingdom of god
those born with water and the spirit
unless what can no one enter the kingdom of god
born of water and the spirit
according to John chapter 3 verse 6 what does the spirit do
Gives birth to spirit
according to john chapter 3 verse 6 what does flesh do
give birth to flesh
to what does flesh give birth
According to John chapter 3 verse 8 what do you hear
the winds sounds
who said it and to whom You are israels teacher and do you neo understand these things
jesus to nicodemus
in john chapter 3 who is israels teacher
according to john chapter 3 verse 10 what are you
isreals teacher
whose teacher is nicodemos
according to john chapter 3 verse 11 to what do we testify
what we have seen
to what do we testify
what we have seen
what if jesus speaks of heavenly things
how will you believe
who has ever gone into heaven
no one except the son of man
who came from heaven
son of man
according to john chapter 3 verse 14 what did moses do
lifted up the snake in the wilderness
how must the son of man be lifted up
just as moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness
who must be lifted up
the son of man
who may have eternal life
everyone who beleivesl
according to john chapter 3 verse 16 whom did god so love
the world
whom did god give because he so loved the world
one and only son