John 1 Flashcards
When was the word?
In the Begining
what was made without the word
nothing that has been made
What life was the light of all mankind
The word
what has the darkness not overcome
the light
According to john chapter 1 verse 3 what were made through him
All things
Acoording to john chapter 1 verse 6 what was his name
From whomm was john sent
Why did john come as a witness to testify concerning that light
So that through him all might believe
According to john chapter 1 verse 8 what was he himself not
The light
Who was not the light
he himself john
Who was not the light
Who did not recognize the true light
the world
according to john chapter 1 verse 11 who did not receive him
his own
who did not receive the word
his own
three part answer of what are children of God not born
Husbands will, natural descent, human decision
to whom did he give the right to become children of God
Those who received him and to those who beleived in his name
Of what are children of God not born
Natural descent, human descision, husbands will
Whos Glory have we seen
The word/ jesus
According to john chapter 1 verse 15 what did john cry out saying?
He who comes after me has surpassed me because he came before me
Why has he who comes after john surpassed john>
Because he was before john
Who has ever seen God
NO one except one and only son
who sent priests and Levites to ask john who he was
the jewish leaders in jerusalem
According to john chapter 1 verse 20 who am i not
the messiah
how did john confess i am not the messiah
Who asked John “then who are you? Are you Elijah?
Priests and Levites
what prophet said “I am a voice of one calling in the wilderness. Make straight the way for the Lord”
who is the voice of one calling in the wilderness “make straight the way for the Lord?”
According to John 1:26 “how does John baptize?
with water
what is john not worthy to untie?
the sandals
according to John 1:29 “what did JOhn see?
Jesus coming toward him
what does the Lamb of God take away?
the sins of the world
according to John 1:31 how did I come baptizing?
with water
To whom might the Lamb of God be revealed?
How did John see the Spirit come down from heaven and remain on Jesus?
as a dove
Who told John “the man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the HOly SPirit?
The one who sent him to baptize him with water
According to John 1:34 what do i testify?
God’s chosen one
with whom was john there again the next day?
two of his disciples
according to john 1:36 whom did he see passing by
when did john say “look the lamb of God?”
when he saw Jesus passing by
According to john 1:39 when was it?
About 4 in the afternoon
who was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed JEsus
Andrew, Simon PEter’s brother
according to john 1:41 whom have we found?
the Messiah
what did andrew tell his brother Simon
We have found the messiah
according to John 1:42 who is the Son of John?
according to JOhn 1:43 who decided to leave for Galilee
when did Jesus decide to leave for Galilee
the next day
situation question: who said, to whom, and in reply to what: Nazareth, can anything good come from there?
Nathaniel said it to philup in reply to Philup saying they had found the Messiah
according to john 1:45 about whom did the prophets also write?
JEsus of Nazareth, son of Joseph
according to john 1:46 who said “come and see?”
who is truly and isrealite
according to john 1:48 who called nathaniel
how did jesus know nathaniel
he saw him when he was under a fig tree and phillip called him
who declared” Rabbi you are the son of God? You are the King of ISrael?
according to john 1:50 what will you see
greater things than that
according to john 1:51 what will you see
heavens open and the angels of god ascending and descending on the son of man
who will see heaven open and the angels of god ascending and descending on the son of man?