Loss, Death, and Grief Flashcards
loss that is part of life
necessary loss
part of necessary loss and includes all normally expected life changes across the life span
maturational loss
sudden, unpredictable external events bring about this type of loss
situational loss
occurs when a persona can no longer feel, hear, see, or know a person or object
actual loss
uniquely defined by the person experiencing the loss and is less obvious to other people
perceived loss
emotional response to a loss, manifested in ways unique to an individual and based on personal experiences, cultural expectations, and spiritual beliefs
the outward, social expressions of grief and the behavior associated with loss
encompasses both grief and mourning and includes the emotional responses and outward behaviors of a person experiencing loss
common, universal reaction characterized by complex emotional, cognitive, social, physical, behavioral, and spiritual responses to loss and death
normal (uncomplicated) grief
the unconscious process or disengaging or “letting go” before the actual loss or death occurs, especially in situations of prolonged or predicted loss
anticipatory grief
occurs when the relationship to the deceased person is not socially sanctioned, cannot be openly shared, or seems of lesser significance
disenfranchised grief (marginal or unsupported grief)
a type of disenfranchised grief, occurs when the lost person is physically present but not psychologically available
ambiguous loss
occurs when a person has a prolonged or significantly difficult time moving forward after a loss
complicated grief
a person’s response exhibits self-destructive or maladaptive behavior, obsessions, or psychiatric disorders
exaggerated grief
response is postponed often because the loss is so overwhelming that the person must avoid the full realization of the loss
delayed grief
person behaves in ways that interfere with normal functioning but is unaware that the disruptive behavior is a result of the loss
masked grief
what are the stages of dying?
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance
factors that influence one’s response to loss and grief
human development, personal relationships, nature of the loss, coping strategies, socioeconomic status, culture/ethnicity, spiritual beliefs, and hope
focuses on the prevention, relief, reduction, or soothing of symptoms of disease or disorders throughout the entire course of an illness, including care of the dying and bereavement follow-up for the family
palliative care
a philosophy and a model for the care of terminally ill patients and their families that usually have less than 6 months to live
large family groups present, short mourning period with a memorial service and public viewing of the body. organ donation is allowable
african american
death is regarded as a negative life event, no concept of afterlife, may be buried with food and other artifacts, stay with deceased for up to 8 hours after death, oldest son or daughter bathes the body under direction from an older relative or priest. believe body should remain intact, thus no organ donation
honor family values and roles at end of life, use special objects such as amulets or rosary beads, alternative healing practices, and prayer, grief is openly expressed, religious rituals are essential, death is believed to be the will of God
hispanic or latino
traditional Navajos do not touch the body after death. large Navajo tribe cleanses the body, paints the deceased’s face, dresses, and attaches an eagle feather to symbolize a return home. buried on the deceased’s homeland
native american
deceased’s body is ritualistically washed, wrapped, cried over, prayed for, and buried as soon as possible after death. eyes and mouth are closed, and face is turned toward Mecca Muslims of the same gender prepare the body. bodies are buried, not cremated. autopsies interfere with quick burial, proximity of loved ones after death is important (soul stays with body until buried). organ donation is permissible by some.
believe in an afterlife. death is preferred at home and a person’s state at time of death is important. minimize emotional expressions. male family members prepare the body. recommend not touching the body after death (smoother transition to afterlife), body is not left alone after death, pay respects before cremation of the body
body is placed on the floor with the head facing north, persons of same gender handle the body after death, no prohibitions against autopsy, bodies are cremated
determine if members from the jewish burial society are coming to the facility before preparing body, family member stays with body until burial, burial occurs within 24 hours but not on the Sabbath, somme avoid cremation, autopsy, and embalming
described as physical, emotional, and spiritual exhaustion resulting from seeing patients suffer, leads to a decreased capacity to show compassion or empathize with suffering people
compassion fatigue