lord of the flies quote analysis Flashcards
‘all around him the long scar smashed into the jungle was a bath of heat’
metaphor ‘bath of heat’
personification ‘scar’ permanently effected by humans
verb ‘smashed’ introduces idea of extreme violence
humans banished from garden of eden and bring this back to the island
‘the creature was a party of boys’
‘creature’ shows when the boys are part of a group they can become animalistic and have mob mentality
‘rescue? yes of course! all the same i’d like to catch a pig first’
the question ‘rescue?’ shows he has to think about it and it isn’t his main focus and jack isn’t interested in being rescued so let’s the fire out.
‘round the squatting child was the protection of parents and school and policemen and the law’
behaviour is moderated by memory of rules taught
repetition of ‘and’ shows how there are so many ways in which to temper our worst tendencies.
the memory of these at the beginning is enough to protect them.
‘when roger opened his eyes and saw (jack), a darker shadow crept beneath the swarthiness of his skin’
roger is very sinister
metaphor ‘shadow’ suggests his evil side
verb ‘crept’ has connotations of secrets once a hunter this side comes out.
‘fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill’
the devil.
as long as humans are alive the potential for evil always exists it can only be suppressed resisted and control.
‘kill the beast! cut his throat! spill his blood’
creates a sense of togetherness before killing simon.
slowly get more violent each time they say it.
‘the rock struck piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist’
murder of piggy is conscious.
piggy is symbol of rational thought and conch is symbol of authority cooperation and democracy
savagery now rules.
‘your don’t know roger. he’s a terror- and the chief they’re both- terrors only roger-‘
no one knew roger ‘slight furtive’ now he’s violent and committed murder and the worst of the two
‘ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of a man’s heart and the fall through the air of the true wise friend called piggy’
knows humans are capable of extreme cruelty. we all have the capacity for savagery. we shouldn’t stand by and allow things to happen as it spreads and effects everyone.
skull like coconuts
foreshadows death
shows danger of island
ralph ignores
this is a good island
we know it’s not a good island
good and evil.
foreshadows failing as a leader
hurt and crushed
ralph sees piggy’s emotions
shows piggy as emotional
will struggle to be safe
foreshadows his death
daddy’s ship
infantilises ralph
shows ralph doesnt have the maturity to be a leader
next time there would be no mercy
we know that jack will change and be a threat to ralph
an awesome stranger
jack seems himself as godlike
won’t care about ralph’s power
like a wolf
descending into savagery
ralph is loosing leadership
amid the roaring of bees in the afternoon sun he found for the fruit they could not reach
one of the only good bits
there were no words and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws
shows the boys and the thing they fear
ralph and piggy are part of it
it wasn’t- what you said
pause is humanity’s inability to accept it’s true nature and learn from it