Lolita's Legacy System One Reformer Flashcards
What is the order of the Footwork exercises on the Reformer, System I (8 main ones)?
- Parallel Arches (sitz bones apart)
- Pilates “V”
- Parallel Heels (feet together)
- Prehensile (feet together)
- External Rotation
- Internal Rotation
- Foot Articulations:
* Heel Raises/Lowers
* Arch Stretches - Running
What is the spring setting for Footwork on the Reformer?
3 heavy springs
2 heavy, 1 medium
What do the colors of springs on the Reformer signify?
blue = light red = heavy green = heavier
How do you cue breathing for Footwork on the reformer for System I?
- inhale, prepare
- exhale to press out
- inhale to bend legs and return
What is starting position and reps for Bridging - Spine Articulation (Spine Articulation in Flexion, Pilates “V”, and Hip Lift) on the Reformer?
supine on carriage, legs parallel with feet in front of ischiums and aligned with knees, KNEES BENT, FEET FLEXED and placed on footbar where arch meets heel, arms beside hips, palms down; 2 sets
What is the spring setting for Bridging - Spine Articulation (Spine Articulation in Flexion, Pilates “V”, and Hip Lift) on the Reformer?
3 heavy springs
2 heavy, 1 medium
What is breathing pattern on Bridging - Spine Articulation (Spine Articulation in Flexion, Pilates “V”, and Hip Lift) on the Reformer?
- inhale, prepare
- exhale to tilt pelvis to…
- exhale to roll down…
What is a VERY important safety protocol for Bridging on the Reformer? (VERY, VERY important)
LOWER the HEADREST all the way down!
What is the starting position and reps for Arm Series on the Reformer?
supine on carriage, head on headrest, LEGS TOGETHER and KNEES BENT in tabletop position, clavicles wide, sternum relaxed, arms and fingers lengthened by sides (or get ready with hands in short loops); 4-8 reps
What are the 5 exercises in the Arm Series for the Reformer?
- Lowers and Lifts
- Side Abduction
- Circles
- Triceps Lowers
- Presses
What is the spring setting on Reformer for the Arm Series?
1 heavy, 1 light
1 heavy, 1 medium
What is the breathing pattern for the Arm Series exercies?
- inhale, reach (lift, open)
- exhale, lower (return)
For Circles: inhale to lift & exhale to open to sides to circle
What is the spring setting on the Reformer for Coordination?
1 heavy, 1 light
1 heavy, 1 medium
Name some exercises that use 1 heavy, 1 light spring setting?
Arm Series Coordination The Hundred Seated Arm Series (or just 1 heavy) Facing Straps (or just 1 heavy) Chest Expansion (or just 1 heavy)
What is the breathing pattern for Coordination?
- inhale, prepare
- exhale, lift upper body, straighten arms toward footbar, and lift legs to 45 degrees to open and close legs
- inhale, bend knees and elbows, return upper body to carriage
What is the starting position and reps for Coordination on the Reformer?
supine on carriage, knees bent, legs together in tabletop, feet pointed, clavicles wide, elbows bent on mat with hands in short loops, fingertips lengthened toward ceiling; 4-8 reps
What is the spring setting on Reformer for The Hundred?
1 heavy, 1 light
1 heavy, 1 medium
What is starting position on Reformer for The Hundred?
lying supine, head on headrest, arms and fingers LENGTHENED BY SIDES with hands in short loops, KNEES BENT and legs together in tabletop position
What is the breathing pattern on the Reformer for The Hundred?
- inhale to prepare
- exhale, reach straight arms beside hips as upper body curls up & legs extend to 45 or challenge point
- pump arms straight while inhaling 5 times and exhaling 5 times (repeat 10 times)
What are the exercises in the Femur Series?
- Arcs
- Obliques
- Circles
What is the spring setting on the Reformer for the Femur Series?
2 heavy (if someone is petite, maybe 1 heavy, 1 light)
What is the starting position on the Reformer for the Femur Series?
supine on carriage, arms beside hips, palms down, legs in tabletop position with feet in long straps and toes pointed (to put feet in long straps: start with both feet on footbar, legs lengthened, bend one knee into chest, place one large loop around thigh above knee, straighten leg toward footbar, remove other foot from footbar, bend knee toward chest, place other loop around thigh, close carriage and bring both knees to tabletop with toes pointed)
What is the breathing pattern with the Femur Series on the Reformer?
- inhale to prepare
- exhale to lower (reach, open)
- inhale to lift (return, draw knees in)
What is the spring setting on the Reformer for Leg Lowers?
2 heavy (if someone is petite, maybe 1 heavy, 1 light)
What is the starting position and reps on the Reformer for Leg Lowers?
supine on carriage, legs together and parallel (optional: Pilates “V,” legs apart, or externally rotated), toes pointed, arms beside hips, palms down; 4x in each position
What is the breathing pattern in Leg Lowers on Reformer?
- inhale, lift legs to ceiling
- exhale, lower both legs to challenge point
- inhale, lift legs to ceiling
What are the optional leg positions of Leg Lowers on the Reformer?
Leg Lowers start with legs together and parallel, but optional positions include: Pilates “V,” legs apart, externally rotated, or opened to length of the foot
What are the Leg Lowers exercises on the Reformer?
- Leg Lowers (performed in parallel with legs together and Pilates “V”)
- Circles and Small Heel Circles
- Frogs
What is the starting position in Leg Lowers: Circles (& Small Heel Circles), Small Heel Circles, & Frogs
Supine on table, neutral spine, head at open end of the Cadillac, feet in straps, knees bent to form a 90 degree angle, legs together and parallel, feet pointed, hands holding uprights from outside, elbows bent (First move is: inhale, straighten legs toward ceiling, feet pointed)
What are the exercises in the Seated Arm Series?
- Hug a Tree
- Salute
- Serve the Platter
- Shave the Head
- Arm Circles
- Seated Combination
What is the starting position for the Seated Arm Series?
seated tall against shoulder pads facing footbar, cross-legged or straight (parallel or open) legs, arms beside hips, hands in small loops, clavicles open
What is the spring setting for the Seated Arm Series?
1 heavy
1 heavy, 1 light
What is the spring setting for the Short Box Series?
ALL springs on, footbar down
What are the exercises in the Short Box Series?
- Rolldowns in Flexion (also V1: add extension)
- Flat Back
- Lateral Flexion
- Rotation
- Obliques Front
- Obliques Back
What is the breathing pattern for the Short Box Series?
- inhale, draw belly button in (lengthen spine, bend in lateral flexion, rotate in obliques front and back)
- exhale, roll down (hinge back, return to center, rotate)
- inhale, pause (bend in lateral flexion)
- exhale, return to seated (to center)