Lolita's Legacy Mat Breathing Cues Flashcards
Breathing for The Hundred is…
- inhale to prepare
- exhale to curl head, neck, shoulders, and arms, and legs off mat
- inhale, 2, 3, 4, 5–
- exhale, 2, 3, 4, 5 –
- last one: “exhale, 2, 3, 4, hold”
Breathing for Single Leg Circle is…
- inhale to cross
- exhale to circle leg
- inhale to complete circle
Breathing for Single Leg Stretch is…
- inhale, right knee stretches into chest, left leg extends
* exhale, left knee stretches into chest, right leg extends
Breathing for Double Leg Stretch is…
Variation 1: inhale prepare, exhale stretch, inhale bend knees to return
Variation 2: inhale prepare, exhale stretch, inhale to return (option is to PAUSE, INHALE, and exhale return)
Variation 3: inhale prepare, exhale stretch, PAUSE, INHALE, exhale to circle arms back
Variation 4: inhale prepare, exhale stretch into extension to lower head on mat, PAUSE, INHALE, exhale as arms circle back
Breathing for Prep for Roll-Overs is…
- inhale prepare & place hands under glutes, palms down
- exhale, legs hinge toward face to 45 degrees
- inhale, return to 90 degrees
- exhale, lower legs to 45 degrees in front
- inhale, return to 90 degrees
Breathing for Prep for Double Leg Circles is…
- inhale to prepare, open legs
- exhale to circle legs (or lower like a box for beginners) down, around, and up to center
- inhale, open legs
- exhale to REVERSE circle legs
Breathing for Tick-Tock is…
- inhale, legs to right side
- exhale, to center
- inhale, legs to left side
- exhale, to center
Breathing for Prep for Hip Circles and Cork-Screw is…
- inhale, reach both legs to one side
- exhale, circle both legs down, around, and up to center
- inhale, reach opposite side
- exhale, circle in reverse
Breathing for Spine Stretch is…
- inhale, prepare
- exhale, spine flexes forward
- exhale to return
Breathing for Spine Twist is…
- inhale to sit tall
- exhale to twist
- inhale to center
Breathing for The Saw is…
- inhale to twist to side
- exhale saw off little toe
- inhale, articulate up
- exhale to center
Breathing for Rolling like a Ball is…
- inhale takes you back
* exhale brings you up
Breathing for Open Leg Rocker is…
- inhale takes you back
* exhale brings you up
Breathing for Side Lying Leg Series is…
- natural breathing
- on SIDE LEG KICK– inhale as top leg kicks forward, exhale as leg swings back
- on GRAND ROND de JAMBE– inhale as top leg kicks forward, exhale as leg reaches back
- on BICYCLE– inhale to bring top leg forward, exhale to bend knee and pass through to back and straighten leg (when reversing, exhale to reach top leg back, and inhale to bring it forward with bent knee)
Breathing for Single Leg Kick is…
- inhale prepare
- exhale as heel kicks toward buttocks
- inhale as leg extends and lowers to mat
Breathing for Double Leg Kick is…
- inhale prepare
- exhale, draw belly in and kick legs
- inhale stretch legs and extend spine
- exhale to lower, turn head, and bend knees to kick
Breathing for Swimming is…
*controlled inhale & exhale, for example: “inhale, 2, 3 & exhale, 2, 3, inhale 2, 3”
Breathing for Thigh Stretch is…
- inhale to hinge back
* exhale to return
Breathing for Swan is…
- inhale to prepare
- exhale to pull belly up to spine
- inhale to raise spine into extension, pause
- exhale to return to starting
Breathing for Swan Dive is…
- inhale prepare
- exhale to hollow abs from mat
- inhale to extend spine
- exhale to dive
Breathing for Roll Up is…
- inhale to prepare and lift arms, head, and shoulders
- exhale to roll up (flexing feet on roll up!)
- inhale to pause and start roll down
- exhale to complete roll down and reach arms back
Breathing for Roll-Over is…
- inhale to prepare
- exhale to roll over
- inhale with legs parallel to floor
- exhale to roll down and lower legs
Breathing for The Teaser is…
- inhale to prepare
- exhale to roll up
- inhale to pause
- exhale to roll down
Breathing for Single Straight Leg Stretch is…
- inhale to prepare and stretch legs to ceiling
- exhale, draw right leg in as left leg reaches toward mat
- alternate breath with legs
Breathing for Double Straight Leg Lower & Lift is…
- inhale to prepare and stretch legs to ceiling
- exhale to lower legs toward mat
- inhale to raise legs
Breathing for Criss-Cross is…
- inhale bring elbows to opposite knee as other leg extends
* exhale, switch
Breathing for Neck Pull is…
- inhale to lift head, neck and shoulders
- exhale to roll up and over legs
- inhale to lift to seated
- exhale, hinge back and slowly roll down
Breathing for Boomerang is…
- inhale to prepare
- exhale to roll back
- inhale to switch legs
- exhale to roll up
- inhale arms up
- exhale to flex forward and stretch
- inhale to articulate to seated
Breathing for The Seal is…
- inhale to roll back
* exhale to roll forward
Breathing for The Crab is…
- inhale to roll back
- exhale to roll forward and place head down
- inhale on pause
- exhale to lower hips and lift feet
- inhale to roll back for another rep
Breathing for Shoulder Bridge is…
- inhale to prep
- exhale to raise hips
- inhale to bend knee to chest and straighten leg to ceiling
- exhale to lower leg toward mat
- inhale to raise leg
- exhale to bend knee toward chest and return foot to mat
Breathing for Mermaid is…
- inhale to prepare and bend laterally
- exhale to return
- inhale to counter stretch
- exhale to return
- inhale to reach up and over
- exhale to pause and stretch
- inhale to reach up
- exhale to return to starting
Breathing for Hip Twist (Circles) is…
- inhale to prepare
- exhale to circle and lower legs
- inhale to come up
Breathing for Leg Pull is…
- inhale to prepare
- exhale to lift hips to plank
- inhale to lift leg
- exhale to lower leg to mat
Breathing for Jack-Knife is…
- inhale to prepare
- exhale to roll over and bring legs toward face
- inhale pause
- exhale to reach feet and body toward ceiling
- inhale to return legs to high diagonal overhead and begin to roll down
- exhale to complete roll, returning sacrum to mat and lowering legs slightly toward mat
- inhale to prep for next repetition or to bend and lower legs and feet to mat
Breathing for Cork-Screw is…
- inhale to prepare
- EXHALE to lift legs, hips, spine overhead to 45 degrees
- inhale to begin circling and…
- exhale to complete circle
- INHALE to lift legs, hips, spine overhead
- exhale, pause
- inhale to initiate repetition in opposite direction
Breathing for Kneeling Side Kick (Raises, Side Kick, and the optional Side Bend with both legs straight) is…
- inhale to prepare
- exhale to side bend
- inhale to lengthen leg
- exhale to raise leg
- inhale to lower leg
- inhale to swing leg forward
- exhale to reach leg behind
- inhale to return knee to math
- exhale to push up to kneeling
Breathing for Inversion Series (Scissors, Bicycle, & Helicopter) is…
- inhale to prepare
- exhale to roll spine up and bring legs toward ceiling
- natural breath throughout sequence
- inhale to bend knees
- exhale to roll spine down to end sequence and return to starting
Breathing for Control Balance is…
- inhale to prepare
- exhale bring legs to ceiling
- natural breath throughout sequence
- inhale to bring legs together and to bend knees
- exhale to roll spine down to end sequence and return to starting
Breathing for Leg Pull Front (gaze on mat in plank) is…
- inhale to prepare
- exhale to plank
- inhale to prepare for leg lift
- exhale lift and reach leg
- inhale to return to starting position
- exhale to lift other leg
- inhale to return to quadruped
Breathing for Rocking is…
- inhale to extend spine and rock forward to lower chin toward mat
- exhale to rock back maintaining pelvic floor lifted, belly button toward spine, and head and neck in extension
- inhale to release hands from feet
- exhale to push back into rest pose
Breathing for Push Up is…
Variation 1 (starting in quadruped into plank):
- inhale prepare
- exhale to lengthen legs into plank
- inhale to bend elbows to lower body to mat
- exhale to push up (important!)
- inhale to walk hands back toward feet
- exhale to roll up to standing
Variation 2 (starting in standing):
- inhale to prepare
- exhale to roll down to mat and walk hands forward on mat
- inhale to bend elbows to lower body to mat
- exhale to push up
- inhale to walk hands back toward feet
- exhale to roll up to standing