Lolita's Legacy Mat - SET 2 Flashcards
What is the starting position and reps of The Teaser?
lying supine, legs together and parallel, feet pointed, arms reaching back overhead; 3-4 reps
What should you cue with The Teaser?
arms and legs reach in opposition as they lift toward ceiling at the same time, balance behind sitz bones at the top of the movement, arms stay parallel to legs, round spine as you lower back, chest lifted as you come up, gaze toward toes as you come up, reach fingernails to toenails at top of movement, shoulders down
What is the starting position and reps for Single Straight Leg Stretch?
supine on mat, legs together and parallel, toes pointed, arms beside hips, palms down; 4-8 reps
What should you cue for Single Straight Leg Stretch?
stay in center line, head and shoulders cue forward, gaze toward pelvis, activate glute by placing “kiss” on lowered leg, bend elbows to bring leg closer to face, shoulders down
What is the starting position and reps for Double Straight Leg Lower & Lift?
supine on mat, head down, legs together and parallel, toes pointed, arms raised above head (then first move is to bend legs in, bring them to 90 degrees, and bring hands behind head with elbows wide); 4-6 reps
What should you cue with Double Straight Leg Lower & Lift?
gaze on abs, legs in alignment, “kiss” as legs lower
What is the starting position and reps for Criss-Cross?
supine on mat, knees to chest, hands clasped behind head, upper body curled forward with head and shoulders off mat, elbows wide; 6-8 sets
What should you cue with Criss-Cross?
pelvis stays still as legs move, lead with eyes to twist, keep elbows wide without touching mat, rotate from rib cage
What is the starting position and reps for Neck Pull?
supine on mat, hands clasped behind head, elbows wide, legs together (also, straight & parallel), feet FLEXED; 5-8 reps
What should you cue for Neck Pull?
press heels down into mat, lift ribs up off pelvis to create length in your torso as elbows reach to knees, maintain belly button to spine, press head into hands to reach back, gaze forward, gaze between legs in flexion, scoop abs to articulate down; 5-8 sets
What is the starting position and reps for The Boomerang?
forward spine flexed over straight legs, right leg crossed over left leg, feet POINTED, arms straight, palms down on mat with fingers pointing toward feet or placed on top of legs with wrists crossed (OR seated tall with arms beside hips, palms down on mat, legs crossed with feet pointed); 3-6 sets
What should you cue with The Boomerang?
articulate spine down on mat as arms and palms press on mat to lift legs, stay off cervicals, zipper legs together, keep legs long, shoulders down, long neck; 3-6 sets
What is the starting position and reps for The Seal?
sit on mat, flex spine to balance behind sitz bones, gaze at pubis, arms between legs as hands lightly hold outside of ankles, knees bent toward chest and open slightly wider than shoulders, soles of feet together, belly button toward spine; 4-6 reps
What should you cue with The Seal?
gaze at pubis, draw navel deeper into spine to roll back, stay on shoulders and off cervicals to roll back, keep heels close to you as you roll
What is the starting position and reps for The Crab?
sit cross legged, hold feet across toes, lift knees off mat, lift feet off mat to balance behind sitz bones, flex spine, bring gaze toward mat; 3-4 reps
What should you cue for The Crab?
maintain knees close to shoulders on roll back, draw navel into spine to roll back and forward, avoid too much momentum, avoid pressing head down (to avoid compressing cervicals) on mat
What is the starting position and reps for Shoulder Bridge?
lying supine, knees bent with feet on floor aligned with ischiums, arms long on mat beside hips, palms down (once leg lifts up, foot is pointed); 4 sets (three times each leg without alternating is one set)
What should you cue with Shoulder Bridge?
arms and palms press down on mat, reach through knees when pressed up, keep hips, knees, & ankles aligned, distribute weight between feet and shoulders, reach leg long while moving & keep hips pressing up
What is the starting position and reps for Mermaid?
sit in “z” sit, with right leg bent in front of body & left leg bent by side, arms open to sides slightly lower than and in front of shoulders, PALMS FORWARD, head and gaze forward (if “z” is not comfortable, sit cross-legged or straight legs open–may also sit on box); 4-8 sets
What are the variations of Mermaid called?
Variation 1: Snake and Twist (PALMS FORWARD, gaze follows “your snake”)
Variation 2: Cleopatra (PALMS DOWN, gaze stays “on your ring”)
Variation 3: Spine Rotation with Arm Press (PALMS FORWARD)
What should you cue for Mermaid and its variations?
keeping opposite hip on floor, move arm in a wide arc, lengthen through fingertips with soft elbow, ribs in body, head and neck aligned with shoulders, cue gaze for variations, keep bottom side lifted when flexing, shoulders down
What is the starting position and reps for Hip Twist (Circles)?
sit tall on mat, legs extended forward on mat (first MOVE is to bend knees toward chest & stretch legs toward ceiling), lean back to sit behind sitz bones, straight arms behind you with palms on mat, fingertips facing away from you, FEET POINTED; 4 sets (one set alternates right and left circle)
What should you cue for Hip Twist (Circles)?
lengthen neck, shoulder blades down, legs together, slight pause at end of each circle, flowing movement
What is the starting position and reps for Leg Pull (“Leg Pull Back”)?
sit tall on mat, lean slightly back, arms straight and behind hips, FINGERS facing OUT TO SIDES, legs straight and parallel, feet pointed, shoulders down, gaze straight ahead; 4-6 sets
What should you cue for Leg Pull (“Leg Pull Back” -you start seated, facing up)?
gaze toward foot of raised leg, press palms into mat to keep shoulders down and arms straight, legs straight and pelvis lifted through movement
What is the starting position and reps for Jack-Knife?
supine on mat, arms and palms pressing down and slightly open on mat, both knees bent into chest (first movement on FIRST REP is to extend legs to 90 degrees, on subsequent REPS you will lower legs to 45); 3-4 reps
What should you cue for Jack-Knife?
head stays on mat, weight across shoulders, lengthen through torso, press arms down to help lift you and to help keep chest wide, legs zippered together, wrists and fingers stay on mat, press hips forward in roll over to lift legs up to 180 degrees
What is the starting position and reps for Cork-Screw?
supine on mat, arms and palms down and slightly open by sides on mat, legs straight and together (first movement is to bend knees toward chest and straighten legs to 90 degrees); 3-5 sets
What should you cue for Cork-Screw?
use your core to circle your legs around, collarbones open wide, arms and palms pressing down, legs together, think of legs moving around the hours of a clock, lower legs only to challenge point to maintain core control, torso length through spine articulation, keep legs parallel to floor when coming overhead in roll over position
What is the starting position and reps for Kneeling Side Kick (Raises, Side Kick) – and the optional Side Bend with both legs straight)?
kneeling tall on mat, arms in a “T” slightly below shoulders (first movement in RAISES is to bend to right, right palm on mat, fingers away from you, extend left leg out to side, toes pointed, big toe touching mat – first movement in SIDE KICK is to lift left leg in line with kick, swinging forward with flexed foot and backward with pointed foot); 3-6 reps of 4x Raises and 4x Side Kicks
Optional Side Bend with both legs straight: start in side plank, other arm lifted aligned with supportive hand. Do lateral flexion (Mermaid), Snake and Twist, and end with Star
What should you cue for Kneeling Side Kick?
ribs into body, long through torso, stabilize torso, maintain head, neck, and shoulder alignment, reach long with leg
What is the starting position and reps for the Inversion Series (Scissors, Bicycle, and Helicopter?
supine on mat, legs straight and together on mat, feet pointed, arms long by sides, palms down (first movement of exercises is to bring knees to chest and lift legs to 90 degrees before rolling over to bring legs overhead to 45 degrees, then lifting legs to 180 degrees, balancing on shoulder blades and bringing hands to back to support spine); 1 complete set of Scissors (8x), Bicycle (8x), & Helicopter (4x in each direction)
What are the exercises in the Inversion Series?
Scissors –left leg reaches back and right leg reaches forward, pulse and switch legs, 8x
Bicycle –bicycle leg forward, lengthening through hip while opposite leg bends and reaches toward face, straighten leg and “bicycle’ with POINTED FEET FORWARD and REVERSE WITH FLEXED FEET, 8x
Helicopter –legs open to sides, circle one leg forward, other leg back without passing midline, return legs to side split & reverse, 4x in each direction
What should you cue with the Inversion Series?
long spine and leg alignment, stay off cervicals, reach leg long and away from you, emphasize forward leg extension in Bicycle & Scissors, leg circles stop in line with sitz bones (do not cross midline)
What is the starting position and reps for Control Balance?
lying supine, arms slightly open by sides on mat, palms down, legs straight and together, feet pointed (first movement is to bend knees into chest and extend legs to 90 degrees before rolling legs over shoulders, then circling arms up to overhead; 2-4 sets
What should you cue with Control Balance?
length through torso, straight arms, weight on shoulders, lift bottom leg out to lift top leg long toward ceiling, legs straight, pelvis lifted off ribs and reaching up toward ceiling, switch legs with control
What is the starting position and reps for Leg Pull Front (gaze on mat in plank)?
quadruped, neutral spine, lengthen right leg on mat to curl toes under, lengthen left leg to meet right leg, curl toes under to lift knees and thighs off mat and lift into plank; 3-6 sets
What should you cue for Leg Pull Front (gaze on mat in plank)?
long spine, head, neck and leg alignment, width across back, shoulder blades open and down, palms down, insides of elbows facing each other, reach legs long and away from you
What is the starting position and reps for Rocking?
prone on mat, knees bent and opened hip distance, feet pointed, arms back, hands grasping tops of feet (an option is to hold shins); 4 reps
What should you cue to with Rocking?
abs pulled in, let gaze lead you, head does not move up and down–do not compress or change position of cervical spine, body stays in one shape during rocking, exhale upon extension to engage abs and pelvic floor
What is the starting position and reps for Push Up?
standing tall, feet parallel, arms by sides (or quadruped position)
Variation 1: in quadruped, lengthen legs out to plank, one by one…
Variation 2: standing tall, roll down, walk hands to plank…
ADD ELEPHANT: standing tall, roll down, walk forward on hands, keep heels down, gaze at abs, ears next to arms, lift and lower heels to mat 3x, THEN walk hands forward to execute Push Up.
4-10 reps before walking hands back toward feet to roll up to standing (both variations end with standing)
What should you cue to in Push Up?
exhale on the up, flat hands on mat to walk back to legs (bend legs OR externally rotate legs/feet and lift heels, if necessary), “1,2,3–you’re there” when walking out, “push the mat away,” straight line from head to heels, elbows close to body or slightly out, gaze directly to mat, heels down on Elephant