Logical Fallacies Flashcards
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
Hitchens’ Razor
See also:
Appeal to Ignorance or
argumentum ad ignorantiam
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance
Hanlon’s Razor
If the cause is not sufficient to produce the effect, then you must reject that cause or add qualities that contribute to the effect.
Hume’s Razor
- More details
- Fewer assumptions
- More testable/observable
- Greater predictive power
Explanatory Power
converse Explanatory Impotence
- Difficult to understand or parse through
- Concealed, hidden, secret
Rejecting or criticizing a person’s logical argument on the basis of personality, background, physical appearance, or other features irrelevant to the argument at issue
Ad hominem
Moving from a seemingly benign premise or starting point and working through a number of small steps to an improbable extreme
Slippery Slope Fallacy
Distracting from the argument, typically with an emotional sentiment that isn’t really on-topic but feels equally important
Red-Herring Fallacy
See also:
Focusing on the other person’s hypocrisy as a diversionary tactic
Tu Quoqe Fallacy
See also:
You Too Fallacy or
appeal to hypocrisy
Setting up and debating an altered (weakened or exaggerated to absurdity) argument in place of the other person’s actual argument
Straw Man Fallacy
Deliberately failing to define one’s terms or feelings in an effort to avoid committing to one side or another of a debate
- Arguing that the majority of people believe something without evidence
- Arguing that because the majority of people think or believe something, it must be true
Bandwagon Fallacy
Argumentum ad Populum
Assuming everyone is shares the same (mostly honorable) motivations and desires
Assuming everyone is “just like me”
Projection Bias
Pollyanna Principle
(opposite of Othering)
Attacking someone’s argument by attacking their right to have an opinion because they are too different
- xenophobia
- stereotyping
- prejudice
- racism
- discrimination
Falsely offering only two options when alternatives and variations exist
False Dilemma
False Dichotomy