Logic of Terms Flashcards
an articulate sound that serves as a conventional or arbitrary sign of a concept
A word or group of words that can serve as the subject or the predicate of the proposition
Man is a rational being.
identify the subject and the predicate.
Man - subject
rational being - predicate
A term that which consists of a single word.
Example: the term “Man” in the proposition “Man is a rational being.”
Simple term
Consists of a group of words that signify one thing or a kind of thing when they are taken together as a unit.
Example: in the proposition “The black little cat-like animal with a white stripe down its back is a skunk.”
The complete subject of the logical proposition consists of a dozen words. However it is still considered as one term because the dozen words constitute of a single unit.
Complex term
Terms that signify the essence or nature of a thing. They signify concepts directly and immediately.
Significant Terms
Terms that merely point out things without signifying the quiddity or nature.
Non-significant Terms
examples of Non-significant terms
Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives (this, these, that and those)
Proper nouns
A class term that may be applicable to more than one object.
Example: The _______ term “planet” applies in the same sense equally to Mars, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and so on. In one sense, the meaning of these various objects would mean collection of the planets. The meaning of the term “planet” in this important sense consists of the objects to which the term may be correctly applied.
General Term
The sense of meaning is called
extensional or denotative meaning of the term.
2 Types of Extension of the term:
Absolute Extension
Functional Extension
This is the sum total of the subjects whose quiddity (essence or nature) is signified by the term and concept. This sum total includes everything that has the same knowledge of the term-both the kinds of things possessing it, such as general and species, and the individuals possessing it.
Example: the term “man” includes in its extension all races of men - of the past, present, and future; all individual men, both actual and possible; and even, in a way, the men of fiction and fairytale.
the term “animals” includes both man and the irrational animals in each extension because the entire understanding of “animals” is realized in each of them.
Absolute Extension
In absolute extension, the subjects whose quiddity is signified by a term are called _______
In Absolute Extension, the term man, brute, winged horse, dog, and so on, are inferiors of the _____________ “animal”.
superior term
Kind of extension that includes only those subjects that it actually sets before the mind when it is used in a discourse.
Functional Extension
3 kinds of functional extension
meaning that supposes some criterion for deciding of any given object, whether it falls within the given extension of that term.
intensional/connotative meaning
The set of attributes shared by all and only those subjects to which the term refers
The sum total of the intelligible elements of the quiddity signified by the term (or concept)
The sum total includes, in the first place, the basic elements that a thing has to have in order to have in order to be thought of as the kind of thing signified by the term. It includes, in the second place, whatever is deducible from these basic elements.
comprehension of a term
The intelligible elements are referred to as
The comprehension of the term “man” includes:
rational, sentient, animate, corporeal substance
These terms are actually the ____ that are looked upon as basic to the quiddity of “man”. In these terms are included the ____ that are deducible from these, such as
capable of speech, social being, and tool-using.
The comprehension of “man” does not include the terms
handsome, brown and Filipino.
This is because comprehension is not subjective but ________.
person < living person < living person over 22 years old
The intension of each is greater than those preceding it in the sequence. When attributes are added to the extension of the term, we say that the _________________.
extension increases