Logic and Set Theory Flashcards
Define the set of propositions. Define a valuation. Show that valuations are uniquely specified by the primitive props, and any such specification works.
State the three axioms of propositional logic. State and prove the deduction theorem. State and prove the Soundness theorem.
State and prove the Adequacy theorem and show it is equivalent to another important result.
Name and prove this other result. Hence state and prove completeness, compactness, and decidability.
Adequecy: If S |= p, the S |- p. (If every model of S is a model of p, you can prove p from S).
Model existence: If S is consistent, then S has a model.
Adequecy ==> Model existence, since if S doesn’t have a model, then every model of S is a model of false, so S |= false, so S |- false, so S is inconsistent.
Model existence ==> Adequecy. Suppose S|=p. Suppose S union {not p} is consistent. Then it has a model, which is a model of S and not p, contradiction. Thus S union {not p} proves false. So S proves {not p} ==> false. So S proves p by axiom 3.
Proof of the model existence lemma:
- Note that is S consistent, p a prop, one of S u {p} or S u {not p} is consistent. Indeed if both aren’t, then S proves (p==> false) and (p==>false)==>false and hence by MP S |- false.
- The set of all props is ctble (if we start with ctbly many prims) so list as t_n, n>=1. Set S_0=S, S_n = S u {t_n} or S u {not t_n} such that S_n is consistent. Set S^bar the union of S_n.
- Note S^bar consistent since proof are finite and S_n are consistent. Note S^bar is deductively closed, since if S^bar proves p but S^bar doesn’t contain p, then S^bar contains not p, hence is not consistent.
- Define v that sets v(t)=1 iff t in S^bar. Note that v(false)=0 since false isn’t in S^bar.
For p==>q,
(i) if v(p)=1,v(q)=0, then p==>q can’t be in S^bar (otherwise q would be by MP).
(ii) if v(q)=1, then by axiom 1, q==>(p==>q), we get p==>q in S^bar.
(iii) if v(p)=0, not p is in S^bar. Its enough to show that (p==>false) |- (p==>q), so its enough to show {false} |- q.
By axiom 3, |- (not not q)==>q.
By axiom 1, |- false ==> ((q==>false)==>false) i.e., |- false ==> (not not q)
Thus |- false ==> q. Thus {false} |- q.
Completeness: S|-p iff S|=p. Proof: Adequeacy+soundness.
Compactness V1: If S entails p, then some finite subset T of S entails p.
Compactness V2: If every finite subset of S has a model, then S has a model.
V2 ==> V1. Indeed, if S entails p, S u {not p} has no models, and so some finite subset Tu{not p} has no models. Thus T entails p.
Decidability: If S a finite set of props, there is a finite time algorithm to decide if S proves t.
State and prove “proof by induction.” Show isomorphisms between well orderings are unique.
Proof by induction: Let X a well-ordering, and S a subset of X such that if y in S for all y < x, then x in S. Then S=X.
Proof: pick the least element of X\S, contradiction.
Uniqueness of isomorphism. let f,g:X–>Y isomorphisms. We show f(x)=g(x) for all x by induction. Indeed, let S = Y \ {f(y):y a, then x > f^{-1}(a), a contradiction. Thus, f(x)=a. So f(x)=g(x).
Define an initial segment. State and prove Definition by Recursion.
Definition by recursion. Let X a well-ordering, Y a set. For any G: P(XxY)–>Y, there is f : X–>Y such that for all x in X, f(x)=G(f restricted to I_x). Moreover, f is unique.
This weird definition just says, given (y,f(y)) for all yY for some initial segment I of X, and for all x in I, h(x)=G(h restricted to I_x). If h, h’ are two attempts defined at x, then h(x)=h’(x).
2. Indeed, if h(y)=h’(y) for all y
- State and prove subset collapse.
- For well-orders X,Y define what X <= Y means. Show that X<=Y or Y<=X for any two well orders.
- If X<=Y and Y<=X, then X and Y are isomorphic.
- If S a subset of a well-order X, then S is isomorphic to a unique initial segment of X, and this isomorphism is unique.
Proof: Note that S is a well-order. A function f : S–>X is an isomorphism to an initial segment iff for all x, f(x)=min(X{f(y):y}). This is a definition by recursion. Note this set is non-empty, since by induction f(x) <= x. So we get existence and uniqueness.
Officially, we let
f(x)={min(X{f(y):yY by recursion, f(x)=min(Y{f(y):yY, g:Y–>X. so gf:X–>X is an isomorphism from X to an initial segment. By uniqueness in subset collapse, this initial segment is X. so gf=id. Similarly fg=id.
- Define an ordinal.
- Show that for any ordinal alpha, the ordinals less than alpha (I_{alpha}) form a well-ordered set of order type alpha.
- Show that any non-empty set of ordinals has a least element.
- Show that the ordinals do not form a set.
- State and prove Hartog’s Lemma. Define omega_1 and define gamma(X).
- We’ve seen every well ordering < X are isomorphic to an initial segment of X. Thus the ordinals less than alpha are the proper initial segments of X, which are all of the form I_x={y:y
Define ordinal addition inductively. Show that the inductive addition is assoc. Define ordinal addition synthetically and prove it equals the inductive definition. Do the same for multiplication.
- beta <= gamma ==> alpha+beta <= alpha+gamma
- beta < gamma ==> alpha+beta < alpha+gamma
- beta < gamma =!=> beta+alpha < gamma+alpha
- If alpha >= beta, there is unique gamma, beta+gamma=alpha.
- alpha(beta+gamma) = alphabeta+alpha*gamma.
- (beta+gamma)alpha = betaalpha+gamma*alpha is not always true.
- alpha^{beta+gamma}=alpha^beta * alpha^gamma
Moral: Things are as nice as you like on the right. Things always go wrong on the left.
State Zorn. Prove Zorn assuming AC. Sketch a proof that every vector space has a basis. Sketch a proof of the model existence lemma for arbitrary primitives.
State AC formally. Prove Zorn ==> AC. State the Well-Ordering Principle. Show AC <==> Well-ordering.
Give languages and theories that axiomatize
- groups
- fields
- graphs
- posets
Show that the theory of finite groups cannot be axiomatized.
Show that a theory with arbitrary large finite models has an infinite model.
Show that the theory of char(p) fields cannot be axiomatized.
State and prove the Upward Lowenheim theorem.
State and “prove” the Downard Lowenheim theorem.
Upper: Let S a theory with an infinite model. Then S has an uncountable model.
Proof: Pick some uncountable set I and add constants c_i, i in I to the language, then add axioms c_i != c_j for each i!=j to give a new theory T. Note that any finite subset B of T can only mention finitely many of the c_i. In particular, the infinite model of S is a model of B. Thus T has a model, which must be uncountable.
Lower: Let L a countable language (i.e., the number of functions and relations are countable) and S a theory with an infinite model. Then S has a countable model.
Proof: The model constructed in the model existence lemma is countable.
Define a transitive set and show that every x is contained in one. Define the transitive closure of x.
Observe that transitive sets are not automatically totally ordered (as you once thought despite the THM that trivially says the opposite)
A transitive set is a set x such that if y in x, then y is a subset of x.
Let x a set. We define an attempt f by
f is a function, dom(f) in omega, dom(f) not empty, f(0)=x, and for all n, n in omega and n in dom(f) ==> f(n)=Uf(n-1)
- Two attempts agree where defined. The proof is by omega induction.
- For all n in omega, there is an attempt defined at n.
- Our function class is then p(y,z) = there exists f, f is an attempt and y in dom(f) and z=f(y).
- This function class sends 0 |–> x, 1 |–> Ux, 2 |–> UUx, etc. Then by replacement the image of this function class is {x, Ux, UUx, ..}. Taking the union gives a transitive set that contains x.
The transitive closure is the least transitive set containing x, noting that the intersection of transitive sets remains transitives.
{0, {0}, {{0}}}, where 0 is the empty set. This set is transitive, and models the relation: {(a,b), (b,c)}.
State and prove the principle of epsilon-induction.
Show that epsilon-induction implies foundation.
State and prove epsilon-recursion.
Explain how epsilon can be replaced by a relation satisfying two properties which you should define and name.
Epsilon-induction: For all t1,…,tn, [ (for all x) ((for all y) y in x and p(y))==>p(x)] ==> (for all x) p(x).
Fix t_1,…,t_n and suppose some x has not p(x). Then let u=TC({x}). Then the set {y in u: not p(y)} is non-empty, hence has an eps minimal element by foundation. Let this by y. By epsilon minimality, for all z in y, p(z). Thus p(y), contradiction.
epsilon-foundation ==> FDN
Call x regular if every y containing x has an epsilon minimal element. Let for all y in x, y regular. Let x in z. If x is epsilon-minimal in z, done. Otherwise, some y in z is also in x. So y is regular. So z has an epsilon-minimal element.
Epsilon-recursion: Let G a function class defined on all sets. Then there exists a function class F such that F(x)=G(F|x). Moreover, F is unique.
We say f is an attempt if
f is a function, dom(f) is transitive, for all x in dom(f), f(x)=G(f|x), noting f|x is indeed a set, since f|x={(y,f(y)) : y in x} which is a set by replacement.
We have that all attempts defined at a point x agree, by epsilon-induction on x. Moreover, for all x, there is an attempt defined at x. Indeed, assume so for all y in x. Then we know for all y in x, there is a unique attempt f_y with domain TC({y}). Set f’ =U f_y. Then set f=f’ U {(x,G(f|x))}. f is a function defined on TC({x}) and is an attempt. Then finally our function class is just p(x,y)={there is an attempt f defined at x and f(x)=y}.
For uniqueness, we use epsilon-induction. i.e., if F and F’ are two function classes satisfying the requirements, do epsilon-induction on x that F(x)=F’(x).
eps can be replaced by an arbitrary relation class R defined by formula p. i.e., (x,y) in R iff p(x,y) if
R is well-founded. i.e., for all x, there is y such that yRx and for all z with zRx, not zRy. (replacing foundation)
R is local. for all x, the class {y:yRx} is a set.